Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A day in the life of press tour: FX/Mad Men

I think I'm going to try to keep doing these brief schedule overviews whenever I can. Much slower day today, with three hours of FX -- an executive session, then "Damages" (where I'm debating whether to call Tim Olyphant on referring to us as "jackasses" during his morning radio sportscast), then the new biker gang drama "Sons of Anarchy," then our farewell to "The Shield" panel -- followed by a lunch with Bonnie Hunt to plug her new talk show, and then a field trip to the set of "Mad Men," which I'm hoping will be cool. (Sometimes, going to the set ruins the illusion; Frasier Crane's apartment looked really seedy and run-down up close, and I don't want to be watching a scene at Sterling-Cooper this year and going, "That plant is covering up a graffiti'ed caricature of Marilyn Manson!")

Not sure how much blogging there will be today, as I still haven't figured out what tomorrow's column will be. Maybe something from FX, if any of those sessions is especially lively, maybe a transcript of my conversation with "House" creator David Shore at last night's Fox party, maybe something on Ausiello's report that William Petersen is leaving "CSI" for good midway through this season. And because we're going off-campus after lunch, I need to get the column done ASAP.


  1. I'm definitely interested in the transcript to your conversation with David Shore. So, yeah. Post that. (Please)

  2. Kat, at some point I'm going to transcribe it and write it up. I just don't know if I'll have time for that today. Transcription takes a while, where I'm going to be taking live notes during today's FX sessions. It's all about hitting the deadline in the time given.

  3. What were your thoughts on the season premiere of The Shield that the FX guys screened yesterday?

  4. What were your thoughts on the season premiere of The Shield that the FX guys screened yesterday?

    It made me so, so happy.

    I'm still waking up at something close to East Coast time, and so by the time the Sons of Anarchy screening started at 10:30 p.m., I was so sleepy that I had already resigned myself to going to bed after it was done and then watching an early-morning screening of The Shield. But I didn't shut the TV off at 11:30, even though my eyes didn't want to stay open -- and as soon as I heard "Previously, on The Shield," I woke right up and was alert and excited throughout.

  5. Yeah I would love to check out the script also. But I know it wont be any time too soon, like you said i know transcribing takes time.
    Will keep at watch out for the post.

  6. I hope you get to blog on last night's Middleman once you get home. I thought it was a return to form after last week's dip.

    And Dr. Horrible is live!


  7. Saw about 20 minutes of Middleman. Will get to the rest tonight, I hope.

    Ditto Dr. Horrible, which I've been looking forward to for weeks.

  8. Alan, I just want to tell you how much fun it is having you tell us about the "behind the scenes" goings on at an event like this. I'm sure it takes considerable time and effort to maintain your constant blogging, paper deadlines and alertness during Q&A's just in case there's an interesting turn of events. We sure are enjoying it!

  9. Maybe you can call out Olyphant by reminding him of how godawful he was at sportscasting when he first started on Indie 103.1. Jeebus, he was bad.

  10. Right now, drhorrible.com is getting slammed. Maybe I can get it to work tonight after I watch Middleman.

  11. What? Olyphant called the critics "jackasses"? Hah! That's awesome...er, no offense.

  12. I believe the exact phrase was "bunch of jackasses." It hasn't come up yet.

  13. The blog for DrHorrible.com said it's down because of the slamming and that they are working on getting back up ASAP.

  14. I got to see Dr. Horrible early this morning before it got slammed. I would guess that if you're willing to pay, the iTunes download is probably easier to get to. (It's $3.99 for all 3 episodes.) I'm planning to buy it, just to support the business model.

  15. I tried to buy Dr. Horrible this morning, but I couldn't because I'm not in the US. So I just did something illegal and I hated it but c'est la vie. Of course I'm planning to spend everything they ask of me when such a thing is possible. (Joss is even writing a musical commentary for the DVD release, I mean COME ON!)

    So, the 1st Act was just this amazing thing where you just can't possibly stop smiling. 'Smells like cumin' and so forth. I'm just loving the fact that we are able at this point to just have something like this, to make you love the rest day, on the click of a mouse.

  16. Like Kat, I'd also like to read the transcript to your conversation with David Shore. I'm keeping score how many lies he can say per interview.
