Wednesday, November 11, 2009

'WW II in HD' review - Sepinwall on TV

In today's column, I review History's "WWII in HD," which is cool to look at but not quite as deep as it wants you to think it is.


  1. Great column, and I agree: Sunrise Earth was mesmerizing.

    But Justin Bartha is the missing groom-to-be in The Hangover, not the Bachelor.

  2. Yeesh. You're correct. He was at a bachelor party, and that led to the stupid mistake. Fixed.

  3. Jin's English Tutor11:22 AM, November 11, 2009

    Alan, everyone with HD becomes an HD snob/addict for at least a little whileonce they get hooked up. My early HD crack was Planet Earth on Discovery.

  4. Probably a dumb question, but is that Haysbert from when he was on The Unit?

  5. Yup. The logo kind of obscures the fact that he's in his dress uniform.

  6. So happy you decided to review this, particularly because my Great-Uncle is Jack Werner and I have been excited for this since his interview. Got it set on my DVR and I hope your article encourages more people to do so as well. Funny how often I wanted to post comments here on shows I did print design work for (Mad Men, Breaking Bad, among others), but this show is a great reason to make my first! Thanks Alan...

  7. Not sure I would have the temerity to bash Michael Bay if I regularly watching crappy shows like Dollhouse and Drive, but whatevs.

  8. Maybe this is a dumb question, but I haven't bought my HDTV set yet. Is it still worth watching?
