Monday, December 15, 2008

In which Jeff Zucker ducks the shoe again...

Friend of the blog Ken Levine lists "The Simpsons" among his list of classic comedy writing credits (he's and partner David Isaacs gave us Dancin' Homer), and so he tries to reimagine NBC's decision-making process on the Jay Leno thing as a conversation between Smithers and Mr. Burns.


  1. "Fire Keith Olberman and any twelve..." Brilliant! Someone should show this to Bill Simmons

  2. It's funny cause it's true.

  3. @Hatfield: :)

    One thing I like about this NBC move is it partially relieves my fear that the network was going to completely eliminate Conan's joie de vivre in moving him up an hour. Now with Jay at ten, Conan can stay the way he is or allow him to go wackier. Regardless, this takes the pressure off Conan.

    BTW, does this mean Conan is staying in New York to do the Tonight Show or was that always the plan?

  4. They should just outsource the whole network.
