Saturday, January 26, 2008

Craphole Island ROOLZ!

Sorry to be a tease, but I just got done watching screeners of the first two episodes of "Lost" season four, and all I can say is that the season three finale was no fluke. They've got their mojo back. I shall say no more until Thursday, but geeks get ready to feel very, very happy.


  1. How does one become a TV critic again? Cause that was soooo unfair.

  2. All the time I get requests in unrelated threads for my thoughts on upcoming episodes of other shows. I figured for sure there would be interest in whether Lost was in good form.

    Plus, it was really f'ing great, and I needed to shout that out.


    That said, thanks for the advance word. I've been worried about that...

  4. Very excited.

    Saw "Ben" (Michael Emerson) on the street on Friday. My instinctual reaction of instant fear was the perfect way to get into the mood for Thursday. Way too easy to imagine him as being Ben, years later, loose and anonymous in New York. Creeped myself right out. LOL.


    It's been a long wait. Your post made me elated and super-crazy-restless.

    The strike needs to end. Eight hours won't be enough.

  6. Oh, I completely appreciate the head's up, but it just makes my impatience for Thursday that much harder to bear.

    I'm very glad to hear it's in good form. The show has been so hit or miss for me that I was very worried going into next week.

  7. Curse you Sepinwall! As if I already wasn't anxious enough!

    Can't wait. Psyched to hear it's going to be good.

  8. Which is going to make it SO crappy that there are only EIGHT episodes!

  9. In the event of the strike getting settled before the Oscars, there will be time for the back 8 to be completed, right?

  10. I can't wait!!! I've spent the last month doing a full-series rewind, and right now I'm watching the final scene of "Flashes Before Your Eyes." Desmond just said "No matter what I try to do, you're gonna die, Charlie." Yowza. What a damn good show.

  11. Oh, let me amend my previous comment. The next episode after Desmond's awesome time-bending flashback is the HORRIBLE one with Jack's tattoos. In my book, this is the only really bad episode of Lost. Even the Paolo-Nikki ep was better than this bizarro boring-fest with Bai Ling!

  12. Stef: By the time the Bai Ling episode rolled around, I was so sick of spending time with Jack, that I was unable to judge the show on its own merits. I was predisposed to hating any new Jack-centric episodes. But now that I'm watching season three again on DVD, I can safely say that is the worst episode of Lost in all three seasons. What a dud. "That's what they say, it's not what they mean." I hate that guy.

    That being said, I'm ready to love him again after the end of season three. Bring on season four!

  13. Four days is going to feel like an ETERNITY!!!!!!

  14. Even though I accept that Charlie's death at the end of Season Three had to occur because of the storyline's set-up, I still felt a little sad not to see Dominic Monaghan in that collection of characters for Season 4.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Alan, please take that link above down. It's alright for people who want to actively seek spoilers to read those synposis, but having a link right there is unfair to the producers and people who don't want to be that spoiled.

  17. Done. If people want to search out spoilers on their own, I can't exactly stop them, but I'm not going to make it easier, either.

  18. Alan, does this mean there are actually two new episdoes this Thursday and not just one clip show plus one new episode? Reading the description of the 8:00 show looks a lot like a description of a recap show.


  19. MP, only one new episode this week. I've seen this week's and the one that airs the following week.

    And for those of you who are impatient, look at it another way: I have to wait two and a half weeks to see my next new episode, while you only have to wait four days.

  20. The next episode after Desmond's awesome time-bending flashback is the HORRIBLE one with Jack's tattoos. In my book, this is the only really bad episode of Lost. Even the Paolo-Nikki ep was better than this bizarro boring-fest with Bai Ling!

    That is the absolute worst episode of "Lost". I re-watched it on DVD a few weeks ago and FFing through the Bai Ling mess, the episode was about 10 minutes long. That was the nadir of season 3, I almost gave up on the show -- of course I'm glad I stuck around because it got fantastic again, but holy crap, that was bad.

    I'm really hoping this season continues on where S3 left off, in terms of quality, and it's good to hear that Alan is impressed with it. It was rough watching "Heroes" self-destruct this year and I'm counting on the Craphole Islanders to bring it.

  21. I've resigned myself to the possibility that the writers' strike will probably not end before the time limit on having the last 8 episodes of Lost finished in time to complete this season. If that's the case, will they complete the episodes and have a summer season? Attach the 8 episodes on the 16 for season 5? Scrap the episodes entirely?

    All I know is that ABC is probably salivating over the fact they can release Lost Season 4 Part 1 and Part 2 DVD sets.

  22. Kathy & Dave S- thanks for the solidarity. I mostly tuned out during that ep in today's marathon, and I'm glad... cuz it enabled me to relive so many fantastic episodes from the mid-late season. (Catch 22, Enter 77, The Man from Tallahassee!) And I still have 1 1/2discs to go!

    Alan, I didn't discover your blog until summer, so I haven't had the pleasure of living through a season (or half-season) of Lost with you yet,but I'm really looking forward to it. I'm among the crazy-obsessed, and it's always nice to be among friends. :-)

    And Dave - yes, I want to throw things at the television almost anytime Jack is on and being self-righteous, which is almost all of his screen time. He's arrogant AND stupid, a nearly unwatchable combo.

  23. Supposedly the Wednesday night repeat of last season's final episode will be "enhanced with on-screen facts and back story". Maybe like "Pop-up Video", from way back when VH1 actually showed music videos?

  24. What is this show Lost that you speak of?

    Like The Wire, I've never gotten around to watching it. Sounds good though.

  25. Wait, only one episode Thursday? I hate when ABC tricks me with that "new" episode clip show crap.

    Oh well, it is not only new TV, but new Lost. Which rocks either way.

  26. Have you guys watched any of the "mobisodes"? I hadn't paid any attention to them, but I heard the last one was really good. Which it is. They do love messing with our heads...

  27. ^What is a "mobisode" and where do I find them? Thanks!

  28. Just watched the season premiere last night. You hit it on the head: The mojo is back. And now that Damon knows exactly when and how the show is gonna end, I'm expecting nothing but fantastic episodes here on out.
    The only question now: Do I go ahead and watch the second episode two, then be stuck waiting NEARLY THREE WEEKS for a new episode after that? Or do I show some willpower and wait a bit longer?
    Oh screw it, I'm watching it tonight.

  29. To dez:

    Mobisodes are brief scenes, most of which were newly created during the hiatus after season 3. "Mobi" referst to the fact that when each episode came out, it was available to people with a Verizon cell phone. But you can see the episodes here at the official ABC website (link below), or at various unoffical places on the internet.

  30. Many thanks, toeknee!
