Monday, July 07, 2008

30 Helens agree...

The results of TVWeek's semi-annual critics poll -- which covered shows that aired from January '08 on -- are out, with the top 10 shows clocking in as, in order, "Lost," "The Wire," "30 Rock," "The Office," "Friday Night Lights," "House," "Battlestar Galactica," "Breaking Bad," "John Adams" and "In Treatment." I was one of the critics who voted (you can read a few of my comments in the story accompanying the poll.) As always, I'm not totally in sync with the other critics ("Friday Night Lights," even the '08 episodes, wouldn't have made my list, and I'm baffled that "How I Met Your Mother" gets so little love that it not only didn't make the top 10, but finished behind "Big Bang Theory"), but those differences at least remind me that we're not a hivemind.


  1. It makes me sad to think that "How I Met Your Mother" gets so little love. (And Emmy voters, please! In what world is it acceptable that "Two and a Half Men" should get some sort of props above this show? Who are these Sheen-whipped people?)

    In 2008 I thought "House" aired the 4 episodes of the season that were excellent, worthy of comparison to other excellent seasons but although I love "House" and Hugh Laurie down to the marrow of my bones, everything else about season 4 had me going "wha?" and "WTF?" and "why are they deliberately crashing and burning their own show?" Reading various critics, I was honestly flummoxed by so much cheerleading, to the degree that I couldn't determine if these were actual opinions or if everyone was just reading off the same press release.

    "The Office" seems to have run its course, to me. I couldn't stand those extra long episodes at the beginning of the season and Michael has become too implausible to consider anymore. What they did to Jan was bewildering and unwatchable. The US show has been a great transition but I'm not sure there's much more there there. (I'm officially not sure what to think about a possible US version of "Extras.")

    I withhold judgment on "The Wire" until the 5th season releases on DVD or I hack the files, whichever happens first. :-)

  2. Appreciate the Kids In The Hall reference!

  3. I am one that doesn't like HIMYM, so I get why it's left off. It's not that funny....and I've tried a few eps. Not my thing, I guess.

  4. On second thought, was there also no love for "Dexter" or did critics just not consider the CBS airing of season one, regardless of the fact that it opened the show up to many viewers who would not otherwise see it?

  5. HIMYM stars Josh Radnor's Ted and he's not very funny. He's sorta boring.

    Like all the bad parts of Ross from Friends without ever giving us the charm he had in the early years of that show.

  6. I'm baffled by Lost's first place. Are TV critics so in love with the hype over the show that they haven't noticed how useless it has been become? The Wire should have been #1 by far, but I guess even among critics a 1-million-viewers show can't compete with a 15-millions one.

    Except that, good list.

  7. ...although Dexter and Aliens in America (RIP) are missing!

  8. On second thought, was there also no love for "Dexter" or did critics just not consider the CBS airing of season one, regardless of the fact that it opened the show up to many viewers who would not otherwise see it?

    Not eligible. Original episodes needed to air during the post-January period.

  9. Oh, you had me with your post's title. "30 Helens agree..." indeed.

  10. Mrglass, your Lost hate is hilarious. Never gets old.

  11. Lost is absolutely my favorite TV show currently airing (it's awesome pulpy fun and only BSG is close to its throne) and I'm thrilled that the guiding hands of that show were able to take the critical pans and the audience apathy towards season 3 and correct the ship to come out with a season that from beginning to end, minus an episode or two, (I'm looking at you "The Other Woman") was some of the best televised entertainment.

    I'm even more thrilled that critics didn't write the show off as an aimless mess and are giving it worthy praise.

  12. I am not baffled at all. The Big Bang Theory is a much better and funnier show than How I Met Your Mother. I am glad the critics agree.

  13. Given that no returning show had a consistently good season, I can see the sentimentality at work in the list. Though I don't find it that funny, I can understand why _Big Bang_ rated over (a particularly weak overall) season of HIMYM. The only result that flummoxes me is _Torchwood_. Taking at face value it should rate much lower. Taken as an unintentional comedy it should rate much higher. Sixteenth place just doesn't make sense.

    It's also interesting that _The Daily Show_ rated a couple of places above _Colbert_. You'd think they'd rate about the same.


  14. Re: HIMYM

    How is being ranked the #17th best show not getting love? As much as I enjoy HIMYM, and I truly do, I honestly think this list is generous to Mother. Agree with anon @12:47 PDT that Josh Radnor is the weak link and pulls the quality of the show down. I wish they had cast someone with more charisma and less petulance as the lead.

    I love that American Idol appears on both the best and worst lists.

  15. Why is eveyone so down on Theodore "Ted" Evelyn Mosby? I think he does a fine job.

  16. I think HIMYM is the kind of show that you can't just watch a few episodes of and love, you've really got to make a commitment to it. It wasn't until Season Two that I really came to love the characters.

  17. The thing about this season of The Office is that it wasn't consistent. It had a few dud episodes, the one where Michael broke Utica's copy machine, the one where Michael drove the rental car into the lake and Job Fair all were kind of weak.

    However, it still had more really good episodes than bad. I thought the Toby quiet jealously story arc was subtlety brilliant. Jan's continued meltdown produced many great moments and the Dwight/Angela/Andy arc was freaking hilarious.

    A year ago I probably would have made my personal list as The Office, 30 Rock and HIMYM, whereas now it's 30 Rock, The Office and HIMYM still in 3rd (but only because of lack of competition, I think it had a big drop in quality)

    Those are just the comedies, my dramas are a separate list. (The Wire being first)
