Wednesday, February 06, 2008

In Treatment, week two: Sophie

Talk about the latest gymnastic-tastic episode of "In Treatment" (and the ones before, but not after) here. Of particular interest here is the role that Paul's wife plays, and the talk about Sophie's coach.


  1. I find Sophie quite engaging and I am definitely intrigued by her sudden attachment to Kate.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, Alan, but you're...three weeks into this already? Or, more importantly, when can we look forward to your analyses? I am most curious to see what you think of these people.

  2. Sophie is my favorite patient of Paul's so far, and the one he seems best positioned to help. Unlike the others, she can't push his buttons, even when she insults his daughter. He did seem genuinely surprised at Sophie's praise of Kate, which makes me think Sophie will help Paul, even though she won't know she's doing so. I find the actress who plays her very engaging.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wasn't crazy about Sophie during the first week, but this episode has me more interested especially with "Sy" the coach now a factor. And was that her dad or her coach that picked her up?

  5. I really like the Sophie story. It's kind of predictable with the inappropriate relationship with the coach, but still really well done. Sophie's immediate attachment to Kate was a nice moment.

    I'm curious how old the actress is that is playing Sophie, she's doing an amazing job for someone who seems very young (IMDb didn't have a birthdate).

  6. What is engaging about this series is how it reminds us of this simple fact: There is nothing more interesting in the whole world than listening to intelligent people converse.

    Could that be why Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are two of my faves?

  7. And was that her dad or her coach that picked her up?

    I like the ambiguity of not knowing, but I'm sure we'll find out eventually (hopefully next week--I only like ambiguity for so long, heh).

  8. Dan Jardine: Interesting you say that, since I spent last night watching my favorite Linkater film, Tape.

  9. And was that her dad or her coach that picked her up?

    The guy driving the car looked like he was wearing a windbreaker. My guess is that he's her coach.

  10. "What is engaging about this series is how it reminds us of this simple fact: There is nothing more interesting in the whole world than listening to intelligent people converse."

    I'd have to disagree here. I think this show doesn't have a wide audience because a lot of people think there is nothing more BORING in the whole world than listening to people who THINK they are intelligent converse.

    I like it a lot, but several people I know roll their eyes at this show because it does take a lot of patience, and some of these people just aren't very engaging in my opinion.

  11. Sophie is definitely my favorite character as well. I was curious about the young actress who plays her and apparently her name is Mia Wasikowska, she is 18 and Australian. I think she has a huge career ahead of her!
