Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Wire broken down

From the channel that hired the guys who gave us "7 minute Sopranos" -- but not from the actual guys who gave us "7 minute Sopranos" -- comes "The Wire catch-up, 4 seasons in 4 minutes." I miss the original guy's voice, and the running gags aren't nearly as funny as "Bacala, still fat" or Carmela throwing the suitcases over the banister. Still, a useful reminder of what came before; I had forgotten all about Bodie throwing the gun onto the barge, for instance. (And how did he get out of that, anyway?)


  1. The video refers to the FBI agent in season 2 as "dirty". But, was he really crooked? I could have sworn The Greek was being protected as an FBI informant against terrorism and that's why he was tipped off.

  2. Uhhhhh...I can actually see this turning off potential viewers.

    I couldn't STAND listening to that guy's voice for 4 minutes.

  3. The video refers to the FBI agent in season 2 as "dirty". But, was he really crooked? I could have sworn The Greek was being protected as an FBI informant against terrorism and that's why he was tipped off.

    You're right. Koutras (or however you spell it) wasn't dirty; he just had different priorities than our guys, and was under the (mistaken) impression that The Greek was a valuable weapon in the anti-terror fight.

  4. re: Bodie and the gun - Cole and Norris were the homicide police who brought him in. They tried bluffing Bodie by claiming they had his prints on the gun, but they picked the wrong gun when Bodie confronted them. He asks for his lawyer, and is back on the street the next episode, mad that Stringer's given up some of the towers, but pleased with Prop Joe's package.

  5. I thought Koutras was dirty and was tipped off to the crate as a sort of payment. They met in the park discreetly, and Koutras' tip led to someone being killed, something I don't think they'd be okay with an informant doing. I assumed the Greek helped Koutras up the ladder with his information so that he'd have someone on the inside.

  6. Dave, I asked Simon about Koutras after that season ended, because I thought the idea of a corrupt FBI agent ruining the investigation went against the show's philosophy that institutional men are far more dangerous (and prevalent) than evil or corrupt ones, and he laid out exactly what Koutras' motivations were. He genuinely thought The Greek was helping him nab terrorists, and if that meant looking the other way on other crimes, even warning him about impending arrest, then that was a trade-off he was willing to make to fight The War on Terror.

  7. I think the final bar scene of Season 2 makes that clear when McNulty's buddy int he FBI apologizes for the leak coming from counter terrorism in Washington with a shrug to the priorities of the new FBI

  8. Perhaps we should just say that there's different shades of dirty... the fact that Koutras passed on the info that Sobotka was turning states evidence -- knowing full well that it would lead to his death -- signals there's at least some malfeasance on his part. Did he file a report stating that he tipped off The Greek on Sobatka?

    McNulty's buddy only knew Koutras was the leak after figuring out that had been bumped up from San Diego to Washington.

    Evil? No. But he does have some serious dirt on his hands. Of course, even Daniels still has some old 'dirt' under his finger nails from his days coming up in the Eastern district.

  9. Thanks, Alan.

    The Greek is The Wire's version of Whitey Bulger. (or Frank Costello, whichever you prefer)

  10. Oddly enough, the Bulger Bros. (Whitey and brother State Senator William Bulger) are the inspiration for HBO's other crime-meets-politics drama Brotherhood.

  11. ^"Brotherhood" is on Showtime (the incessant previews of which ruined many a "Dexter" ending mood for me, gah).

  12. There's an 8 minute Lost recap just like this up on the official site. Not sure if they got the same people to do it or if they just ripped off the idea. It's kind of funny though.

  13. yes, Dez, you're right.

    of course, in my defense(less position) it's the most HBO-like show on the network ;)

  14. Alan - Check out this post from the Freakonomics blog- and economist watches The Wire with real street-level drug dealers.

  15. Koutras is not 'dirty' but, as Alan said, misguided in his priorities (and faith in Koutras). Although we see Koutras give a call to The Greek right before Sobotka is to meet with him, we did not hear the conversation. Thus, we do not know if he mentioned Sobotka specifically, an informant more generally, or just that arrest were likely coming even more generally. Most likely, the 2nd or 3rd options, especially considering David Simon's answer to Alan about Koutras.

  16. of course, in my defense(less position) it's the most HBO-like show on the network ;)

    Heh, true! Now why can't they copy "The Wire" next? (I'll take low-rent Wire over no Wire at all!)

  17. The Sopranos round-up was better. But "That Guy Carcetti hires a spin doctor who looks like a bird" is pretty funny.

  18. That's good, but it's no "Meadow dates the goofiest guy in the world," which still makes me laugh every time I hear it.
