Friday, October 05, 2007

If you're waiting on a 'Mad Men' review...

... it may not be done until sometime over the weekend. Just how the day's going. Haven't even seen the episode yet. Please hold any comments until I post about it. Sorry.


  1. What if I'm waiting for an Earl review?

  2. Let's be patient. I think the deal is that Alan does this out of the goodness of his heart, and we don't get too bent-out-of-shape when his real life interferes.

  3. the episode is well worth the wait. what a swell show! looking forward to your review.

  4. Works for me since I'm still behind on Mad Men and Chuck and DSM (and Smallville and Earl and E.R. and Chris and Aliens, for that matter). Curse my real life for interfering with my TV addiction! :-) Looking forward to the review and the ensuing discussion, Alan.

  5. Thursday nights are rough - sorta like Tuesdays at 9 used to be. DVR crashed on the end of Grey's, sacrificing its last 30 seconds on the altar of Big Shots, which is not worthy of that. I promptly deleted all future showings of BS from my schedule.

    The tape from my VCR - now set on the *right* channel, showed no more VO from Mer, just some music and Cristina doing her thing. Or not doing it. Whatever.

    I haven't even seen Mad Men yet. Last night was 17 minutes of Grey's, enter brother, start over, motherboard lock, reboot, finish watching, get tape and finish watching, then House, then Chuck (both of which I'd seen already, but that's okay).

    Plus I had a bleeding duck on my hands, distracting me (this after running away to just sit in the tall grass in the rain till I came and fetched him). He was much better this morning. I just need to figure out how i'm going to get the blood out of my bedspread (the brother rinsed out my clothes, which had been *on* the bed, bless him).


  6. DSM=Dirty Sexy Money, I assume.

  7. Why doesn't anyone write about DAMAGES? Good show and Glenn Close and Ted Danson deserve Emmy nominations. But I don't think they will even be remembered next year.

  8. Crap!!! I have to wait until the weekend to talk about the space aliens landing outside of Ossining, sneaking into the city, and swapping Brian Doyle for Joel?!?!?

    anon@4:32pm: I believe no one's writing about Damages because no one's watching it. Close and Danson *are* brilliant, but Rose Byrne makes Michelle Ryan look positively ebullient on BW. Also? The writing's really sloppy.

    "That Ellen Parsons is one heck of a lawyer."
    "You don't have to tell me that. She's got a great legal mind."
    "Right you are. A great, great legal mind."

  9. I love Damages, nonetheless. I look forward to watching the mystery unravel...

  10. All I can say about the episode, without spoiler, is Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged celebrates it's 50th Anniversary this coming week. Watch it with that in mind.

  11. Drake, is that 50 years since she started writing it, 50 years since she finished writing it, 50 years since first publication, or 50 years of trying to slog through it?


  12. 50 years of trying to slog through it?

    Ha! It was actually first published October 12, 1957. Here's an NY Times piece from a couple weeks ago on the coming anniversary.

    I wonder if AMC/Weiner had the series run into the fall season to coincide with the anniversary. I don't know why you'd want to potentially jeopardize your series' final episodes just to make the point, but I've yet to hear any better excuse.

  13. Interesting to note, as well, that "The Hobo Code" coincided with the 50th anniversary of On The Road's publication. I'm just saying...

  14. Looking forward to your Mad Men review. It's easily my favorite show.

  15. DSM=Dirty Sexy Money, I assume.


  16. jhe7cf Wonderful blog.
