Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Twittering while press tour burns?

Things have settled down a bit in Sepinwall-land, and so I'll be departing for press tour on Thursday, arriving in time for the last day of cable, plus PBS and all the networks. Look for my traditional guide to press tour on Thursday morning, and if I see any interesting news tidbits between now and when I leave, I'll link to them here.

In the meantime, let me point you to the Twitter page of my buddy Dan Fienberg, who's at the hotel and keeping a stream-of-consciousness log of every stray thought he has during the tour. Basically, if I was there, he'd be saying most of this stuff to me under his breath, but thanks to the wonders of technology, you can feel like you're the one sitting in the air-conditioned ballroom instead of me.


  1. Glad things are better(ish?).

    Thanks for the twitter link, Alan. Now...if only we could convince you to do the same...

    Enjoy the trip.

  2. Dan assures me that he'll be Twittering whatever I say to him, too, so it'll be like I'm doing it, only without me having to make the effort. Poifect.

  3. Great news! Bring cool clothes, Alan, it's hot here.
