Friday, August 15, 2008

Jerry Krupnick, 1926-2008

Some of you older Star-Ledger readers may remember Jerry Krupnick, my predecessor on the TV beat and a man who covered TV going back to the early '50s. Jerry died yesterday; you can read my obituary at


  1. I remember his TV reviews in the paper as a kid. His was one of the few bylines from the paper I would always recognize along with all those "supertrash" shows of the 80's.

    Nice article, I never realized his career went back to the early days of television. Funny how some things stay with you. Seemed like he had a long enjoyable career. Just seeing his name reminds me of watching TV as a kid. My sympathy to his family.

  2. Thank you Alan for a beautiful tribute to our father. We'll all miss him.

    - Michael

  3. Beautiful obit, Al. I am glad his family got to read it too.


  4. I too read his columns regularly as a kid. I remember being very annoyed when I returned on a break from college and found he had been replaced by two bland young nobodies. :-)

    It's funny you mention that he would run words together, I remember one column on "thirtysomething" when he joked that the copy editors complained whenever he wrote it that way, nearly as much as they did about writing "M*A*S*H*" with all the asterisks.

  5. +1, Foglia.

    I used to read Krupnick all the time.

    As a young kid I would get his byline confused with Jerry Izenberg, but as I got older, I really looked forward to reading his columns, and I think he influenced my TV viewing and habits as much as anyone.

  6. I always liked the way he referred to "our beloved New Jersey Giants."

  7. Alan - nice obit.

    FYI - there's a typo in the 3rd graf from the bottom:

    "It was interesting that, through my dad, I got to find that some of these people who were bigger than life were real people to."

    /sorry - former journalist

  8. Thank you for this wonderful tribute. He was my Papa, and reading this again brought back great memories for me. Three years later, I still miss his witty spin on television, and just about everything else. Thank you.
