Sunday, October 26, 2008

Because people have been asking...

...I am still employed by The Star-Ledger. The paper's not being sold or closed (for the time being), and I did not take a buyout. So I'm here, doing my thing.


  1. So glad to hear it, Alan. I'm very happy for you. :)

  2. So glad to hear it - I'm relieved. You're an integral part of my tv experience!

  3. Alana is Templeton from The Wire now.

  4. That's wonderful news. Both because it's (I'm sure) a load off your back, and because I do still prefer to get my news from a paper.

    I'm either hopelessly old-fashioned, or dealing with a repetitive-motion injury from spending too much time in front of a computer. Or both.

    Anyway, good for you. :)

  5. thanks for letting us know. and I like what artemisia said

  6. We're all very happy for you, and we look forward to reading more of what you have to say. Thanks for sticking by this blog!

  7. Great news, Alan--I'm really happy for you! And, you know, for us.

  8. Hang in there. I've been through it on both sides, and I know that neither one is much fun.

  9. Glad to hear the good news, Alan! Stay strong :-)

  10. That's great news. When I saw the article on Drudge, the first thing I did was hop over here to see if you were still gainfully employed. I assumed no news was good news but it's nice for it to be official.

    Of course, as a non-New Jersey resident my first thought was, "Maybe my paper will hire him." Selfish, I know. :)

  11. Kind of off topic, but I'm not really sure where else to put it: Have you given up on your Skins recaps?

    Please say that you haven't!

  12. Alan, this is the very first time I have posted on any site, ever. I love your site though, and knowing you're still going to be around just made my day :)
