Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Friday Night Lights, "Stay": Do think twice

A review of tonight's "Friday Night Lights" coming up just as soon as I talk about my history of quitting...
"You know, I really don't know what I'm doing here. You go away to college, and you think you're getting over the whole thing, because being away helps with that. But now I'm here, and here we are." -Lyla
Dillon, Texas is a strange little place. It's empty and depressing and most of the characters on the show rightly dream of getting out and never looking back, but it also - like any place where you grow up, and/or where you find people you care about and who care about you - has this uncanny pull on its residents. They don't always leave when given the chance, or come back briefly to wonder why they ever left, or fear the inevitable departure of someone close to them. You can take the head cheerleader out of Dillon, but you can't take Dillon out of the head cheerleader, you know?

So in "Stay," we see Lyla still home for mid-term break (and not, thankfully, having just come home for the funeral) getting pulled in one more time by the bad boy magnetism of Tim Riggins, see Julie fear that she's going to lose Matt, see Tami come to terms with the fact that she's going to lose Julie within a year, and, in the end, see Matt decide that he made a mistake in staying for Julie.

And it's with that last part that I ran into some trouble with this one. Last week's "The Son" (one of the best episodes this show has ever done) was always going to be a tough act to follow, particularly in the Matt scenes. And "Stay" didn't help its cause by being fuzzy about many things Matt-related.

I still don't like that they rewrote his motivation for staying to be about Julie, not Grandma, when it was damn clear in "Tomorrow Blues" that Lorraine was his reason for turning down Chicago. It feels like they did that at the time because they didn't know if the show would come back, and it was a fitting (if somewhat depressing) ending for Matt. Once the show got renewed, though - and then once the creative team realized that only Tim Riggins would work as a full-time Panther alum - they had to scramble to justify writing Matt out. So now Julie became the lure of Dillon for him, which meant that as soon as there was trouble in the relationship - and as soon as Matt had suffered a major emotional blow like the death of his old man - it would become much cleaner for him to hop in the car, crank up the Bob Dylan(*) and just drive. I know that Matt earlier mentioned the "death gratuity" would help keep Lorraine financially secure, and we got that shot of Shelby and Lorraine finally getting along as Matt watched them from his car, but the whole point of all this was that Lorraine needed a full-time caretaker, and Matt wanted to provide that for her because of all she'd done for him. Now we're supposed to forget all that, pretend Shelby will want to move to Dillon forever, and not worry about details about where Matt will live, what he'll do, school, etc. He just has a fight with Julie, hops in the car, and goes. I'm sure this isn't exactly the end for him on the show, but right now it's a very bizarre exit for one of the series' best characters.

(*) Nice touch on the use of "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright," since Matt's love of Bob Dylan was established in the second episode, when Jason Street told Coach all the ways his back-up was different from him, but cool.

And despite being more clearly written out at the end of last season, Lyla comes back so she can be even more explicitly written out. I enjoyed the Tim/Lyla stuff, as being in Tim's orbit - and being amused by all the shenanigans that come with Tim Riggins(**) - made Lyla a much more appealing character than she ever was with Street, or with Chris. And it's certainly fun to see anyone ride a mechanical bull (especially someone who was once so prim and proper).

(**) This includes the presence of the over-eager, chatty girl next door, and it was funny both to see Lyla roll her eyes at Becky, and to have Tim finally tell Becky to shut up. I just hope Tim's resolve can hold now that Lyla's out of the picture for good.

But while Minka Kelly and Taylor Kitsch's scenes were entertaining, they felt unnecessary, and again had a rewriting of a motivation from last season. Remember, Tim said he didn't want to be the guy holding Lyla back, and yet here he all but begs her to stay. Now, I can see circumstances changing things - Tim threw away his scholarship because he thought he'd be happier back in Dillon, but has mostly been miserable - but coupled with the Matt/Julie thing, it felt off.

Not a bad episode, but it strained more than it should have to get the results it wanted.

Some other thoughts:

• Things seem to mostly be going well for Vince in this one. His mom is sober for a stretch (though Vince's wariness suggests this isn't the first time she's cleaned up, and that it doesn't tend to last long), and Coach's wildcat offense is not only working, but seems to be giving Vince better opportunities than Luke thus far.

