Wednesday, August 05, 2009

TCA: NBC execs don't answer much

Over at, I have an account of NBC's press tour executive session, which turned the two execs into artful dodgers of our questions.


  1. A hopefully wise Latina7:27 PM, August 05, 2009

    Wow, they didn't answer much at all!

    What a weird event -- to send people out there who don't have the authority to answer the questions. No fun for them or for the press.

    I hope someone asks more about Leno. Beyond being curious if he'll change the format at all, I wonder if we'll see more diversity on-air and behind the camera. TV dramas usually have the most diverse casts on TV, and with many of them being lost due to this new 10pm show, a lot of minority talent loses their opportunity to shine (and there aren't that many opportunities to begin with.)

    So I hope the new Leno includes minorities somewhere in the show! It is the NATIONAL Broadcasting Company, it would be nice to see it actually represent our diverse NATION on its biggest show.

    (I know it's not the most pressing issue for everyone, but be nice to hear what NBC has to say about it.)

  2. If they're not going to answer any questions, why didn't they just send out Alec Baldwin as Jack Donaghy? He could have provided just as much information, and it would have been a lot more entertaining.

  3. No wonder why network programming is so bland, if these network zombies are the ones responsible for any of the decision making. If they are running the network, they should have a bit more knowledge of the shows they are running on the network. It's not like this is a surprise press conference discussing something that will get them sued. They should have made an effort to inform themselves about the shows they are promoting or else not waste the time of the critics.

    Outside of the Ben Silverman departure, there was nothing controversial that was asked. And even though he was an idiot, it doesn't seem as if NBC is being left with people that are much better. Watching an episode of Studio 60 would have at least been more entertaining for the critics.

  4. yup. waiting for the transcript was an excellent choice. :-)

    can these people run for office? They are really quite good at telling you nothing. Or as Danny Concannon said: "I'm sure that was the answer to someone's question, Mr President, it just wasn't the answer to mine."

  5. Bet you really miss ComicCon right about now, dontcha?

  6. I was following the NBC exec session in stereo via the usual suspects, and every time a Chuck-related question came up, my heart sank further and further, because clearly, these nitwits are no more savvy than Silverman was as to how to MARKET a show.

  7. I was following something in stereo earlier and thinking someone should put together a page of all the tweeting TCA members (all on one page) and just let it scroll...
    I tried it with a filter but could only think of three and kept getting all their @s too

  8. I have never closely followed the press tour, but these posts are hilarious. I broke out into a fit of giggles when I read about the "Rule of Jay" and the CW publicist sprinting to the podium. You should definitely write a book, these anecdotes are gems.

    Oh, NBC. I find myself rooting for them to pull through because it was one of the few networks with shows I actually watch (Chuck, 30 Rock, FNL, The Office) but they are just completely incompetent. I wonder if at some point the brass will start getting a little bit sensitive about how close to reality the skewering the network receives on 30 Rock is.

  9. With these folks in charge, Kings never had a chance.

  10. Alan - Any chance that you TV critics could swap places with the DC press corps? You all seem to do a lot better job of badgering those in power for answers.

  11. The answer about Leno is "His show is so cheap, the ratings are less important to how much money we'll make from the show." We all know that, so they should just fess up and get on with it.
