Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dexter, "Hungry Man": Turkey for me, and a turkey for you

There's been clamor for a place to keep the "Dexter" discussion going, and I'm not made of stone. So as soon as I'm done watching an episode (as I did with "Hungry Man" a few minutes ago), I'll do a post that at least gives you guys the opportunity to talk about it. All I have to say is that the Lithgow/Hall portions of the episode were very strong this week, but most of the other stuff - particularly the final scene - was as silly and/or boring as usual. (I make an exception for the Masuka scenes, though. Masuka with normal people/children=genius.)

Fire away, guys.


  1. Is it possible that Dexter can eventually kill the reporter woman more than once? Maybe that's just how we end every episode from now on? I'm not sure I've disliked a character this much on TV, well, ever. Seriously, the line about pies? I could hear it in my head before they said it like a bad porno.

  2. Dexter's a sociopath. He is incapable of empathy, love or concern for his fellow man. All he has is his code.


    Could someone remind the showrunner?

  3. As someone who loved season one, could anyone who has tell me whether or not I should read the books instead?

    Sorry for the encore comment, meant to ask this a while back.

  4. Hooray!

    Ok, so I've been getting annoyed with basically all of the rest of the show, and even Dexter's dragging out of the Trinity business, but if all that stalling brought us what the LA Times Show Tracker called "the worst Thanksgiving ever," it was worth it. Normally I'd be frustrated that Dexter didn't see all this coming, but not only is he more overwhelmed than normal, but he's not perfect, and missing out on how warped Trinity really was because he wants so badly to live his double life the way he thought Arthur was...well, I believe that.

    In other news (very punny), the reporter storyline finally brought something beyond just awesome gratuitous nudity, with a twist I didn't completely see. I knew there was something fishy about her, but Trinity's daughter, who's apparently complicit? Interesting parallel to Dexter trying to raise a normal family, as we may be about to see what happens when a murdering sociopath actually tries to be a parent. Also, this may give Quinn something to do that isn't lame (even if it's 'die').

    I liked that the Mitchell family is so messed up that even after seeing all the horrible things Arthur was doing and being so afraid of him, when Dexter has the knife the wife and daughter run to him. And did that family situation remind anyone else of the little kid and his "family" from Twilight Zone: The Movie?

    It's still not as strong as the first two seasons (and how dead is either Angel or LaGuerta? Please let it be LaGuerta), but it's building to potentially a very strong finish. Here's hoping...

  5. Dexter *thinks* he is a complete sociopath--it isn't like he's been formally diagnosed, and all we have to tell us that is his own narration (and he keeps being surprised that he actually has feelings about things--I suspect that there are degrees of sociopathy). I really feel like the show has been playing with Dexter's perception of himself v. the reality of Dexter for a while, which is actually more interesting than just softening the character so that the audience likes him more. Would a complete and total sociopath even care about the code? I have no idea, but I suspect after a certain point the answer is probably "no."

  6. @Chris Littman- Haha! That would suit me just fine, even if it meant she kept her clothes on. Though I would say that Lt. Marimow from The Wire Season 4 was worse.

  7. I should have scene it as a red flag when the reporter started acting a bit crazy, that they had some ridiculous twist in play.

    But honestly...what would be the point of the reporter gunning down Lundy and Debra in a parking lot? Why wouldn't Lithgow just do it himself?

    Why doesn't Dexter attempt to kill Lithgow, before T-giving? He knows he's the trinity killer and that he beats his son, and in some way terrorizes his entire family.

    So what's next for the season, a predictable kidnapping of Debra, when she sits down for her exclusive interview she promised the reporter?

    Followed by the B-storyline carrying over into next season that Dexter's marriage is in trouble from the neighbor? By the way, could that have come out of left field or what? There was zero flirting between them this season before these past two weeks.

    I'm not really happy where this season is going.

    Masuka seems to be the only character that has consistent throughout all the seasons.

  8. @Gridlock

    I've read all three books. First was excellent. Second was just absolutely BRUTAL -- as in violent -- but really good as well. Third was only so-so. I would've loved to see the second book's killer on the TV show, but I suspect it was too gruesome.

  9. Mr. Shara Says totally called that the reporter was the one who shot Lundy and Deb - he called that as soon as masuka told Deb last week how tall the killer was. We did not see the "daddy" thing coming, though.

