Friday, September 19, 2008

"Double meat, sir, does not give you license to go on auto-pilot and text your friends about Hoobastank!"

Been otherwise occupied today with Emmy preview stuff (story to run Sunday morning) and the first wave of reviews for next week, but my friend Phil sent me a link to this very amusing YouTube clip: Keith Olbermann (or an incredible facsimile) goes to Subway.


  1. eh. Very funny concept but fell a little short on the execution. Oberman doesn't usually come off this angry to me. He's usually more indignant.

  2. I agree that Olbermann isn't always this angry, but parody is not about mimicry. I thought it was brilliant.

  3. Olbermann is only this angry when the president is a Republican.

    This guy has the impression nailed. He says it was part of his audition reel for SNL.

  4. Off topic, but I'm assuming you are as excited as I am about the David Simon/Tom Fontana HBO miniseries on the 12 days following the Lincoln assassination

  5. Parody or not, the guy is spot on about Jared.

  6. I love Keith Olbermann's show and I loved this clip.

    "And to Jared, the Kim Jong Il of this nefarious culinary cabal"


  7. That was very funny. Though I agree that Olberman is generally not angry, even when he's ranting. Even when he's genuinely pissed about something he usually goes the smug and sarcastic route with a little incredulous "are you *serious*?" thrown in for good measure. The guy's pretty good, though, because even without the intro I would have known who he was doing.
