Thursday, September 10, 2009

Death by stereo!

This time of year, there are so many new shows premiering, and old favorites returning, and only one of me to write about them all, that I have to do some triage. For the most part, I try to write about every new show at least once, but with some, I either don't have the time to do it, the heart, or both. With "The Vampire Diaries," it was definitely both, so go read Fienberg's review if you're interested. He was a bit kinder than I would have been (the unintentional comedy wasn't funny enough for me), but for the most part, we're in agreement.


  1. Nice Lost Boys reference there,Alan! I do agree that Vampire Diaries seem to be pretty silly but I'll give it a chance anyway.

    It may not be prime rib,but with True Blood winding down for another season,a gothy cheeseburger like this may be enough to satisfy my vampire cravings for awhile-besides,it may be this generation's Dark Shadows:)

  2. I guess this might just be a guilty pleasure. It'll be this year's 90210 for me. And I suppose I am one of the girls who is only watching for Somerhalder... damn you Lost

  3. So I'm guessing I shouldn't watch it just because The Dead Weather's "Hang You From The Heavens" is playing in some of the ads?

  4. I love True Blood but I know this show is just not going to be satisfying. I'll watch an old episode of The Wire or The Shield on DVD.

  5. it may be this generation's Dark Shadows:)

    Lady T! Madame! At best it might be this generation's 'Kindred: The Embraced.'

    I wave my silver wolfs-head cane menacingly in the direction of the very notion. The idea.

  6. What's the deal? Is there a new Vampire show every year now?
    Dark Shadows was... funnier - the bloopers were a blast. I used to read synopses of the eps before I ever got to see (most of) them and the synopses were funny too.
    I don't expect we will again see someone knock over a gravestone with her cape, yank madly at a doorknob to escape a room (while the wall is swaying back and forth for all to see) or pick their nose behind a door with a grated window in it (did you think we wouldn't see?) or, my second favorite, walk away, in street clothes, carrying costume, behind the credits as they rolled.

  7. Having set my expectations laughingly low, I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy this first episode. Then again, I'm a sucker for vampire stuff (pun intended).