    I'm wondering how Trinity fits into the code because isn't he only supposed to be killing the killers that the cops can't catch? It seems that the cops are making progress and have the potential to crack the case. I guess its just personal at this point?

    I'm glad that Rita has gotten less shrill and irritating over the last few weeks. I adore Julie Benz and she is better than that material they were giving her. Hopefully this storyline with the neighbor will give her some interesting material to work with (although who didn't see that kiss coming from a mile away?).

    I love Masuka. I wish he got more screentime, and the LaGuerta-Batista romance got less. I'm not hating it, but its just not the most interesting of B-storylines. I like both characters and it seems like they're setting themselves up for disaster. Good grief, watching Deb and Masuka hook up would be much more entertaining.

    @Gridlock - yes, Dexter is basically a sociopath, but he is more than just that. He has also shown a strong protective streak for the people in his family/inner circle, with hints of remorse and attachment tugging at him, showing him that he is a more complex person than even he had realized. And yes, he has the code, but they've shown him struggling with the code over the past couple of seasons at least. He isn't just a flat character, he is capable of some level of growth and self-awareness as time goes on, and I agree with Kate that this process of self-discovery is a very interesting and compelling element of the show.

  10. The books, frankly, aren't very good. I've just finished the second and it's not very polished or in-depth. I must say I was disappointed after being able to compare something like Tom Clany books to the movies, where the books are always so much more interesting.

    I don't like to compare the books to the show directly, however in the books he is a true sociopath without feelings. I think that's just hard to pull off and make a character sympathetic on TV.

  11. Anyone else bothered with the way Dexter, once a calm cool collected vigilante killer, is to be believed that he would succumb to emotion and thoughtlessly screw up like he did with Lithgow's character in the final kitchen scene? It's hard to believe and kinda insulting as a fan of Dexter that we should believe that he would do such a thing. Hope I didn't divulge too much about the episode, just had to post my beef with the way Dexter is being written.

  12. Except for the Angel/LaGuerta romance, I thought this week was very well done - which I guess is the general trend of each season. It's finally kicked into high gear, and it was fantastic to see Dexter in that scene when he shows his 'monster' to Trinity. Really well done scene.

    And I half agree with Kate. I think anyone who kills for a sense of comfort would have to be a sociopath. :D But, Dexter always thinks himself to be without feelings (and thus masquerades through the world with what he thinks those feelings should be), even for his kills to a certain degree, but what we've seen is that Dexter is capable of little bouts of genuine feelings (like anger in this episode, or the anger and worry when Deb was shot). I'm curious to see if Trinity ends up being a first truly emotional kill for Dexter, given it's the first time he's seeing into what could be his future.

    I can see why the Quinn's girlfriend aka Trinity's eldest (can't remember her name)would have shot Deb and Lundy instead of Trinity himself. Given what we know so far, it is plausible that Trinity actually didn't know about Lundy, but given her snooping with Quinn, the reporter did. Not sure if she's trying to 'protect' her dad or what, but could it be also the result of having a dad who is a serial killer (and that she knows her dad is a serial killer)? Perhaps she saw something in her childhood, who knows. Could be the reason why she was drawn to being a reporter (of murders and stuff, on top of getting a lot of info through her job) in the first place, much like Dexter himself (drawn to being a blood spatter expert).

  13. 1.) Totally agree with Hatfield, for the entirety of the dinner scene I could think of nothing but Twilight Zone the Movie. The only thing that was missing was someone pulling a giant, terrifying hairless rabbit out of a hat.

    Side note: Wasn't Lithgow actually in that movie,but in the Monster on the Wing story?

    2.) This season is spiraling into crap. It seems like every characters actions are so over the top, there is no subtlety remaining. Trinity couldn't just be a bad father, he has to lock his daughter in her room and break his sons fingers. Haven't these kids been living with him for 16-18years, wouldn't this type of abuse have been discovered prior to the strange guy (Dexter) showing up on their doorstep 2 weeks ago? And how could Dexter now kill Trinity without being the absolute #1 suspect?

    3.) La Guerta and Angel. Who cares?

    4.) Rita and the neighbor. Please sweep her off her feet and move her out of state so this show can drop the family drama. There is enough internal drama with Dexter, i.e. sticking to a code, not getting caught, trying to fit in. There is just no need for this contrived family crap. I would much rather have seen a long story arch dealing with how Dexter deals with the psychological ramifications of killing an innocent man rather than how he deals with how to occupy the kids weekends with sailing groups and campouts. This show needs to be about 3 levels darker.

