Monday, January 05, 2009

Sepinwall on TV: 'Scrubs' on ABC review

In today's column, I review the first two episodes of the new (and likely final) season of "Scrubs," now on ABC. These are the same two I had seen when I wrote about them in early November, and while I don't have any sense of what the rest of the season will look like, I've rewatched these two in full or in part a number of times in the last two months, so it's a good start, if nothing else.

I'll have a separate spoiler review up tomorrow night, and a word of warning for those of you who had DVR season passes for "Scrubs" on NBC: you're probably better off deleting the old pass and setting up a new one, even if your DVR of choice claims it'll record the show tomorrow night on the new channel. Based just on my personal experience with my Comcast box, better safe than sorry with this circumstance.


  1. thanks, Alan (and I'll read after I watch, spoilers or no :-) )

  2. I'm not sure how many times I have to be told that there are *two* episodes before I get the message - I just checked my (repaired) Upcoming Recordings list and saw both of them and said "Oh! There's *two* episodes!"

    --I wondered "Why is that Frisbee getting bigger?" and then it hit me...

  3. Are the back to back episodes just this week for the premiere? Or will they be running like that all season?

  4. Oooh, thanks for the reminder. I didn't know Scrubs was starting again so soon. Can't wait to see Turk's awesome dance moves.

  5. Are the back to back episodes just this week for the premiere? Or will they be running like that all season?

    It'll be this way for a few weeks at least. At some point a while back, there was talk of pairing "Scrubs" with another ABC comedy for at least a few weeks before "Dancing with the Stars" takes over the hour in mid-March, but if they intend to air all 18 episodes before "Dancing" is back, they may have to do double-headers every week.

  6. One question from the peanut gallery: is "Scrubs" in HD yet? I want to set up a pass, and there isn't much reason to do it on the HD ABC when SD ABC will suffice.

  7. High-def, I think. ABC sprung for it when NBC never would.

  8. This'll be the first show I've watched on ABC since Knights of Prosperity. I assume I'll get into Lost at some point. As bad of a reputation as NBC has now, it's blowing ABC out of the water for me (The Office, 30 Rock, Chuck, and Friday Night Lights.

  9. Thanks for the Scrubs love, Alan. I was a latecomer to the show and fell madly in love with it via Netflix. I haven't had high hopes but am buoyed by your comments.

  10. I've seen more ads for Scrubs on ABC in the last month than I saw on NBC in the last seven years, and to that I saw bravo.

    Am looking forward to checking in on my friends at Sacred Heart.

  11. p.s. has a nice Scrubs page set up including a fun Q&A with Bill Lawrence and ZB.

  12. Also on ABC's site there is a nice forum with a thread called "Bill Lawrence answers questions" where BL himself actually comes in occasionally and answers random questions (the thread is like 45 pages long now though...)

  13. Also on ABC's site there is a nice forum with a thread called "Bill Lawrence answers questions" where BL himself actually comes in occasionally and answers random questions (the thread is like 45 pages long now though...)

    crap! I posted that in the open thread rather than this on. where has my mind gone lately?

    LA - thanks for the other thing. will look for it

  14. When Sarah Chalke was appearing on my "How I Met Your Mother"-athon, I couldn't see her as Stella, only Elliot Reid.

    Now it's the other way around - instead of Dr. Reid, I see Stella, the one who dumped Ted.

    Fun facts from the director's commentary on the HIMYM DVDs: her last name is pronounced "Chalk" (not "Chalk-ee") and on the set they called her Second Becky.

    Great job by Turman. Let's see if he gets another Emmy guest star nom from this one.
