Thursday, July 03, 2008

No Wire review this week

Sorry, folks, but "The Wire" rewind has been put on hold for this week, due to personal circumstances that took precedence.

I'd like to be able to promise that I'll have a review of episode six (which is also titled "The Wire") up by next Friday, but that all depends on whether or not I'm still going to the television critics press tour, which is now also up in the air due to the aforementioned personal circumstances. If I go to press tour, my time will be limited for non tour-related endeavors like these reviews (which take quite a lot of time to do properly). If I don't, I'll probably (but won't definitely) have the time to return to a regular schedule.

Stay tuned. Best I can do.


  1. Hope all is well (or will be soon).

  2. I hope everything is okay, Alan. Take care.

  3. alan- in an ideal world your outstanding wire reviews should take precedence over all other things........... a man got to have code

    but i'll let you off on this occasion

  4. alan- in an ideal world your outstanding wire reviews should take precedence over all other things........... a man got to have a code

    but i'll let you off on this occasion

  5. I just want you to know how much I appreciate what you do on this blog, for no compensation yet, and how much I enjoy your blogging. It is obvious that you put a tremendous amount of your own time into doing the review of The Wire and this newbie is grateful for what she can get.

    Take care, and best wishes.

  6. None of my business what's going on, but I hope it all turns out ok for you.

  7. Agreed, best of luck with whatever it is.

  8. Whatever the very scary morning was, I'm offering up some "wish-craft" that every thing works out okay! All the best!

  9. Hope all is well with you, Alan. Take all the time off you need.

  10. As with everyone else, just wanted to say I hope the situation, whatever it is, is not too serious and resolves itself soon.

  11. Alan - Hope things get better soon. Best of luck.

  12. Alan,
    I hope that you realize by the comments people are leaving how much you mean to us and how impactful your words are for us.
    Along with the others, I hope all is or will be well, and just take the time you need to make sure it stays that way.

  13. From Jan: What everybody else said. I hope everything will be all right soon. Take care.

  14. Take all the time you need. We'll be here when you get back.

  15. Alan,
    I just want to second, third and fourth the comments above, I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this blog, especially when at times it's been at odds with their job.
    Thank you.

  16. At the risk of being redundant, best wishes to you and a note of appreciation for the reviews...I enjoy them greatly.

  17. Alan,
    I do hope everything is okay and will keep you in my thoughts.

    I know it always sounds a bit stalkerish when commenters profess such personal feelings for someone they (most likely) have never met, but your outstanding writing and insightful reviews make us all feel like we know you personally.

    Take care.

  18. Seems the TV critics' tour is bad hoodoo, Alan. Good vibes being sent out to you and yours, and - to echo everyone else - thanks for all the time you put into this blog.

  19. me too. thanks a kajillion for all of this.

  20. Just one more voice to say do what you gotta do, Alan. Take care of what's important. We'll wait. And it'll be worth it!

  21. Hope everything is OK. We'll see you when you get back.

  22. Take the time you need, we'll be here when you get back.