    5.) Aside from all that stuff, great show. And to its credit, its not like I have quit watching. I just find myself shaking my head in disappointment and laughing in unintentional spots far more in these past 2 season than I did in the first 2. That was great show. This is just a show I watch.

  14. Oh, one more thing. Is Trinity's second daughter April from Gilmore Girls? Wow.

  15. "Anyone else bothered with the way Dexter, once a calm cool collected vigilante killer, is to be believed that he would succumb to emotion..."

    I'm with those that say that Dexter has always thought of himself as emotionless, but he really isn't. Going back to the season 1 finale, he chose his sister over his long-lost brother. Perhaps that was a logical choice, but it was clearly shown to also be an act of loyalty and even love.

    I'm sick of the Trinity thing dragging out, and am eager to see Dexter deal with him. However, it has been interesting to see Dexter go from realizing that you can be a serial killer and have a happy family, to realizing the true impact that Arthur has had on his family.

  16. "I would much rather have seen a long story arch dealing with how Dexter deals with the psychological ramifications of killing an innocent man rather than how he deals with how to occupy the kids weekends with sailing groups and campouts. This show needs to be about 3 levels darker."

    Completely agree. It is me or did they drop that whole storyline all together and haven't mentioned it since.

    shara said:
    "I'm wondering how Trinity fits into the code because isn't he only supposed to be killing the killers that the cops can't catch?"

    Agree, the only time Dexter has deviated from the code is when his family has been threatened, or his secret is in jeopardy of being exposed.

  17. This is twice now (Miguel Prado's brother and the fashion photographer) that the show has introduced, and then quickly rushed to ignore, the idea of Dexter accidentally killing outside the code.

    If the writers had some ideas about how to make that interesting, they would have done it by now. Clearly, they'd rather play cat-and-mouse games between Dexter and whoever the big bad of that season is.

  18. But Alan, Miguel Prado's brother was a completely different situation wasn't it?

    He didn't plan on killing him, it was forced by self defense. Or am I misremembering?

    The photographer was very well thought out before hand, and acted upon by Dexter.

    Any chance CBS creates "CSI: Masuka" as next fall's can't miss hit?

  19. Haven't seen this mentioned here yet, so here goes: did not it strike anyone as flat-out laughable that Deb would call Quinn to find out if he told his girlfriend about the Lundy file (no); confirm her suspicion that the reporter gf knows far more than she should (and thus, one presumes, is potentially quite dangerous, since logic would dictate she's the killer); and then not tell him about that precise fact?

    Quinn: [basically confirms gf is a murderer]
    Deb: OK, then. See you Monday!

    What has happened to this show?

  20. With a few minor issues (but i have those with every season, even seasons 1 and 2), I'm digging this season, and it's all because of LITHGOW! LITHGOW is a name you need to yell. LITHGOW is freaking brilliant, and his scenes with Dexter are menacing, complicated, messy, and wild. The entire Thanksgiving with Trinity storyline was terrifying...it was just like a steam kettle waiting to blow. I completely agree with @Kate (and others) who don't think Dexter's as cold as he believes himself to be, and I think seeing Trinity terrorize his family, when Dexter in some ways wanted to be like Trinity (normal, happy family) and that images was destroyed, just made him snap. That made sense to me. Whew! That scene was crazy good.

    Even LaGuerta and Angel didn't bother me.

    Masuka is sorely underused, and i hope they write more for him.

    Deb continues to be awesome. I just love Jennifer Carpenter's acting choices. Regardless of what you might think of the actor or character, Deb is pretty unique, and that's not just writing.

    I REALLY want to stop seeing Trinity's daughter's boobs. Like, now. And @Chris Littman--can Dex kill her 3 times? She sucks. But i thought the end twist was kind of cool. And I don't think Arthur knows of her little murdering streak.

  21. Is it just me or is it slightly ludicrous to think that with Trinity's daughter dating the cop who is partners with Dexter's sister and is already trying to dig up dirt on our fave serial killer, that Trinity doesn't know he isn't 'Kyle Butler"?

  22. He didn't plan on killing him, it was forced by self defense. Or am I misremembering?

    No, that's how it went down. But he still killed someone who didn't fit the code, and for an episode and a half or so after that, Dexter wandered around wondering what that meant: Should he feel bad about this? Should he feel free to kill anybody now, regardless of Harry's rules? But before he or the show could explore those questions too deeply, he hooked up with Miguel as his new apprentice, and we all saw where that went.

