Friday, September 11, 2009

Fall TV 2009 preview - Sepinwall on TV

In the second column up on today (and which won't be in the paper until Sunday), I preview the new TV season, noting that several of the best series (including "Community," pictured above) are comedies. There are thumbnails on all the new shows and premiere dates for most returning series.


  1. Chevy Chase is the next Chevy Chase.

  2. I wonder what Leno's show will do to the Tonight Show in terms of getting guests? When Conan was on the East Coast, many of the Tonight Show guests would make appearances on Late Night too when they came to NYC for publicity junkets. Now, though, I wonder whether some will forgo Conan for the presumably larger audience at 10pm? I'm sure Jimmy Fallon won't suffer for the reason I gave above. But will Conan in LA get the guests that have done Leno? Will he even want to invite them to the show when they were just giving an interview on the same subject an hour earlier, maybe even on the same night, on the same network?

  3. Alan, in the wake of Maura Tierney's decision to drop out of Parenthood completely to focus on her cancer treatments, thereby pushing the show's start date back to next winter, do you think there's a snowball's chance in Hades that NBC will actually do something marginally reasonable, like bringing Chuck back sooner?

  4. It wouldn't stun me if Chuck is back early, Alyson, but that would require something (most likely Mercy) to fail first.

    And while I want Chuck back sooner rather than later, just like everybody else, I also don't want it rushed onto the air so quickly that NBC doesn't have time to do enough marketing. I'm skeptical that the post-Olympics launch strategy will work - it's too long off the air, and promoting scripted shows during sports telecasts doesn't work as well as network suits like to claim - but I also don't want Chuck to come back to an even worse situation.

    And like I tweeted yesterday, I'm not at all surprised Tierney bailed on Parenthood. Cancer treatment, even when it's working well (and I can only hope it's working well for her), is all-consuming. Playing the lead on a brand-new drama (even an ensemble drama) is also all-consuming. Something had to give, and Tierney wisely chose to focus on her health.

    A shame, too, as she was easily the best thing about Parenthood.

  5. Thanks Alan - love the modern age - can just put up calendar reminders for anything that might peak my interest.

  6. I have to think that Chuck is part of NBC's "what if Leno fails spectacularly" strategy. Have at least 1 or two series banked so that you can go to a well if you need to. With that and gameshows, they may be able to fill out a week until they can get some productions started.

    As much as I'd like to believe the Chuck pickup was on merit alone, I'm starting to suspect a strategy. Not that Chuck will do well at 10, but something else might.

  7. I'm confused about Parenthood- the movie was okay at best, the tv show was dreadful, why try again?

    Though from what you say, Modern Family might be the funny version of it that works.

  8. I'm hoping that column is the last thing you have to say about Three Rivers. If it's as awful as expected you can bet that any message board that says as much will be deluged with the crazy Alex O'Laughlin fangurls.

  9. Greg, I recently read somewhere (maybe the article in Time) that NBC is giving Leno two years... no matter what.

  10. Am I blind, or is Community's start date not listed in the column?

  11. Get your vision checked, Hatfield. It's right there next to its blurb: Sept. 17.

  12. I was sorry to hear that Tierney dropped out of Parenthood but she needs to focus on health first. She was the only reason that I was going to tune besides Peter Krause (loved him on 6FU). She is a good actor so if her health rebounds, I have no doubt that she will come back to some kind of vehicle.

    I'm not a crazy Alex O'Loughlin fangirl. I happen to also like Kate Moennig and Alfre Woodard. It's gotten terrible reviews but I will at least dvr the first few to test the waters. I do not watch television to waste my time. I want to be engaged and enjoy the themes, undertones and storylines. It sounds like it may be on line with epic fail but I am going to give it a small chance.

    Bored to Death-I want to like this (I've seen the first two eps) and with Danson (whose performance in S1 of Damages was outstanding), I will be watching or dvr'ing.

    Curb-it's gotten a bit tiring and it's been off the air for what two years? I'm not tuning in for the Seinfeld reunion but for the underrated Cheryl Hines.

    Community/Modern Family-already locked in for me to at least take a good look.

    Kelsey-he cannot seem to come close to duplicating his success on Frasier. I will not be tuning in, unfortunately.

    I have high hopes for The Good Wife. It seems to be getting a thumbs up and I like the main cast.

    I would like to see Chuck make an early reappearance but with it's quality intact.

    Mercy-sorry, after Nurse Jackie, I will definitely not be watching this show.

    White Collar-excited for this show. High hopes and fingers crossed.

  13. D'oh! You know what's really sad? I stared at your article quite intently for an amount of time I'm not comfortable divulging, and I still failed. At least my gaffe won't be known by anyone who reads this post...oh, wait...

    Word verification: "phogregu," what it sounds like when a simpleton such as myself attempts speech

  14. I'd be interested in reading more of your thoughts on "Flash Forward." It seems that you liked "V" better than "Flash Forward" -- they both seem similiar in that they are both gunning to be the sci-fi drama replacement for LOST.

    ABC's been pushing "Flash Forward" much harder than "V," so I figured it was the better of the two. I'm interested in why you think differently...

    (Either way, I'm looking forward to checking out both, since they each feature my two favorite ladies from LOST! :))

  15. ABC is promoting Flash Forward more because it debuts much sooner. V will get its own push when we're much closer to November.
