Thursday, June 04, 2009

Sprucing up the jernt

Big thank you to David J. Loehr for designing the new blog logo. Expect the pictures to change fairly regularly, but I wanted to start off with the three summer rewind shows, plus the evergreen image of Tony Soprano reading The Star-Ledger.


  1. Fernando Madrigal10:44 PM, June 04, 2009

    Took a second to realize Why Tony was on there lol.

    Wish this would have been up Winter 08, with some Wire, Battlestar 30 Rock and Lost screen caps.

  2. Who's to say we can't have that combo at some point?

  3. Great job, Mr. Loehr. As always.

  4. Shouldn't a blog called "What's Alan Watching" have a picture of Alan watching these things? We need a stock picture of you watching a TV Alan! Stick it in that black area on the left. Or maybe a picture of you holding a remote and pointing it at the screen grabs on the right!

  5. Looks good. I'm always impressed with David's designs and still can't figure out how he has time to do them and run a theater and write. I want whatever energy drink he's using.

  6. You should move the Tony picture to the right so the Ledger name is visible. Though i'm never going to argue against Lt. Richard Winters.

  7. So will the Tony image be a constant?

  8. Nice, but why do you have James Ransone on there twice?

  9. dronkmunk, the last pic is Damien Lewis as Dean Winters from "Band Of Brothers."

  10. I don't know why, but Felicity Huffman looks very Edie Falco-ish in that pic.

  11. You should move the Tony picture to the right so the Ledger name is visible.

    An excellent point. Done.

  12. I hope Don Draper makes the photo rotation.

  13. I hope Don Draper makes the photo rotation.

    I suspect you'll be seen some Mad Men people at some point.

  14. Thanks, all!

    As for whatever energy drink I'm apparently drinking, I wish someone would tell me what it is, because I could use more of it.

    (In truth, lots of Tazo Joy tea, brewed as iced tea.)

  15. Nice new logo - totally missed it - and I agree: a pic of Alan "Watching" would be appropriate.
    (now would you bed watching with noetpad in hand? in a recliner? at a desk surrounded/buried by a pile of DVDs screener disks?

    I think I'd go with the recliner (or however you watch TV when you do it for "fun" - as the blog is more The Things You Watch Recreationally (even if you do take notes) than Your Column is. Or at least this is my understanding of it. (obviously "work" slips in too, but...)

    I need a graphic artist - my site needs a new logo. It's stuck in Enterprise. (but my grapic artist is Very Busy with his real job) and I can't afford to pay anyone. :-(
    (though if i put in a Chuck screencap, perphaps a save chucker would volunteer.

    And remember, ChuckMeMondays - the great re-watch, tomorrow at 9pm ET in the US)
    Brian Howard at Remote Access (?) is doind some recap/reviews on season 1 that are nearly Alan worthy (with 20/20 hindsight)

    I've found review/blogs (alan's mostly) made me appreciate the show much more - reminding me of the good parts and pointing out the ones I missed.
