Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Hey, remember these? Private Practice & Dirty Sexy Money return

While I've been all geeked up about the return of re-freshman series "Chuck" and "Pushing Daisies" (and, to a lesser extent, "Life"), it's been hard for me to work up much enthusiasm (or time) to write about the returns of "Private Practice" and "Dirty Sexy Money," which are also back tonight.

While I think the "Private Practice" season premiere makes a couple of good course corrections (more focus on medicine, slightly less on relationship angst), I still don't care about anybody on the show but Kate Walsh. And while I think Lucy Liu is an interesting addition to the already overcrowded "Dirty Sexy Money" ensemble, none of the characters have ever popped for me enough to get over my ambivalence about primetime soaps.

Still, they're both back on tonight, so feel free to use this post to talk about their season premieres. Not sure how long either one will remain in the viewing and blogging rotation, but at least we'll have October 1.


  1. I abhor Private Practice as much as I adore Dirty Sexy Money. Can't wait to see what Sutherland, Krause, et. al., have in store this season.

  2. I actually think Dirty Sexy Money is a much better primetime soap than Grey's least dsm KNOWS its ridiculous and has a sense of humor about it. It's on my DVR list and I always watch it before I watch anything else....

  3. I'm watching DSM for Blair Underwood. I hope they give him something interesting to do.

  4. I watched Dirty Sexy Money for the first time tonight and was very pleasantly surprised. The character relationships were interesting, and the actors are appealing. I particularly like the sort of defensive posture that Krause seems to take around the Darlings, and it's intriguing; it makes me want to know why he's so standoffish toward them.

    It was just entertaining enough (as background fodder while I did some work) that I think I'm going to add it to my DVR.

  5. kensington - In lieu of watching the entire first season (which I do recommend), you can watch episode 1, season 1 to understand why Nick George is defensive around the Darlings.

  6. Wow...what a way to bring back DSM. I don't get why more people don't like this show..great srotylines and great actors, a great guilty pleasure

  7. Private Practice - great cast, not so great show. I keep watching only for it's cast. Super talented actors, especially Audra McDonald and Tim Daly, who are wasted by not so good writers. Kate Walsh is OK, but she is not great. She is a very overrated actress. I guess a few years from now, when Private Practice will be over, she will be forgotten. She is a star of one role.

  8. Loved DSM! Awesome redirect at the end. Looks like it's going to be a lot of fun this season.

  9. What the hell did they do to Dirty Sexy Money?

    Last year it was fun. Last season, I grinned several times every episode, I'd giggle at some of the lines and situations, I'd flat out laugh at something someone would say or do. I watched for lines like "it was a a subterfuge and a gift" or the ringtones. It was a soap, but it didn't take itself so seriously, it had lightness, it was fun.

    Last night was not. What happened to the sense of humor? It was just dour with heavy-handed "this is important" music from time to time. Also, where did all the daughters go? Nick's daughter, Brian's daughters, Juliet (ok, I know her contract was cancelled - but they could at least have mentioned she was touring Europe or something. It was like we were supposed to forget Jeremy was a twin) all disappeared. Maybe they're someplace funny.

  10. I was just kicking myself for recognizing that the actress playing the mother of the cord blood baby on Private Practice was "probably one of Joss's" but not figuring out it was Amy Acker.

    Aside from that... it's something to do, slightly better than last year, but that's about it. If I'd watched the clip they played on Good Morning America, I would had known the whole plot.

  11. Great show. Love the music actually. Did you check out this Lady GaGa video. She's partying in the DSM unviverse. Very cool.

  12. Also, where did all the daughters go? Nick's daughter, Brian's daughters, Juliet (ok, I know her contract was cancelled - but they could at least have mentioned she was touring Europe or something. It was like we were supposed to forget Jeremy was a twin) all disappeared.

    Yeah, where the hell did they all go? I didn't have the same problems you did with the seriousness vs. lightness (though it was a little more serious than I prefer for a DSM ep), but I also noticed the missing girls. BTW, what was it that Karen handed to Tripp at the end?

  13. I'm really happy to have DSM back!

    Dez, it wasn't just daughters going MIA. Patrick's sons weren't shown either (though I think we've only seen them once since the pilot). I do wish there had been some mention of Brian's daughters though, since he was going on about wanting his son to stay in NYC.

    I think Karen gave Tripp Simon's crystal swan. Why? Is she trying to placate Tripp? Does she know it's real significance to Simon? Don't know, but I'm curious.

    Things got really twisted in this first episode back, and I can't wait to see how it all plays out. This is a gorgeous, but messy, show.

  14. We love DSM also, but wondered where Jeremy s twin went. No mention of her.