  23. LITHGOW is a name you need to yell.

    A good point, and brings to mind Lithgow's occasional appearances in Jon Lovitz's Master Thespian sketches on SNL.

  24. I still find Dexter entertaining even if it has dropped off a bit. There have been a few clever bits with the new father angle and Masouka has been put into a spot where we might see character growth from him. A lot of stuff this year has had the potential to be interesting but seems to fizzle.

    I agree about Quinn possibly set up to die given the exchange with Debra and the reporter ("I can't imagine seeing someone you love die." "I hope it never happens to you") Then again maybe she sees her father Trinity die.

  25. What was the point of the Lithgow's daughter (the locked in her room one) coming onto Dexter? Then the mother begging Dexter not to tell Lithgow about it.

    Or are they going to use this to explain why the reporter daughter is no longer around the family? That she acted out sexually (not a stretch, considering all the nudity they have given her this season), and was tossed out on the street by Lithgow and told never to come back?

    Is it part of Lithgow's Thanksgiving "ritual" to go see the reporter daughter? It seemed like she was expecting him. Could this be why she wanted Quinn to so badly stick around, so that she could meet her father?

  26. I thought the dinner scene in the Mitchell's house was extremely creepy. As Dexter now knows, Arthur terrorizes his family and not one was thankful for him as they went around the table. I would think that they would have all said they were thankful for him because of his tendencies. It was not realistic for them to thank the home in which they reside. They are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome effects such as wife and daughter rushing to him after Dex dragged him into the kitchen and was brandishing the knife.
    *The wife telling Dex she didn't care what he did or will do to Rebecca but don't tell Arthur? Brainwashed and scared to death.
    Rebecca's inappropriate sexual advances towards Dex also set off alarm bells but fits the profile of a child who has issues that are long as Florida.

    Hal, when Deb called Quinn, did he completely get the picture? I know what angle Deb was getting at with him on the phone but to say, "bye" was a bit unbelievable. It wasn't made clear except he did leave instead of spending the night. Christine was intently listening as Quinn answered Deb's questions. I have to rewatch the episode again. Christine has been acting very needy and desperate when it comes to Quinn. I suppose Daddy dearest didn't pay any attention...is she a product of another union? I want to know to know if the intact family is her family also. I somehow doubt it.

    LaGuerta & Angel-foreshadowing anyone? I would hate to see Velez or Zayas off the show. I am not interested in the sideshow romance as one of the subplots. It's been done to death. It's boring.

    Masuka-Vince had a quite a reaction to seeing Rita and Elliot in his kitchen when kissing. He threw out his special "lava" cakes. I think he cares for both of the Morgans. Dexter has never talked down to Masuka. Vince considers him a real friend. He did say at the request of Deb. Masuka definitely needs more time on the screen.

    Yes, this is supposed to be a dark show but if it followed the trajectory of the 3 books, it would be off the air by now.
    I didn't care for the books and I almost always prefer the books.

    The ending was quite revealing, "Hi Dad." I did not see it coming from a mile away.

    Also I am disappointed too that they have never fully addressed Dex killing outside the code as they could have. It would open another Pandora's box that could lead to some infinitely interesting choices.

  27. I think the daughter coming on to Dexter was to show how messed up she is. Obviously, she's been sexually molested, which is why she acts in such a way.

    The mother basically saying "do what you want to her, just don't tell her father" seems to confirm that.


    I'm wondering if the reporter might be the daughter from a previous marriage. Maybe a family that he already killed, but kept her because she's as messed up as him?

  28. I thought Sunday night's epi was one of the show's best ever. I'm still reeling over the Arthur Family Thanksgiving. Dysfunctional Home Show at its finest. Low grade creepshow is the best - not the wacky Lila or a killing prosecutor. I actually called the reporter as the shooter a few weeks ago (perhaps on another blog) b/c I knew it wasn't Deb's ex, as he's a pacifist. But I thought she may have been Lundy's daughter. Arthur's daughter was a real sit up and take notice moment for me.

    I also like Rita toning down the nagging. And agree that the neighbor is cliche. TV people seem to think any time you put two parents of opposite sex with kids around they fall into bed. It's so unsexy in real life and so not the case. Ick.