• The football stuff was also odd, but in that usual detail-weird "FNL" football way. The Lions' opponent gets way oversold - if no one had scored a touchdown on them in two years, how were they not in the state championship ahead of the Panthers? - and while we get some explanation for how the Lions' offense is able to be effective against them, there aren't any signs of how the team's defense is able to limit what's supposed to be a McNulty juggernaut to only 14 points.

• No movement on Stan being in the closet, but we get glimpses of both the bad Stan (impetuously guaranteeing a win) and the good Stan (scaring off JD and his crew from hassling Vince and Luke at Sears). Of course, both Stans are basically the same guy; it's just the context that's different.

• The guarantee doesn't really lead to anything - much like the episode from a while back where they made a big deal about a game being televised and then never dealt with that again - except for the one very funny moment where Tinker (the big Lions offensive lineman) is asked about it and cackles hysterically at the notion that they have a shot.

• Once again, we get weird with the ages of the original kids. Landry notes that he and Matt have been best friends since they were both five, yet Landry (the smarter one) is a grade behind. I suppose you can chalk that up to deadlines for determining grade eligibility, but again it reminds me of how silly all the age business is. (Landry was driving a car as a freshman?)

• Lyla returns, and Tyra gets name-checked by Landry, who deservedly gets slapped in the face by Jess for doing it. (The kid just kept talking and talking and talking, didn't he?) And with Vince still interested in Jess - and Jess's dad hating Vince - we could wind up with our first triangle on the show since the early days of Street/Lyla/Riggins. I just hope we don't have two, now that Becky keeps waffling between the available, interested and age-appropriate Luke and the uninterested Tim.

• You get the feeling the directors and camera guys like shooting the twins who play Gracie, don't you? There was a lingering, tight close-up on her with a huge smile in this one.

• Nice to see, in the episode that brings back former head cheerleader Lyla, a bit more of Jess's similar role on the East Dillon squad. (Do we call them cheerleaders? A dance team? What? The lack of pom-poms and flips is throwing me.)

• Amusing as it was to see Tim and Billy suit up to help Coach run a practice, wasn't Billy's sport golf? Or was there a previous reference to him having also played for the Panthers?

• Julie's unauthorized trip to Austin led to a bunch of hilarious Coach and/or Mrs. Coach moments, from Tami interrogating Landry to Eric listening to Tami's monologue and saying (as he knew he had to) that he supported her 100 percent, to Tami whispering, "We're just going to beat her ass when she gets home."

• Roger Ebert likes to joke that anytime a movie character gets a hotel room or apartment in Paris, the Eiffel Tower is clearly visible outside their window. I'm starting to feel the same about any "FNL" scene set in Austin, which always has to feature the capitol building.

Finally, the good people at DirecTV who make it possible for me to see these episodes ahead of time have asked me to remind you that you can see new episodes of "Friday Night Lights" on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on The 101 Network. There's a new episode next week, then the show takes the next two weeks off before returning on January 6 for the latter half of the season.

What did everybody else think?


  1. Julie and Matt went to Austin but yet did not bother to look up Tyra? Why is it when you leave Dillion you have to leave and never come back and leave everyone forever? Seriously if Lyla and Riggins want to at least make a go of it why don;t they try? What he can't go visit her at school? She not coming home for Christmas break?
    Matt could not wait a couple of weeks to plan out his move? Where is he going? Is he just leaving his Grandma behind forever?

  2. if no one had scored a touchdown on them in two years, how were they not in the state championship ahead of the Panthers?

    Actually, I heard that as no one scored on them in four games.

  3. At my high school the girls with the pom poms were cheerleaders and the ones without were the song girls.

  4. Or was there a previous reference to him having also played for the Panthers?

    Yep. He was on a championship team in the late '90s.

  5. ... how were they not in the state championship ahead of the Panthers?

    In Texas, 5A football has 2 state championship games, Division 1 and Division 2. This may help explain how they could be so good but we have never seen them. Love your analysis, post-FNL highlight.

  6. Alan, I had to laugh, because I swear I wrote this before I read your weekly write up, but I totally agreed about the sort of ambiguous ending with Matt. In the end, I was glad to see Matt finally happy, and his return was totally worth last week's episode alone, but do we believe he'd REALLY just bolt town unannounced after last year when he yanked his grandmother out of the home?

