Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Time to fondle my sweaters: Wet Hot American Summer

Still swamped with the composer story, plus writing up the next "Wire" review, so the best I've got at the moment is to link to the recent appreciations of the brilliant, bizarre "Wet Hot American Summer" over at The Onion AV Club and at Tomato Nation. They inspired me to watch it again the other day, this time with the alternate soundtrack (if you have the DVD, you know what I'm talking about) and it literally made water come out my nose at one point. Yes, I'm 12 years old. Thanks for asking.


  1. You just have like a trapper-keeper full of appointments, don't you, alan.

  2. Love this movie, but what's this about an alternate soundtrack?

  3. I also rewatched it this weekend after reading the AV Club's take. I think this viewing finished my goal of forcing all of my friends to watch it with me.

    Paul Rudd's double take at the talent show has to be one of my favorite moments on film.

  4. Love this movie, but what's this about an alternate soundtrack?

    It's identical to the original soundtrack in terms of dialogue and music, only it features a whole lot of additional, um, sounds you would expect to hear from people who had just spent an entire summer eating lots of franks, beans and other camp mess hall food.

    And it's brilliant.

  5. You just have like a trapper-keeper full of appointments, don't you, alan.

    That reminds me to put up the obligatory YouTube links, all of them wildly NSFW:

    -Gene's speech (pictured above)

    -Gene gets a pep talk from an unlikely source

    -The search for Victor goes awry

    -Possibly the funniest line of the entire movie

    -Paul Rudd cleans it up

    -The counselors goes into town (complete with awesome '80s montage music)

    -Deleted scenes, part 1

    -Deleted scenes, part 2

  6. The above should obviously read "The counselors go into town." Me talk pretty one day.

  7. "I need parsley!"

    This is what I shout out whenever SVu is on.

  8. What I love about the alternate track is how you can hear the guys making the noise laughing at themselves. Also, the farting tends to peter out during the second third of the movie -- but man does it come back in full force for the triumphant final third!

  9. Favorite Line:

    You mean penis in vagina?

    No, SEX dude!

    Favorite Moment:

    When Joe Lo Truglio suddenly busts the lamp with his elbow and throws the jar against the wall.

    I lose it during that scene Every. Time.

  10. The scene where Janeane Garofalo loses it and trashes the office is complete brilliance.

  11. Showalter's pep talk to the softball team and the subsequent "it seems trite" comments from the campers is genius. And Zak Orth standing there with the bat and cape? There's nothing about that entire scene that I don't love.
