Friday, October 17, 2008

Beware the evil power of... Tur-Mohel!

Been a busy week and I'm way behind on my blog-reading (and yet somehow am also way behind on a lot of my writing), so I only just saw this link over at Throwing Things. Anyway, The Evil League of Evil (from "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog") is accepting applications, and if you're of a Semitic persuasion -- and possibly even if you aren't -- you simply must watch the one from Tur-Mohel.


  1. That one is hilarious!

    I also really liked The Sock ( for creativity and Fury of Solace (, which has a very good song.

  2. Awesome. That's the extent of my constructive criticism.

  3. Damn. The Catholics are gonna really have to step it up to match that! Awesome.

  4. That Sock one was really great too. Can't decide which I liked better.

  5. Oh man - they are both clever! A much needed laugh! I also was amused by Count Cards.

  6. He had me at "diaynu."

  7. I've gone through a heck of a lot of ELE applications, the great majority of them horribly painful in their production and just trying too hard. This was a golden ray of fabulous sunshine. "Small latkes" is now firmly fixed into my lexicon.