    I'll also echo that coach Stan is hilarious, and Tim telling Becky to shut up literally made me laugh out loud. (Listening to her say "Tim Riggins" over and over reminded me of the neighbor's kid in S1.)

  7. Totally agree that there was a lot going on here in the attempt to move stories forward, but this show still has some of the single best moments. When Julie cried to her mom that she thought Matt was leaving, my heart broke with her. They feel like a very real teenage couple. Even though we all know the show sold us on the idea that Matt stayed for his grandma, we all know that teenagers do things with multiple motives. There is little doubt he also stayed for Julie, even if he didn't want to admit it.

  8. Yes, Billy played football for Dillon. We learn in season 1episode 1 (which I just rewatched) that Billy was never as good as Tim at football. Billy also golfed as did Tim a bit becuase their Dad was a golfer. There was an arc with Tim finding Papa Riggins on the golf course.

  9. "if no one had scored a touchdown on them in two years, how were they not in the state championship ahead of the Panthers?"

    Field goals and safeties.

  10. We learn in season 1episode 1 (which I just rewatched) that Billy was never as good as Tim at football.

    Fair enough. I just remember Billy saying he gave up a golf scholarship to take care of Tim, but he could have easily played both, and just been better at golf.

  11. Actually, Billy had a golf career, I think, but they canceled a tournament after 9/11 and he said it ended his hot streak. His dad skipped town soon after and he came in to take care of Tim.

    Jesus, I know way too much about this fictional character.

  12. I LOVED Luke & Vince watching game film. The fact that are black/white farm/'city' & cocky/humble BUT have ultimately the same motivations and problems is a very compelling storyline.

    I also thought the shot of Buddy Garrity looking so happy with his new team was brilliant.

  13. I loved that the focal band at the music festival in Austin was “The Heartless Bastards.” Normally, the characters on this show are anything but. Yet in this ep Matt finally used his head rather than his heart in leaving behind his girlfriend, his best friend, his mother, his ailing Grandmother (oh no… is that we last we see of Grandma Saracen?), and the only life he has ever known in Dillon. Of course he needed to move on. Lyla’s return provided a nice reminder of how hard it actually is to leave the comforts of Dillon. It took the death of his father to help Matt shake free from those heartfelt attachments to Dillon comforts and make the cold-blooded sensible decision that he needed to do something more with his life.
    Tami’s emotional outburst got me. Terrifically played – it crept up on me that Tami actually wasn’t that upset about Julie taking off to Austin. The realization that Julie will be moving out of home in upcoming year (and that she’s ready to do so) was what made Tami’s raw emotion completely believable and connectable.

  14. I'm not sure how I feel about the ending of this one yet - I'll need to watch it again. However I was talking to my wife and son after the show - I hadn't told them Zach was leaving- and even after watching the show they didn't know he was leaving.

    Makes me think the ending was way too ambiguous for the average viewer. (meaning one that doesn't keep up with the blogs)

  15. I don't think the Matt storyline was as flawed as you say. In last season's finale, remember Julie attempts to break up with Matt because he is going off to art school, but he won't let her. Later, he decides to stay ostensibly for his grandmother, but the scene with Julie (I believe at Billy and Mindy's wedding) suggested that he also stayed largely to keep her.

    I thought it was also well done how you never heard the conversation Matt and Julie had on
    the way back from Austin, but knew exactly what was happening from their faces and the tone of their conversation even before Julie told her mom she thought Matt was leaving.

    I do wish more was done to explain Matt's leaving. Still, the car scene with the Dylan was great. It really contrasted with and mirrored Riggins' truck ride back to Dillon in the season premiere.

  16. I thought the Lyla/Riggins story was actually helpful, in that it was never fully addressed after last season (the assumption at the time, I believe, was that they were going to try to have a "long distance relationship").

    Was anyone else actually confused by the ending scene with Matt driving? I kept wondering if he was just on a drive or if he was leaving, primarily because it looked like he had no boxes/luggage in the back of the wagon (you usually load up a wagon if you're moving for good). You could say it was an impetuous move and he just spontaneously left (or that he doesn't have many worldly possessions), but ... call me simple, but I was just unsure (though the aerial shot of the long road did seem to clear it up).

