Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sepinwall on TV: 'Chocolate News' review

In today's column, I review Comedy Central's newsmagazine parody show "Chocolate News," which I enjoyed more for David Alan Grier's performing than for the writing, but which was just good enough that I'll keep checking it out for a while.

(One thing not mentioned in my review: how every time I typed the title, my mental jukebox immediately began playing "Chocolate Rain." The original version, not the Cookie Monster cover.)


  1. Is Grier a Republican? I heard he was in An American Carol, but then, it's not like he can really turn down movie roles. If he is, it'll be fun to see who's the first to call him a traitor.

  2. This is from EW's profile of the film: "Not everybody in Carol is a Republican--'I'm pretty sure David Alan Grier was appalled,' says David Zucker."

  3. Who cares if hes a Republican? You do realize most of these Hollywood people lie about being Democrats right?

  4. Just finished this show. Didn't think it was funny enough to check back in on. I could see leaving it on in the background after South Park, but not recording it. Unfortunately for D.A.G., he'll have to fight inevitable Chappelle Show comparisons and he will not win those battles.
