Friday, November 09, 2007

Tell me where Jack Bauer is!!!

Today's column looks a little more at the head-scratching Fox strike schedule, with explanations from the network's head of scheduling.


  1. Wall to wall reality shows and endless "House" re-runs. I am think I am ready to go find a bridge and jump off it.

    Looks like by January my only solace in from of my High Def TV will be buying the NBA Package this year and watching my dust collecting old DVD collections. Sigh.

  2. "WHO ARE YOU STRIKING FOR?!?" I want to know how Tony is still alive, dammit...

  3. Now that it's happening, and things are starting to break down, I have a perverse desire to see just how far it's going to go, and also how the networks will cope once everything's run dry.

    I can't help it. Strike may be the most compelling reality show yet.

  4. "If this strike is long and we go into the fall, what benefit is there to us to give 'New Amsterdam' or 'Canterbury's Law' an 'Idol' lead-in for five or six weeks, when we won't have that show (next fall) anyway?" Beckman explains. "It's very pragmatic."

    So is he basically admitting that they're already giving up on all the non-Sarah Connor scripted shows? Not that I particularly mind, just interesting to see that said aloud.

  5. Strike may be the most compelling reality show yet.

    Brilliant observation! I'm finding this all very intriguing, myself!