    The quick improvement of the Lions is feeling a little implausible, particularly on defense, as Alan said (they're getting blown out by lesser teams, but hold the McNulty juggernaut to 14???). At least they didn't have them beating McNulty (though the writers are self-aware enough not to do that). Also, I think the showcasing of Luke vs. Vince in the offense bears watching. The commentary during the game said something about the Lions "finding their star" in Vince. Remember that, not only does Luke see college football as his sole way out, but he had the talent to be a focal point in the Panthers offense (enough of a star on that loaded team to fake an address for him, etc). It will be interesting to see if the writers are building this up in some kind of slow boil.

    And ... one entirely minor touch that made me LOL. After Mrs. Coach leaves Julie a message, they had Gracie make an "uh oh" noise before Mrs. Coach's "you're my favorite daughter" and the close up on Gracie. The whole sequence was entirely gratuitous, but was one of the tiny humorous touches that add to the show.

  17. I didn't mind the reappearance of Lyla and her second (and hopefully final) farewell, because it made sense and was thematically relevant. She comes home for a school break (although aren't we only in early October or so in show time? This is game what? 5?) and sees Riggins a lot while she is there. More importantly, on a show where all of our young characters are trying to get out, we get to see someone that made it out who then talks about the pull "home" has on her, home being not just Dillon, but her dad and Tim as well.

    Not a big fan of Vince suddenly becoming QB1 on the Lions. The kid is fast, but we have never gotten any indication that he has any kind of arm, and the announcers lauding him as a great QB on that first drive was borderline offensive, considering they didn't throw a single pass. We've more than covered the pressures of being QB1 on a Texas high school football team.

    As for the game itself, I liked the idea that the Lions were sticking with a less traditional offense considering their woes. They need a little razzle dazzle to compete.

    And poor, poor Matty... I recognize the bit of ret-conning they did for Matt's motivations for staying behind, and Alan makes a good case for why it was neccessary. But the sight of him on the open road, heading away from the fast food jobs and the huge amount of responsibility that has continually been heaped on his shoulders was a welcome up note for a character that gets shit on more than anyone on the show. We don't know what is going to happen to him out in the big wide world, but we know exactly what will happen to him if he stays put. Any alternative to that is a happy ending in my book.

  18. 1. The announcers say that no one had scored on them in four games, so I would take that as since the beginning of the season.

    2. The dance team never has pom poms, but they do pretty much the same thing as the cheerleaders. At least that's the way it was in my school (I'm from Texas BTW).

  19. >> Not a big fan of Vince suddenly becoming QB1 on the Lions. <<

    That was a little strange, with the commentator saying "it looks like they've found their quarterback" when the sequences showed both Luke and Vince taking snaps throughout the game.

    Ultimately, a "QB1" designation has less importance in this offense (spread option / Wildcat), given that the QB is basically just another RB who is getting a direct snap and is not really a passer. That's why both the RBs (Vince and Luke) are getting snaps, but it seems like Vince is intentionally getting more big plays from the writers than Luke.

    That said, it looks like Vince is getting more of the snaps and they may be morphing him into more of a true QB. The nice touch there is that it makes it a black QB / white RB backfield, which goes against the traditional stereotypes (as Alan has advocated for before). The bias against black QBs is well known (and has lessened in recent years), but the white RB bias is getting some press these days with the emergence of Toby Gerhart at Stanford. Not sure if this is intentional by the writers, but I wouldn't put it past them.

  20. I found it odd that Lyla has to take the bus back to Nashville. Doesn't her dad own a car dealership?

  21. When the Riggins brothers took the field in practice did anyone else notice that Tim was wearing his jersey from the Under Armour All-American game?

    This is an annual showcase of the best high school players in the nation. Not players that can only get a scholarship to San Antonio State. If you play in that game you go to a BCS school.

    That always annoyed me that they made Tim out to be one of the best players in Texas but struggled to earn one scholarship.

  22. I know a lot of people find her to be annoying but I have to admit that Becky is kinda growing on me. The actress who plays her has this fragile, delicate and tender voice that I find quite endearing. The scene at the end where she rambles about having more than one soul mate ending with Tim Riggins saying "shut up" was perfect and hilarious.

  23. just because a hs player is really good doesnt mean he gets big time schools to offer him scholarships especially if his grades arent good enough. thats real. he wasnt the best player in the country where it wouldnt matter. riggins needed grades.

