Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Better Off Ted, 'Get Happy': Cat people vs. spacemen

Tuesday is, at the moment, one of my bigger scheduling traffic jam days, which means it's going to take me a while to work through it all. Still haven't watched "Fringe," or "Cupid," and while I just finished the "Better Off Ted" finale, I don't really have time to write about it. Fortunately, Fienberg did, so go read him and then share your thoughts on the finale wherever.


  1. I never thought I'd realistically say this, but I really wish that the show was on NBC: say what you will about Ben Silverman on the whole, but his "patience with comedies" idea would be of huge benefit to a show like Better Off Ted.

    I actually think that BOT has been stronger than Parks of Recreation in terms of an overall comic tone, and certainly holds more potential than Scrubs in terms of future expansion. If ABC ends up picking up the Braff-less Scrubs instead of Ted, it would really be quite unforunate.

    Finale was solid, if not quite magniflorious.

  2. What! Canceled already?

    I guess that proves it, My liking a show is the kiss of death!

  3. (sigh) Aloha, Veridian Dynamics. You were so dynamic! Also, sometimes, veridian. I'm still waiting for that hurrican-proof dog that I ordered.

    Maybe when Portia de Rossi gets a well-deserved Best Supporting Actress in an Unjustly Overlooked Comedy (That Granted Has a Pretty Embarrassing Pun for a Name) nomination people will give Ted the collective "Hey maybe I should have watched that" it so richly deserved.

  4. Alan -

    Not sure if you're reading this, but what are the odds of the remaining episodes of this ever airing? I keep hearing that there's six more on hold somewhere.

  5. Ted hasn't actually been canceled right? At least not yet....

  6. No, the show hasn't been cancelled yet; I read a couple of reports this week where Jonathan Slavin (Phil) and Malcolm Barrett (Lem) confirmed that they were still shooting episodes--as I believe the show got a 13-episode order--so that's a good sign.

    This was not the best episode of the lot, but there were plenty of great laughs and at one awesome line from Phil: "Oh, your ears are always throwing up over something."

  7. aaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh! I *totally* forgot about BOT until I saw this, and I ran to check the DVR... but it didn't record for some reason. (my firstborn was hospitalized on Tuesday, so TV was not a priority and this went unnoticed). Can we watch it somewhere other than, or is that our only option? The consensus here has always been that ABC's player is crappy...

  8. What?! This was the finale?! Oops, I didn't realize that. Now I need to rewatched it so I can appreciate it more.

    This episode had some good, quotable lines:
    "I reject that compliment."
    "Good job on having a wife!"

    What an excellent show this has turned out to be. Andy Ricter Controls the Universe would be proud.

  9. Whiskey: ABS recently announced they're putting their shows on Hulu, so it should end up on there sometime in the near future, I would suppose.

  10. Sigh. I've really loved this show. I've even liked Harrington as Ted.

    I hate when good shows are thrown in the crapper.
