Monday, September 29, 2008

DVR alert: 'Life' comes back tonight

Just a reminder, as I wasn't able to do a separate column on it for today's paper: "Life" begins its second season tonight at 10. For the next two weeks of the season, NBC's going to air two different episodes a week, one after "Heroes," one in the regular Friday at 10 timeslot. After that, "My Own Worst Enemy" gets the post-"Heroes" slot, and "Life" hopefully settles down for a long and fruit-ful (get it? see what I did there? because of the fruit? oh, never mind...) run in the old "Homicide" Friday slot.

As with "Chuck," I know that the premiere has been up on Hulu for a week, but we're going to avoid spoilers until tonight at 11, when I'll have a separate post ready to go. This post is here because I wanted to prevent a lot of frustrated "Oh, man, I forgot it was on tonight!" comments.


  1. Thanks for the reminder that Life is on tonight. I love that show but I'd forgotten the strange way it was being shown and I would have probably missed it otherwise.

  2. Thanks! I knew the premiere was tonight, but didn't know Friday will be episode 2. I watched it on Hulu and thought it was a good start transitioning from last season. A couple of changes I'm not sure about yet. Such as wondering if they're sexing up the show a bit for Friday nights. I recommend taking a drink everytime a stripper is on the screen.

  3. Just an FYI but Life, according to Tivo, is on for two Mondays in a row. Which is a little annoying because it creates confusion.

  4. This post is here because I wanted to prevent a lot of frustrated "Oh, man, I forgot it was on tonight!" comments.

    this is appreciated. even by those of us who don't watch it (Chuck is finallyon too?) cause i know you will get to our shows eventually too :-) (and there are thinds that I *have* missed, and it's annoying.

  5. Is that Donal Logue?

  6. Is that Donal Logue?

    Yep. He's the new captain.

  7. Nice! I've got most of last season DVR'ed. If Logue's onboard now, I'm glad I didn't delete them. Now I just need to get around to watching them...
