Thursday, February 28, 2008

Scrubs lives... on ABC?

I guess we can stop worrying about whether Bill Lawrence and company will be able to produce a proper "Scrubs" series finale, because it looks like the show will be around for at least one more season, over on ABC.

This is odd. On the one hand, Bill and Steve McPherson have both been talking for a few years about the possibility of "Scrubs" (which is produced by ABC-affiliated Touchstone) moving to ABC should NBC ever cancel it, but Bill also seemed to have made peace with ending the show when I talked to him at summer press tour. I guess the prospect of not being allowed to make and air the ending he wanted was enough motivation to keep the gang together for one more year.

I wonder, though, whether Zach Braff will be part of the deal, as there were all those rumors about him wanting to segue to movies full-time. Zach and Bill are friends, and Zach's also not dumb/arrogant enough to just abandon the show that made him in its final season. This is pure speculation, not based on having talked to anyone whatsoever about this, but I wonder if we might see some kind of Travolta in the last season of "Welcome Back, Kotter" deal where Zach is around part of the time but not in every episode. The last time the Zach leaving rumors began, people here seemed okay with the idea of a show headlined by Donald Faison -- especially since Turk's been the more well-rounded, funnier character for a couple of seasons now -- so I suppose it could work.


  1. I've watched Scrubs since day one, but if it comes back for another season I think I'm gonna have to pass. At this point I'm watching more out of loyalty than out of enjoyment and I don't think that loyalty is going to last for another year. Ironically the only other time I've bailed on the last season of a show I've watched since day one was That '70s Show which also had a last minute renewal without its main star. And we all know how well regarded that final season was...

  2. Thank you! I knew there was a much more contemporary parallel to a Zach-lite final season, but I couldn't think of one.

  3. There was a point where I would've placed this in my top ten shows ever, but it's been a shell of its former self for a couple years now. I too am watching more out of loyalty than enjoyment.

    I think if it would've ended last year it would've ended gracefully. Ending it this year was fine. I'm all for curtain calls when I'm not ready to let go. But giving it another full 23 episodes? I'm afraid I won't be invested at all once it gets to the end.

    Yeah, I want it to end already. Maybe if they can reboot it and give the show its mojo back (and by mojo, I mean characters that are balanced, flawed in a non-over-the-top way, characters that we care about and seem like real people, and stories that allow them to act like real people) I will fall in love with it again.

  4. how can people complain about this show coming back? although its not at its peak level, it'd still be one of the best sitcoms on TV. As long as Turk, Dr. Cox and Jan I. Tor are still part of the show i will continue to watch. good for you Mr. Lawrence. your underappreciated show deserved a break and to let the show end on your terms.

  5. This could turn out to be more complicated than originally suggested: now NBC is saying that if ABC tries to acquire "Scrubs" while they still have an option on the show, they'll sue for breach of contract.

  6. I think I would enjoy Scrubs more if Braff isn't on it. There I said it.

  7. Thanks for the update(s), Alan. I love Scrubs, but I don't know how I feel about another full season. The shows this past fall were clearly heading towards a finale, and I think it would be awkward to interrupt and divert that momentum with another 18 new episodes.

  8. I think Turk and Carla would be great anchors for the show, and more Dr Kelso, dammit!!

    And fire whatever writer came up with that Dr Toilet bit last season.

    (and the That Seventies Show as a prallel... that show's best episode would've been a weak episode of Scrubs.