    Dexter has been told he's a monster by his dad but he's not an unfeeling monster. He's animalistic about his family and that craziness he whipped out toward Arthur I think was a animalistic protection instinct toward the son.

    And yes, less nudity please. I get enough sitting through Californication. It's gratuitous in this show.

  29. So glad I am not the only person who recognized April Nardini. Although I didn't till they gave her some lines...

  30. Dex can kill the reporter, who comes back a la Kenny, and then when he sees her again, he can respond like Artie from "The Larry Sanders Show" (every time Arties sees one particularly obnoxious studio exec, he swears he killed her back in the Korean War).

    I would've loved to see the second book's killer on the TV show, but I suspect it was too gruesome.

    They already neutered Dr. Danko and turned him into George "The Skinner" King from last season, unfortunately :(

    The mother basically saying "do what you want to her, just don't tell her father" seems to confirm that.

    It might also be that she sees it as a way to save the daughter, especially if "Kyle" steals her away from Arthur Mitchell's house of horrors.

    Also, I don't think the reporter has seen "Kyle," just Dexter, so she wouldn't make the connection and tip off daddy dearest.

    BTW, I loved how misleading the previews were for this ep. They had me thinking that Arthur shows up at what's-her-reporter-face's place to kill her for her stories on his murders, not that he was merely visiting his daughter. Hope Dex makes the connection and puts them on the table, side-by-side, like he did with the couple who trafficked in human beings. Although I would really rather Deb catches Trinity & Daughter so we can see Dex visit him in prison every so often.

  31. "Any chance CBS creates "CSI: Masuka" as next fall's can't miss hit?"

    Great idea. C.S. Lee deserves his own show, whether it's your "CSI" suggestion or "Harry Tang: Ass Man Producing Pineapples."

  32. (Not the same Mike as above)

    @Gridlock, Chris Littmann & Blue.

    That would be FOUR books...

    Jeff Lindsay released Dexter by Design in August.

    One sentence from Lithgow stole the show for me - not just the offensive word - but the way it was said, and to who.

    Shut up C%$^ to his wife - so abrasive and so utterly telling of the truth behind the mask at its darkest.

    Sadly I will always feel that this far into the season JL has been desperately underused and badly written.

    If Im lucky in the finale there will be a lovers tiff or a badly positioned shoot out and LaGuerta and Batista will shoot each other dead before season five.

  33. So glad you brought this back even if you don't like the show it's the only place where I could read comments and reflection on Dexter. Thanks!

    This season makes sense. The show is consistently moving forward even if many of you don't like the direction. We can't have three seasons of season one. Did anyone think Dexter's life would be fun after he got married? Of course it would be long and complicated like it has been revealed to us. For the most part they've went about it quite logically.

    From the get go they were going to explore the "cheating wife" scenario. They could really do a lot with it. Make Dexter go insane and kill people close to him, it could be his way out of the marriage, or it could be his way of coming to grips with marriage. It's good stuff.

    And, this episode is on par with any of the other seasons. Dexter wraps belt around Trinity. "Get your fucking hands off him!" Pulls him into kitchen and grabs the kitchen knife. "I should've fucking killed you when I had the chance."

    Great stuff here

  34. Yeah, I forgot to mention how great Hall was both during the dinner confrontation and after in his car. If it weren't for him I'd've been out on this show long ago.

    But, since they're so intent on having Harry talk to him like this is a Stephen King novel (and I love King, but the device doesn't translate well to screen), why couldn't they also bring back Brian and Doakes? Imagine a whole chorus of sub-conscious characters from his past. Over the top, maybe, but I think I'd like it.

  35. And how could Dexter now kill Trinity without being the absolute #1 suspect?

    Clearly he can't and won't. My guess is we'll end this season with a scenario similar to Season 2, where Dexter's dilemma with the Code was solved by having Lilah kill Doakes (with the police not even realizing he was murdered), while Dexter himself dealt with Lilah.

    My guess (hope?): Quinn kills Mitchell, Christine kills Quinn in revenge, Dexter kills Christine.

    There's still the matter of Mitchell's family having seen Dexter threatening Daddy Dearest with a knife, a major security leak to say the least. But my guess is the show will simply sweep this loose end under the rug to join all the other loose ends.

  36. This was an entertaining episode in a lot of ways...but it also is evidence of the show choosing to be melodramatic instead of sophisticated.

