Monday, June 02, 2008

With John Locke, the Sawyer too, the Korean businessman, and his wiiiiife....

My friend Dan Fienberg was inspired by the "Lost" finale to do the inevitable "Lost"/"Gilligan's Island" mash-up, which he calls "Uncharted," but which I would have called "Gilligan's Craphole Island." It's a very funny, more than a little post-modern take on the Oceanic Six, and what was really going on with the crew and passengers of the S.S. Minnow. You can read it here.

Reading it, meanwhile, reminded me of a "Gilligan"-themed spoof story that Matt Seitz and I wrote back in 2000, in which we tried to imagine (ignoring the reunion movies) how the castaways might have responded to being rescued. Hint: litigation is involved. You can read that one over at the blog.


  1. Very nice. The name Phineas Mickelwhite is pitch perfect. You, too, have spent far too much of your life watching Sherwood Schwartz series. (I'm just introducing my 6 yr old son to Gilligan. I'm not sure why.)

  2. I believe Phineas Mickelwhite is a Matt Seitz invention. The encyclopedic Gilligan knowledge, sadly, was mine. I don't think that story required any research.

  3. No, I'd imagine not. I think I got all the references without even thinking about them.

    The scary thing is, this is eating up vast portions of our memories.

  4. I would never say that Gilligan's Island was a great show, but it has buried itself deep in my brain. On more than one occasion I have dreamed entire imaginary episodes, always in black and white.
