Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dispatches from press tour: Still more potpourri

Once again, I find myself tied up with several jobs at once -- including writing the review for tonight's "Friday Night Lights" finale, transcribing several interviews, writing a "Battlestar Galactica" column for Friday's paper, etc. -- and therefore can't do a ton of session blogging. Here's some notable things to read, both related and unrelated to press tour:

Fienberg with a round-up of Nina Tassler's executive press conference for CBS, including more talk about the "NCIS" spin-off.

• Mo Ryan talked at length with "Lost" showrunners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse in advance of the fifth season. I did my own Lindelof interview (it's one of those things I need to transcribe) and will post it on Tuesday or Wednesday.

• Friday night's "Battlestar Galactica" premiere will run about 3 1/2 minutes long, so pad your recordings accordingly. Also, the Onion AV Club has a great (and rare) interview with Saul MF'ing Tigh himself, Michael Hogan.

• Lisa de Moraes on night one of "American Idol," and Fienberg analyzing the night one ratings.

• Aaron Barnhart was surprised to hear that Daniel Sunjata's "Rescue Me" character will explore 9/11 conspiracy theories this season -- because Sunjata himself believes in them.


  1. Bill Simmons of ESPN spoke with Peter Berg (FNL Exec Producer) on his podcast today. I haven't had a chance to listen yet, but Simmons' podcast "The B.S. Report" is always entertaining. You can find it on iTunes or on the podcast section of ESPN's website.

  2. Is the Simmons talk spoiler free? I'd love to listen to it, but I don't own DirecTv

  3. Alan... Stringer Bell at Dunder Mifflin?! I hope this rumor is indeed true. Keep us posted.

  4. Haha, J. Hawes, I just came here to post that exact same story! We already knew the writers of the Office were huge fans of the Wire. After they cast Amy Ryan, casting Stringer Bell as a rival to Michael Scott would just be icing on the cake! AWESOME.

  5. Yes, the Simmons podcast is spoiler free. It's more of a promo appearance for the NBC run than a requiem for the DirectTV run.

    The thing that got me about the interview was that Berg wanted to cast Dwight Yoakim as Coach Taylor. Can you imagine that? How different would the Coach-Mrs. Coach scenes be? I'm glad Berg listened to his partners and went with Kyle Chandler.

  6. Really!? For a Country singer, Dwight Yoakim isn't a bad actor. But I don't think FNL would have gotten a second season without the "real" Coach (and Mrs. Coach). Dwight's hair certainly couldn't have expressed itself as eloquently as Kyle Chandler's did in Season 1!

  7. Aaron Barnhart was surprised to hear that Daniel Sunjata's "Rescue Me" character will explore 9/11 conspiracy theories this season -- because Sunjata himself believes in them.

    Oh, this is gonna be good. By which I mean, friggin' awful. Guess that means Sunjata will never be on "Real Time with Bill Maher." That "Office" news is friggin' awesome, though :-)

    Is Mo's interview free of spoilers (or at least only has minor spoilers)? I'd like to read it if so. Thanks!

  8. Is Mo's interview free of spoilers (or at least only has minor spoilers)? I'd like to read it if so. Thanks!

    Depends on your spoiler definition, I suppose. It's relatively spoiler-free, but Damon and Carlton do hint at things like whether certain characters or plot points will come back, or at what rate certain things might happen.

  9. Hmmm, might have to wait to read it until at least after the premiere. Thanks, Alan.

  10. Dez:

    Mo's pretty hard-ass about spoilers (especially with BSG), and good at clearly flagging them when she does.

    Anyway, am I the only one who finds any spoilage of 'Lost' ultimately more bewildering than if Lindelof and Cuse had just sat there speaking in randon gibberish?

    ME: So, will Sawyer take his shirt off this season.

    LINDELOF: Yes.

    CUSE: And no.

    LINDELOF: Depends on what you mean by "shirt" and "off".

    CUSE: Though we do have a tasty arc for Sayer's "shirt" next season.

    LINDELOF: Perhaps in the future. Or the past.

    CUSE: Perhaps.
