Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fair to moderate?

It looks like I'll be moderating a panel at the Paley Center in New York on Monday night, called "Click Critics: The Power of Fan Websites," featuring people from Lostpedia, Whedonesque, and a bunch of other top fan sites. If you're in or around the city and are interested, you can get more info and to buy tickets, click here.


  1. That's awesome news. I saw your panel at NYTVF last year, so I'm looking forward to this one.

  2. next Monday? (these posts have hours not dates)
    darn, I'm jealous of the people in New York!
    (there was some commentary in the Entertainment Weekly article with Ellen Pompeo on how much fans should afect plotlines and such (the article is on their site))

    (and while I'm nattering about Grey's, may I just say I love Lexie!)

  3. That's fabulous--I wish I was closer to NYC. I'm always intrigued with this topic and your NYPD Blue site was the site that inspired me to jump into this arena, so I'd definitely be interested in hearing your comments on the phenomena.

  4. I was there and loved it. Alan did a great job moderating. If anybody want to read about it I wrote about it on my blog at
