Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Candid, fun, no pants? These were my ideas!"

So, as part of Obama Night in America, I tuned into "The Daily Show," and before Jon Stewart got to talk to Obama himself, he first did this hilarious commentary on a different sort of TV news show's Obama interview.


  1. Alan, the real question is this: Did you catch David Simon on Colbert? If not, here you go.

  2. I caught the Colbert/Simon interview, which was terrific.

    There was a good bit afterwards where Colbert closed the show, and was informing Colbert Completists that the shows were being shown out of order but would be in the right order on the DVD. I think it's right to assume that's a bit of a shoutout to Homicide: Life on the Street (based on Simon's book), which NBC infamously showed several episodes in its run out of order.

  3. No, I think the real question is this: how the heck did Mario Lopez score an interview with Barack Obama?

  4. If my wife and I ever have another son, I'm going to name him Tuddy.

  5. how the heck did Mario Lopez score an interview with Barack Obama?

    Because he promised a hard-hitting interview that gave voters the facts they need to make a fully informed choice.

  6. I loved the David Simon introduction.


    "This interview will be critically acclaimed, but under seen!"

  7. Should I be disturbed that my 6yr old son is wandering around today singing "Candid fun no pants" to the tune of the Sponge Bob theme?

  8. It's all in good fun!
