Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Better Off Ted, "You Are the Boss of Me": Complete fit-shaced

I shared my delight about the return of "Better Off Ted" in Monday's column. What did you all think?


  1. That just made my night. "I guess I can go beat up some single dads."

  2. Loved the show, but missed the last few minutes cuz my DVR stopped at 10:00. Grrrr, why can't the programmers stop running the shows past the alloted time?

  3. This'll be up on ABC.com tomorrow, right? For no apparent reason, my DVR decided this wasn't a new episode and didn't record.

  4. Ugh, I really gotta remember to record this show.

  5. Brilliant.

    I desperately want to send a video of the Veridian commercial about bosses to... well, my bosses.

  6. I'm always surprised by how good this show is. It's approaching "Arrested Development"-level zaniness.

  7. Just today I told someone about this show and mentioned there'd be a new episode tonight. Based on my reputation for fabulous taste in entertainment, they said they'd check it out. So that's one new viewer, at least!

  8. Made of Win, from beginning to end.

  9. Seeing Veronica feeding her sister in her sleep was even funnier than imagining it when she initially confessed.

  10. Very good ep, and as far as the DVR goes, I've started and stopped recording most shows by 1 minute over just for this reason. Not too much of a problem with a dual tuner DVR, and I just can't trust the schedules anymore.

  11. Thanks for reminding me that the show was coming back on! I hadn't heard, but between this and Kings, summer TV definitely just got more enjoyable.


    Definitely agree. Watching Veronica massage her sister's throat to get her to swallow had me cracking up. Then again, just about everything Veronica does is gold, so that shouldn't be surprising.

  12. Wait - I totally missed the Veronica scene. Was that tacked on the end, or after her confession? I think it might have gotten cut out of the online version (?).

  13. For no apparent reason, my DVR decided this wasn't a new episode and didn't record.

    Not sure which cable co. you have, but Charter's DVR description had it listed as a repeat, so that could be a reason your DVR didn't record it.

    And I echo the comment that the show was made of win. I was LMAO all the way through, especially at Linda's quasi-Xena outfit.

  14. I love this show - but I didn't know it was coming back with new episodes so soon! I missed it! :"^O Waaaaaa!!!

  15. @AndyW: the Veronica scene was in the little montage while Linda was explaining to Ted how frustrated she was. Veronica calls her in the middle of the night and tells her that she'd invite her over, but her sister's in town. Cut to her sitting over her sleeping sister feeding her pudding.

  16. Loved these lines:

    Lem: "No one gets in! No one gets in! Did I win?"

    (Lem's gyrations cracked me up)

    King: "I'm declaring Ted the victor. And Victor the loser."

    Ted: "Well, at least you're bonding."
    Linda: "We're not bonding. I'm being absorbed!"

    Veronica: "I feel like you've been wanting to get our relationship back to the way it was."
    Linda: "What gave you that idea--the fact that you shrunk my cubicle into a hobbit hole?"
