Monday, September 08, 2008

Sepinwall on TV: 'Privileged' review

First (and shorter) of today's two columns: I review the CW's "Privileged," which was pretty decent but is also not the kind of show I'd likely watch again except during a slow viewing period, which this is about to cease being.


  1. I have a crazy loyalty to Joanna Garcia simply because of Freaks and Geeks, so I might actually watch this.

  2. Some reviewers are comparing the show to Gilmore Girls, which has me somehwat intrigued. My biggest reason for not wanting to watch is that I'm afraid I'll like it too much and with it already up against Fringe and Greek, I don't really need another show in that timeslot.

  3. I suppose I can see where the comparisons are coming from, in that it's very estrogen-heavy and it's all about female familial relationships that aren't quite what they're supposed to be (one sister acts like the other's mother and best friend at the same time, the tutor is forced to play both mom and big sis to them, grandma doesn't know what to do, etc.), plus the showrunner, Rina Mimoun, was a writer in the final season of Gilmore.

    But the banter isn't nearly as sharp and the show doesn't have the same level of warmth that Gilmore did, at least not yet.

    Let me put it another way: I am so not the demographic for either Gilmore or this show, and while I loved Gilmore Girls, I don't feel compelled to watch any more of this.

  4. Alan, is there a reason why i cannot acces from spain? I've been having troubles since a long time ago.

  5. Whenever I hear Garcia mentioned on a commentary track to something she's in, everyone talks up what a nice person she is and what a good actress she is.

    But man, who did she make angry to get stuck with six seasons of Reba? And now this? Which looks to be similarly annoying (Henpecked mommy figure deals constantly with idiots who never appreciate or deserve her).
