Monday, November 05, 2007

Sepinwall on TV: Save the cheerleader, or save the show?

Going to be a busy day today, now that the WGA strike is going to begin (much more on that later). Will try to get to "Dexter" and "Curb" later today. In the meantime, today's column is a compendium of various complaints I've expressed about "Heroes" on the blog over the last few weeks.


  1. I was right there with you Alan, right up to the end of your argument about why Heroes: Origins matters.

    Kring and Co have not engendered enough good will with me to make me think things would better or different with a spin-off show. Plus, if someone cool gets integrated into the mothership - which I think was the goal - who is to say they wouldn't start sucking. Double dip on disappointment!

    And I think from S1, maybe 8 epsiodes of the 23 were good. The rest were long car rides to nowhere.

    I'm out as of today. Instead, I shall watch Top Gear and actually enjoy television again!

  2. Over at, one of the posters made a quick quip in an article about the awesomeness of "Pushing Dasies" that said how "Heroes" sucks now that Fuller has moved on. I hadn't really thought of it like that, but it sounds plausible. Considering the best episode ("Company Man") was one of his, I'm guessing we're SOL until they invite him back, if ever.

    Such a shame too, they've wasted Kristen Bell so far, and I don't see her saving her character from the craptastic writing. Perhaps this is one show that actually will benefit from the strike.

  3. Has anyone mentioned the fact that NBC decided to cut the season short due to the WGA strike? Episode 11 will not only be the ending to "Generations", but to season 2 overall.

  4. Correction: Nikki, not Peter, played parking-meter baseball with Sylar's head. Oh, and Hiro stabbed him with a sharp pointy thing. And Parkman shot at him, I think?

    Also, I'm fine with anything that prevents new scripts from Kevin Smith and Eli Roth from being produced.

  5. Has anyone mentioned the fact that NBC decided to cut the season short due to the WGA strike? Episode 11 will not only be the ending to "Generations", but to season 2 overall.

    I've seen no mention of that... can you confirm it?

  6. Yeah, Ausiello ran it a couple of days ago.

  7. I wish Kristen Bell had chosen the "Lost" role over the "Heroes" one. Choosing a role based on friends was not a good decision. I think she really made a bad career move.

  8. Correction: Nikki, not Peter, played parking-meter baseball with Sylar's head.

    Didn't Niki use the parking meter first, but then Peter took it from her along with the copied superstrength?

  9. I am 90% sure that Peter did soak up Nikki's power and take the parking meter from her. He told her to go back to her family and then went to work on Sylar. If he wasn't using the parking meter at that point, it was his fists, but I really think he took the meter from her and kept using it.

    I thought that story about Heroes ending after 11 episodes was only "just in case" the strike lasts too long. As in, they are using it as a back up so fans are not left hanging., but if the strike is wrapped up quickly, they will finish the season.

  10. Your Season 2 criticisms of Heroes aren't unfair, which makes this pretty unique. But it still sounds like noisy backlash. It feels like I'm reliving Lost Season 2 again.

  11. dark tyler- My understanding of the Ausiello story is that Heroes decided to shot an alternate ending to the Dec. 3 episode in case the strike goes on too long.

    I don't read this as a decision today to end the season early, but rather to have a plan in place in case it looks like the strike will make it impossible to complete the season naturally.

  12. Heroes as fallen real far down the sliding scale of attention. I used to watch it live and curse not having built up enough Tivo mojo to slip past commercials and now I still have not watched last week's episode and am not feeling like I have missed much.

    Sylar has not eaten anyone's brain in a while, we had the Mohinder Monologue of Doom, and Coleman's badassedness is not outweighing his daughter's whining.

    Too bad. Pasdar should have kept the beard.

  13. You guys are right, Nikki just did a handoff with the parking meter. Well, at least she got to kick that Reaper chick's ass.

  14. Just got done watching tonight's episode. I wish Andrew Dignan hadn't ruined for us the twist ending or that Alan could've removed his post that did that last week.
