Friday, January 16, 2009

A day in the life of press tour: ABC

Last day of the tour, and I'm at the zombie stage at this point, just moving from place to place and trying not to eat too many brains.

I have still more writing to do this morning, so I want to link to Lisa de Moraes' account of the NBC exec session, and, after the jump, a run-down of the ABC/Disney day...

8 a.m.: "Aaron Stone," a new series on the re-branded Disney XD channel. It's rare for a panel to start this early, and I expect it to be sparsely attended. (I'll still be writing here in my room.)

8:45 a.m.: "Sonny with a Chance," a new Disney Channel comedy. This I expect to also play to a largely-empty room.

9:30 a.m.: The Jonas Brothers come to talk about their new Disney Channel series. Even though many of the middle-aged TCA members have been replaced by younger bloggers, the room still isn't really their demo, so I look forward to lots of awkward questions.

10:15 a.m.: Executive session with Steve McPherson, where I expect there to be much lamenting over the death of "Pushing Daisies." (And if nobody else asks what will happen to the remaining episodes of that and the other canceled shows, I will.)

11:15 a.m.: "Better Off Ted," a corporate comedy by Victor Fresco that's very much in the style of (though, at this point, not as funny as) his "Andy Richter Controls the Universe."

Noon: A screening of episode 3 of "Lost," followed by a Q&A with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.

2 p.m.: Amber Tamblyn and the rest of the cast of "The Unusuals," which we haven't seen in any form. (Maybe. Again, I'm slow at this point, but I don't think it was on the close-circuit at the hotel.)

2:45 p.m.: Nathan Fillion and the rest of the cast of "Castle," which I watched last night, and strikes me as (like Fox's "Lie to Me") very similar to "The Mentalist," only if Simon Baker were richer and more famous.

3:30 p.m.: "In the Motherhood," a comedy with Cheryl Hines that originated as a web series.

4:15 p.m.: Mike Judge's new animated comedy "The Goode Family," about an incredibly liberal, eco-friendly clan.

5 p.m.: The last session of the tour, in which Rob Thomas, Bobby Cannavale and Sarah Paulson talk about the “Cupid” remake. We'll be so tired and cranky at this point that either we won't have any questions to ask, or we'll charge Cannavale with pitchforks for the crime of not being Jeremy Piven. It could really go either way.

And that's that with that. No evening event, which means time to pack and get caught up on whatever writing I can't do on the plane.


  1. See if you can get the execs to maybe dump the remaining eps of Daisies, Eli & Dirty Sexy Money on like a Saturday instead of waiting six long months for them to dump them in the Summer.

  2. Totally the wrong place but i'm so much further behind than even last night
    have you posted about Scott Bakula on Chuck? (would you like me to not say who he's playing? anyone? (someone spoilered me and Grey's on one of my lists and i'm a little annoyed, though last might's ep was miles better than last week's, I have yet to read the writers blog as i am still bouncing off the wall's about my birthday present (Scott will be on three eps staring in April))
    Also Chevy Chase will be in the same arc.

    I'm not even sure if you are home yet

    sorry. i'm just very excited.

  3. Don't count on it, Jefferson.

  4. The nerve of that guy! What, with his whole not being Jeremy Piven. Jerk.

    In all seriousness, I think the Claire role is going to be harder to fill. Paula Marshall did an amazing job of opposing Trevor while being so wonderful that she literally set the pattern of women I would be attracted to for the next 10 years. I'm not sure Sarah Paulson has that in her.

  5. From that Lisa de Moraes writeup, it sure seems like NBC is leaning pretty strongly toward not renewing Chuck. That completely blows.

  6. Alan,

    Am I right in assuming the LOST episode screening before the Q&A is the heretofore unseen third episode of this upcoming season? And if so, could you please opine vaguely.....?

  7. 2:45 p.m.: Nathan Fillion and the rest of the cast of "Castle," which I watched last night, and strikes me as (like Fox's "Lie to Me") very similar to "The Mentalist," only if Simon Baker were richer and more famous.

    Oh, what I would give to scrum Nathan...heh heh heh....

  8. i'm pretty optimistic that nbc will end up renewing chuck. the one that i'm really concerned about is Life. If that ends up getting its brains bashed by Lost (which could happen despite Lost being down somewhat it'll still outperform NBC with ease) it could really spell bad things.

    Chuck on the other hand is tied largely (for better and for worse) with the news that Heroes will most likely be renewed should be taken as a positive sign for Chuck's future.

  9. i don't seem to have a comment, but i'm working my way thru. fnally. thanks for the insights