    While the tv show Dexter is Shakepeare compared to the Dexter books (or are they pamphlets?)...its failing to be anything more than popcorn television.

    Unfortunately, the show has a habit of killing off all the engaging side characters (Doakes, Lundy, the records clerk who Dexter mercy kills?) and holding on to all of the weaker ones. They need to wipe the slate clean and start over with the B characters.

    I still enjoy lots about this show and feel its worthy of my attention, but I do wish it could be a better version of itself.

  37. @ Mike (the 2nd)

    The way Arthur said that word to his wife, without raising his voice, was absolutely chilling. And the way she is so Stepford about it ("...ok") was even more chilling.

    Some people debated how this couple could be the same couple who were in the bath together...I think she's just happy when he's happy, and happy when he's not angry. Complete battered wife syndrome, and it's horrifying to watch.

  38. I called Christine as the shooter as soon as Deb and Masuka figured out the height (they were playing her just that creepy/suspicious) but I didn't see the "Hi Dad" punch line at the end. Looking back, I wondered why Arthur was so upset looking at the front page story about the bludgeoning case being unsolved. You'd figure he'd seen lots of press on his killings in the past, and there was probably no real news in that story.

    Now I see that there was a connection between the story and the writer to Arthur and I"ll be curious to see what it was. Was Christine helping him out by shooting Lundy, and gathering information for him, for the paper? Probably. But why? Is she in on who Arthur really is, or was she just blindly following his orders because she's scared of him.

    It also makes sense why she'd be a bit on the loose side, yet also be clingy with Quinn. I thought it was just that she was frisky, and trying to get information (both true), but knowing of Arthur's hold on his family, there may be something deeper into Christine's behavior with Quinn.

    Count me on the side too that ignores the Battista/LaGuarda story, continues to find Masuka hilarious (esp. with the kids), and a real fan of Jennifer Carpenter. I loved how she barely curbed her ffff-udges with the kids around.

    Finally - Harry's appearances are overdone. A couple,key times OK, but he is just a little too frequent of a visitor in Dexter's consciousness.

    [Alan, thanks for the blog space]

  39. quick clarification: "Now I see that there was a connection between the story and the writer to Arthur and I"ll be curious to see what it was."
    By which I mean, I know the Christine connection to Arthur, I'm interested to see why what she wrote or what she did related to the story that prompted the visit from Arthur.

    Oh yes, I'm also in the OMG group over Thanksgiving dinner with the Mitchell family.

  40. Any chance CBS creates "CSI: Masuka" as next fall's can't miss hit?

    With every intro featuring him saying something perverted, putting on his glasses, and The Who screaming.

  41. a recent episode of supernatural does a great mocking of various shows; one of which is CSI: miami

  42. I've come to the same conclusion as Mike F. about Dexter being popcorn television.

    I went to the Dexter panel at Comic-Con, and frankly, it was one of the more boring ones I attended. The writers and actors (particularly Hall) seemed to take this show very seriously, like they were making Very Important Television.

    For the first two seasons, I approached the show the same way, but about halfway through Miguel Prado's meltdown, I realized it's become a straight-up soap opera. Or maybe that it always had been.

    Viewed through that prism, I'm still hooked. Trinity's by far my favorite big bad of the series, and those scenes are strong enough to counterbalance the weakness of the ancillary storylines.

  43. Count me as not a fan of B-stories.

    I love the interaction between Hall and Lithgow, but the change from perfect family man to psychotic abuser seems kind of abrupt.

    They can't simply ignore the fact that the Mitchell family saw Dexter threaten Arthur; I think that Arthur has had (and killed) multiple families -- his current family matches the Trinity pattern: teen daughter, mother of two, and a son he can bludgeon to death -- So he kills this family, leaving Dexter free to kill Arthur with no one to recognize him as Kurt.

  44. Am I the only one who wants next season to involve Deb finding out (or almost finding out) the BIG Dexter as killer secret.

    Also I agree with those about his sociopathic tendencies - the whole "no feelings" thing? He was clearly lying to himself/was lied to by his dad. Remember season 1 when he flipped over Deb going missing?
    Tho, the guilt over this "innocent" - he's broken the code more than once. The self-defense, the mercy-killing, the pedophile. I think they should have focused more on him feeling bad that he made a mistake and got the wrong guy rather than simple guilt over killing the innocent.

