Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Reader mail: Cancellations, cliffhangers, and more

It's another reader mailbag column, starting off with a guy who didn't feel like he got enough closure out of the "Life" finale.


  1. From Jan:

    I'm really upset about the cancellation of "Life," but I'm also upset about "Without a Trace." While Life might not have had the best ratings, WAT was often if not always in the top 20 or so. I guess it's better to go out leaving people wanting more, but it's hard to see why the network would do that. Well, more time for cable shows, I guess. I will NOT be watching Leno every night--or ever, for that matter. I didn't like him at 10:30, and I have no desire to see him daily. (I realize I am probably in the minority there because his ratings were always good.) Maybe I'll have more time to catch up on series I didn't get a chance to get to the first time around. (Should I be grateful to CBS for this cancellation?)

  2. Alan, I can't believe you haven't posted this news from ABC about the new Lost spin-off series. I really depend on you for this sort of information.


  3. Alan is so modest saying "A whole lot of people -- fans, bloggers, other critics -- played just as big a role in bringing "Chuck" back." If it wasn't for Alan opening his own Subway we'd be lamenting the death of this fine series. Wait... maybe he could do that for next season. Thanks again for saving Chuck Alan!

  4. Blair is kidding, right? That's the problem with the written word - can't tell if someone is joking. I need emoticons in the same I need tv shows to pound me over the head with their themes/motifs/symbolisms. The Onion is hilarious, too bad about the layoffs.

  5. I think you're a great guy, Alan. But admit it- you love being the saviour of "Chuck". ha ha good on you.

  6. Would that we could at least get a fantasy guest appearance: Crews goes to Miami and has some bad ass moments with Michael.

  7. On an entirely different point:

    What's the deal with the surge in shows based in Albuquerque? "Breaking Bad" and "In Plain Sight" are both based there, and perhaps there are others.

    Is the state/city giving some sort of huge tax break for production companies to relocate there, or is this just a coincidence?

  8. I was sad to see Life go, as I (more often than not) loved the show.

    Didn't mind the Zending, except that:

    1.It isn't very Buddhist to murder your opponent in cold blood.

    2. You can kill a Terminator* by just punching him in the throat? The Resistance needs to know about this!

    * This refers to Garrett Dillahunt appearing simultaneously on the also-canceled Sarah Connor Chronicles as the Terminator named Cromartie.

  9. Otto Man, they call it Tamalewood because of all the film and TV production there, which the linked article explains.

  10. Meanwhile, turns out the Save Eleventh Hour campaign is busy complaining in the NJ.com comments. Yay!

  11. Thanks for the article, Alan. Explains a lot.

  12. What is it with Alan and fans of canceled CBS shows?

  13. I'm a fan of Rufus Sewell, but he is better than the show he was on. He is a great British actor, but that was a dull CSI ish version of the original British show with Patrick Stewart.

  14. What is it with Alan and fans of canceled CBS shows?

    They're ticked off I don't use my awesome and wondrous show-saving powers on the likes of "Moonlight"? I dunno.

  15. Alan, I'm another fan of that cancelled CBS show Eleventh Hour. I quite liked the relationthsip between Dr. Hood and Agent Young, which I sometimes thought was reminiscent of the relationship between The Doctor and his various companions. And I suspect that when Nielsen comes out with their end of year ratings it will be the one of the highest rated (overall) new shows to be cancelled. That said, I sort of understand why it was done - retention out of CSI wasn't as good as the network weasels thought it should be, and it didn't draw well in the 18-49 demographic. The "numbers head" side of me understands all that. The "fanboy" side of me wishes that CBS would have given it a second season and moved it away from CSI to see if it could stand on its own. I understand why it was done; that doesn't mean I can't be mad at the network for doing it.

  16. They're ticked off I don't use my awesome and wondrous show-saving powers on the likes of "Moonlight"? I dunno.I'm just glad they aren't hanging around here.

  17. This'll probably be the last chance I get to say this, so...

    I honestly have no idea what people saw in "Life." The conspiracy was largely nonsensical and obviously being made up as they went along, and the weekly cases weren't any better; without fail, the detectives would have precious little evidence against their suspect, so in the final five minutes they'd concoct some cockamamie scheme to coerce a confession. 'Because when you don't have to worry about how you're going to wrap a case up, you can make it as zany and contrived as you want!' thought the lazy writers.

    First-ballot inductee in the Bad Show People Insisted Was Good Because They Liked Actors, Characters and/or Isolated Scenes hall of fame. "Friday Night Lights" being the Babe Ruth of such shows.

  18. I liked Life, but I would rather a show I like to end than to plummet to mediocrity. As far as series finales go, it was pretty darn good, which is a rare thing.

  19. I have to comment on Private Practice.

    Not only did *three* people spoiler me on it before I saw it, when I didn't even know anyone watched the show, but seriously - I've noticed that lately, people on PP are sleeping randomly with people for no understandable reason. I mean it's as *silly* as the people who don't like Grey's think Grey's is (and Grey's sometimes has been). It makes no sense to me at all - especially Addie deciding, after living thru season 2 of Grey's, that committing adultery *again* would be a good idea.
    The whole thing is silly. In fact, Violet and wacko chick is the only thing that makes sense (well, possibly Del's meltdown too) but anyone who watches TV could see that coming and Violet ought to try to watch more TV.

    I watch PP when I get to it. This finale, I had to get to before everyone told me every detail!

    But really - aren't these people supposed to be older and wiser than the Grey's gang?

  20. I'm glad Chuck is staying but I'm going to miss Life. It was different and interesting and they didn't hit a wrong note until the suggestion of something shippy between Charlie and Reese.

    The worst thing about this season has been the forced shipping on many shows that I would otherwise enjoy. It started on House with every episode some random patient or SWAT guy saying how much House cares about Cuddy or Cuddy about House or how hot Cuddy is. (If you have to keep saying it to make sure the audience gets it, it ain't there.)

    Then it moved on to The Mentalist where they keep pushing Lisbon at Jane even though he's got more chemistry with a telephone pole than with her (and IMO tons more with Van Pelt to rub salt in the wound). Then it hit Lie To Me where the anvils around Lightman/Foster threaten to ruin his currently good chemistry with both Foster and Torres. Tonight, it was the House-clone and the Cuddy-clone on Mental.

    I love a good relationship as much as anyone (and Hunt/Yang on Grey's Anatomy are making me tune in in spite of the mess of other storylines) but you don't have to put the main male and main female together just because they are there. CSI knew that, and very slowly and subtlely put Grissom with Sara while keeping a wonderful friendship with Catherine. NCIS knows that and keeps Gibbs single while teasing Tony/Ziva.

    There aren't many guys on TV sexier than William Peterson or Mark Harmon. Sexy does not mean you have to push a false or chemistry-less relationship on a character just to show how hot he is. To paraphrase a line from House "less ship, more whip" does an adult drama better.

  21. NM has some great financial incentives for productions, and some new first-class facilities. "The Spirit" was shot in Albuquerque, BTW.
