Friday, January 04, 2008

Reminder: Friday Night Lights is back tonight

The "ER" post had a few "I forgot there was a new episode on" type comments, so as a public service, I want to remind people that the first of a whopping six new "Friday Night Lights" episodes is on tonight, with blog post hopefully to follow shortly after it finishes, as I've seen it in advance. Set your DVRs accordingly.


  1. My DVR is the only reason I remembered it was on at all.

    I've only had a DVR for less than 3 years now, and I already don't remember what it was like to constantly miss episodes of my favorite shows.

  2. Individually, I thought each scene this episode played true, each actor, each moment real. Enjoyed the team tensions, Buddy cut down after enjoying happy family time, sister tension, sexual tensions, family dynamics. I liked the Coach and Riggins bonding thing but hated how they set Riggins up just to get him thrown out. Coach walking in at that exact moment? I mean, who didn't see that one coming? Seemed cruel to me and not even original.

    This one was somewhat disjointed, not sure why because it had good elements in which to play. I still enjoyed it above much of what I've seen lately and would still watch this just to see the actors.

  3. damn, I wish had seen this before 9 last night.