    And whoever said the daughters must have been molested is probably right. Both daughters use sex to get what they want to alarming degrees. It also makes me wonder about the original sister (Vera?) and her relationship with Arthur's father.


  45. No, the Thanksgiving dinner scene did not remind me of "Twilight Zone: the Movie". It reminded me of the original episode ("It's a Good Life"), of which the movie was just a pale remake.

    Yes, Masuka is great, but he's like salt: he adds flavor to the show, but a little goes a long way.

    I vote for jesitsoning Harry's ghost. The writers don't need it. In the early episodes, they did fine letting us know Dexter's thoughts via the voice-over narration. No imaginary sidekick is needed.

    Christine killed Lundy to protect Arthur. I think she's only going after Quinn because he's a cop and can give her inside information on the investigation, allowing her to know if new threats to Arthur arise. My only question is whether she's doing it on her own, or whether she's an agent of Arthur's. I suspect it's the latter.

    The Rita cheating bit was out of character. She's a happily married newlywed with a new house and a new baby. She's "living the dream". Why would she consider an affair with a stranger at this early a time in her marriage?

    Dexter can't kill Trinity without "Kyle" becoming suspect number one. Unless, of course, Arthur's family hates him so much that they'd cover for Kyle. Can't completely rule out that odd possibility.

    But odds are he'll have to do what he did with Miguel: make sure that someone else is blamed for the murder, to divert attention from him.

    As for bare breasts: personally, the more the merrier... (although I'm sure some female viewers may feel otherwise.) I suppose it's possible to approach a point where it would become excessive, even from a man's viewpoint, but we're not even close to that...

    Angel/LaGuerta may be the worst idea the writers ever had. It's just wrong, wrong, wrong...

    Finally, as for Dexter's feelings (or lack of same), one of the TV show's main themes is that Dexter believes himself to be emotionless, but it is very evident to the viewer that he is not.

  46. I read the first book, and agree with Mike F that the show is Shakespeare compared to the books. Without giving away the book for those still wanting to read it, the show added some layers to the relationships which made the story more complex and more interesting. Maybe the problem is I read the book after the show, so found myself missing what wasn't there - it felt like a bare-bones, duller version of season one.

    One major difference is that it's written in first person, and entirely in Dexter's point of view - so there aren't any scenes which he isn't in or observing (so no Laguerta/Angel or Quinn/Reporter love scenes, but also no getting inside Deb's head.) Everything we know is filtered through Dexter's consciousness - I think having a Deb point of view is another positive of the translation to television.

    My take on why Trinity didn't kill Lundy/Deb himself is that he has his own code. He kills only according to his pattern, and anything outside the pattern must be done by someone else. That or he really doesn't know, and she did it to protect him, and he will be furious when he finds out that she violated his code. Either way - I'm a little bored even typing this. I guess I don't find the reporter/Daddy storyline at all compelling. It's too easy and feels lazy on the part of the writers.

    I also think one reason Dexter hasn't backed off on Trinity, even though now he probably could and be reasonably assured the police would find him on their own (thereby eliminating the need for him to act as the avenger) is that Trinity would go on trial, not die, and there is risk that along the way he'd have the opportunity to identify Dexter, thereby exposing at least some of Dexter's secret life and open him up to scrutiny. But I also think the abused family angle is another lazy way to get Dexter off the hook - he promises the terrified family they have nothing to worry about, helps them run off to somewhere far away and safe, and then secretly and quietly kills Trinity, without any worry that they will expose him. Yawn.

  47. I think Trinity's kid will end up snapping and killing his father. After he flipped out on Thanksgiving, he's in for some hellacious treatment from his dad. Maybe he'll finally have enough and take him out.

    My question would be how this kind of abuse could have been explained away to coaches as clumsiness. I absolutely thought that was crap.

    Also, what are the chances that Dexter was the first guy the daughter tried to give herself to for protection? I'm betting there's a high school teacher out there somewhere that's seen that side of her.

    It's hard to believe that someone didn't report this family at some point.

  48. I saw Rita's affair coming ever since the scene where Dexter pushed Astor into the pool to mimic Elliot. They were setting him up as too much of a white knight too blatantly. At this point, after Trinity kicks it I have only two more reasons to watch Dexter: his reaction to Rita's (inevitable) affair and Deb finding that shredded picture of his Mom. Those seem to be the only threadlines that have promise post-Trinity
