Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Chrismukkah to all

Happy holidays everybody, no matter what you celebrate. I'll be off the grid for a couple of days and back on Friday with the Top 10 column.


  1. You too, Alan. Thanks for the fine reading.

  2. Thanks Alan, and the same to you and your family. I am glad things have settled down at the Ledger, so hopefully you can enjoy the holidays...and I cannot tell you how very much I enjoy this blog....have been a contributor and reader since the very beginning.
    All the best, and look forward to Friday's column.

  3. Enjoy your Festivus, Alan!

  4. Happy and Merry Days, Alan and everyone!

    Love this blog!

  5. my brother says Merry ChrisKwanzukkah, i just told someone Happy Long Weekend.

    but it would be a nice time to say - thank you for the great blog and resultant community. Great deep thoughts, insights and remembrances of continuity - even if we didn't know whose baby that was - all year long :-)

    and, as noted,
    (I spend more time here than the Scott Bakula board, which should say something about one of those places (like people play nicer here (and there's more interesting discussion)))

  6. Your gift to me all year has been this blog. Thank you for your time and insight.

  7. Happy Holidays, Alan. Thanks for another year of kick-ass insight. Don't know what we'd do with without you (so, please, never leave).
