Wednesday, November 21, 2007

As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

An early happy Thanksgiving, everybody! I'm taking the holiday off, which means no reviews of tonight's shows. Maybe I'll hit "Pushing Daisies" over the weekend -- and I'll definitely have a preview of Saturday night's "Battlestar Galactica: Razor" movie on Friday morning -- but in the meantime, here's a link to one of the great Thanksgiving-related bits of TV comedy ever: a very special "WKRP In Cincinnati." (I would have posted a link to the "Cheers" food fight, but it seems to be in violation of the "Everything is on YouTube" theory.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to all you Yankees. And thanks for posting that link - God, that's funny. Best Thanksgiving episode ever. (In second place: "Shibboleth" when Jed gives Charlie Paul Revere's knife and Sam and Toby create a new action-adventure series about pilgrim detectives.)

  2. You've got to include the followup clip, the disaster recap in Carlson's office with the classic line.

    I don't know how the actors were able to keep straight faces during that scene. I wonder how many takes they needed? You can see Jennifer and Bailey cover their faces in laughter right at the end.

  3. Maybe it's apocryphal, but apparently Mary Tyler Moore publicly said she didn't like the show. Which couldn't have been fun for them to hear, considering it was an MTM production. Her loss!

  4. Thanks, Alan - great minds and all that... Since youtube, I send this out to all my friends and family for Thanksgiving! (And for all the years before, I'd pull out my old VHS copy that I've carried around for the traditional Tday viewing, making everyone watch each year.)
    Oh, the humanity.
    [And my annual Christmas wish? That the music copywrite/licensing issues on WKRP would someday be worked out.]

  5. I think I watched that Les Nessman classic live back in the day.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  6. Les Nessman: funny ha-ha or funny strange? :-)

    Thanks for sharing such a fantastic memory. And wow, those are some tight pants Andy's wearing!

  7. Here's the full episode from Hulu -

  8. Thanks, Alan.

    Still one of the funniest things I have ever seen on a network sitcom.

  9. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the funniest single half-hour of television ever produced.

  10. You can get the Cheers food fight on FYI.
