Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Wire finally wins an award

The Directors Guild of America awards were handed out last night, and while all the news stories predictably focused on Danny Boyle's win for "Slumdog Millionaire," Fienberg points out a few interesting developments in the TV categories -- notably that Dan Attias won for directing "Transitions," the fourth episode of the final season of "The Wire." So they've got that going for them... which is nice.


  1. An actual award for the best TV show ever? That doesn't sound right, were Boston Legal or Lost directors all disqualified?

    (although, to be fair, didn't The Wire win a Peabody?)

  2. About f@cking time.

    And yeah, I'm surprised it didn't get swept aside for a very special episode of Desperate Housewives or Grey's Anatomy.

  3. I know it's been said countless times but the fact that The Wire was so ignored by the powers that be in television awarding is one of the great tragedies in the history of the medium. I'll never completely wrap my head around why that is. Was it because voters couldn't really understand the show with just a 10 minute long clip? Was it because it had a primarily Black cast? Was it because it show on location in Baltimore? I don't know.

    And Mrglass, yes The Wire did win a Peabody. Although it's probably more accurate to say that it "received" a Peabody rather than "won." Battlestar Galactica and Friday Night Lights both also have that claim.

  4. You know, context free that picture of Marlo is kind of goofy looking.

  5. Who cares about awards? They're meaningless.

    Would the show be better if it won an award? No. Would it attract more viewers if it won an award? Highly unlikely. 30 Rock and Mad Men have won almost every award possible and the same handful of people watch both shows.

    Sure, it would be nice for the writers/actors if they won. But it's no "tragedy". Everyone who pays attention to TV knows it's the Greatest Show of All Time.

    Boston Legal and Desperate Housewives have shelves full of awards and, within 3 years of going off the air, no one will care about those shows at all. Does anyone really care about them NOW?

  6. You know, context free that picture of Marlo is kind of goofy looking.

    As a wise man named Gus once said, “You need a lot of context to seriously examine anything.”

  7. Always remember: your focus determines your reality.

    *runs ashamed*

  8. I just read that news and came here to mention it, only to find that you've already posted about it.

    Is it really the first award The Wire has won? I know it's always been shut out of the Emmys and so on, but I assumed it would have won something in the lower-level awards. Wow.

    I finished season 4 in the weekend, so I'm about to start season 5. Looking forward to seeing the context of that picture - which, now that Andrew mentions it, is kinda weird-looking.

  9. Is it really the first award The Wire has won? I know it's always been shut out of the Emmys and so on, but I assumed it would have won something in the lower-level awards. Wow.

    Aside from this and the Peabody (for season 2 I think), it also won a WGA award for best dramatic series for season 4. That's pretty much the end of it, though. Not even the TV critics could manage to give it a real award over its five seasons.

  10. "That doesn't sound right, were Boston Legal or Lost directors all disqualified?" - mrglass

    Hey genius, Lost was nominated along with Wire, In Treatment, and Mad Men. Just like last year, along with Wire, Sopranos, and Mad Men. Pretty elite crowd Lost seems to be hangin' with. Just sayin.

    (Congrats to The Wire!)

  11. DavidDunn - I do believe Mrglass was making what is known in the industry as a "joke" and therefore, as is per custom, should not be taken literally or seriously. Just sayin'.

  12. Ok, so The Wire was nominated in the best international section of the BAFTAS, BUT DIDN'T WIN????? When will this show ever be recognised for the brilliance it is? I give up.
