Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Press tour: That's it for me! You've been great!

The last press conference of press tour was this afternoon, but I don't fly back to Jersey until Wednesday morning because Tuesday's a day of TCA-organized set visits, making this a weird ending to a weird press tour. As I'll be away from the hotel for much of Tuesday and spending the rest of the time writing a "Mad Men" feature for Sunday's paper, this will almost certainly be the last press tour dispatch from me. I have some good stuff saved up that I intend to run later this summer, but I'm pretty fried right now and not sure I'll even be coherent (or upright) when we stop by the sets of "Chuck" and "Dollhouse."

Ordinarily, I'd do my traditional tour summary, where I rattle off the best and worst shows I saw, funniest sessions, dumbest moments, etc., but due to time constraints -- and the fact that we saw very few new shows, good or bad (which was one of the reasons the tour had such an odd feeling) -- I'm going to pass for now. Maybe once I'm back in Jersey and reoriented, I can pass along a few more stories, like Ian McShane delivering a verbal smackdown to a reporter who got hung up on semantics during the last session of the tour.

I may post some review-y stuff over the next day or two, if I have time to watch and write about different things (how's that for clarity?), but right now I'm really looking forward to landing at Newark Liberty, you know?


  1. Please hurry up and post the Ian McShane story. I'm already laughing and I haven't even heard the story.

  2. I'm pretty certain that's the first time I've heard/seen anyone reference relief at landing at Newark Liberty.

  3. Did you see your shout out at Ken Levine's blog under the TV critics post? He says: "he watches fifteen hours of television a day, he’ll be dead soon"

  4. I'm pretty certain that's the first time I've heard/seen anyone outside a cockpit reference it as "Newark Liberty."

  5. BH, I'm taking some time off, but you can read Joel Keller's write-up of the McShane thing at TV Squad. It was something to behold.