  24. Riggins' grades were plenty good enough to get into about any school. There have been plenty of storylines about how Rally Girls do all his work for him, but they've never said his actual marks aren't good. I always assumed that San Antonio State--since it isn't real--was supposed to be a football powerhouse in the FNL universe, much the way TMU doesn't really exist but the players talk about it like it's UT or Alabama.

  25. A reason why the Dillons defense seemed to be much better could largely be due to the offense being better. It looked like the Dillons ran the ball pretty much all night long, somewhat successfully, which would eat up a ton of the clock leaving the McNulty team not as much time on the field meaning less points.

  26. I'm not at all bothered by Landry and Matt being the same age. My nephew is one of the 3 or so most-advanced high school sophomores in the state, but was held back a year before starting kindergarten because it was deemed he lacked sufficient "socialization skills," whatever that means. So all of his classmates are a year younger, even though he's taking college-level math and science courses.

  27. Because I know way too much about these fictional characters, I will mention that, though the rally girls did his homework for him, everyone knew it. I think there's an episode in S1, where a rally girl gives him a paper and says that she spelled a lot of words wrong so that the teachers would think that he'd written it.

    There are a lot of reasons why he didn't get scholarship. One of the reasons could be that he never really wanted one. And was never really that motivated.

    I hope Matt gets out of Dillon. It's heartbreaking to see him realize he made the wrong decision, for the wrong reasons. Even though, he said he was staying for his grandmother, from the way he treated Julie at Billy's wedding, it seemed like he also stayed for her.

  28. I actually liked the scenes with Lyla and Tim, if not to keep reminding me how stunningly beautiful Minka Kelly is.

    The problem I actually had with this episode was how Julie just reverts back to Whiny, Crying Julie all over again after seeing her character make some small, tangible progress over the years. What did Matt see in this girl again?

  29. Actually I think Becky and Landry are destined to be together. Although they've had minimal (any?) interaction they both are running parallel story lines. They both make sudden moves on the objects of their affection and they both just don't know how to keep what's going on in their head from coming out of their mouths. A date between these two would be a comedy of errors, but a very entertaining one.

    You're right about the invisible Coach Taylor defense. But to be fair the invisible Coach Taylor defense has been a staple of FNL for most of the show. Do you remember the state championship game where they went into halftime down 24-0 and somehow never had to give up the ball in the second half? They could've at least shown a quick lucky turnover or Coach Taylor mentioning something about his defensive strategy in this game. But at least they're consistent.... And how perfect that the hapless Cleveland Browns beat the Super Bowl champs Pittsburgh the day after this episode.

    In a way this felt more like the "Mother" episode to contrast with last week's "Father" episode. The real heart (and amazing acting) was between Tami and Julie and Tami's fear that she doesn't get to be a mother any more. And Vince gets a moment of reconciliation with his mother who is realizing too late that she wants to be an mother to her son.

    And don't we all wish we had an Eric Taylor character in our lives? Somebody who knew when to shut up but you can tell always knows what's really going on even before you do.... He did it for Matt last week and Tami this week (ok, every week).

    And if they do write Tim out of the show they can't go the same route as with Matt. Tim is the prototypical "hometown hero" who can't fathom the idea of not being the big fish in his little pond. He clearly loves that more than Lyla.

    My bold prediction for next episode? The Lions get a win. Bolder prediction: Coach Talyor gets a college offer at the end of the season.

  30. For a guy who entered our hearts throwing a football at that tire with Landry shagging them for him, and asking "What's the chances you actually play?" Who continually was overshadowed by Street, Voodoo, The swede, Smash, Riggins, and JD. And overlooked by his dad, then Coach, and then Coach again I think it fits Matt that he wouldn't have a grand departure, and after last week's tearjerker and Emmy worthy performance, there really couldn't be an encore. Having him shag for Landry was a nice juxtaposition, and Landry asking "What about you?", after he announces his Grandma is set for life. Sitting outside his house in the end, he knew how Julie felt, and he realized his grandma had come to terms with his mom, there wasn't much left for Matt Saracen to do.

  31. Man, William, that assessment had me crying. I'm going to miss the Matt character, but it's time. And like you said, it didn't need to grandeur.
    But man...I'm sad.

  32. I don't have an issue at all with how the writers have handled Matt and his motivations this season vs. last. After all, these are teenagers. They make a decision one day, change their minds the next, and much of it doesn't make sense to the adults around them. Matt told everyone last season that he was staying for his Grandma, and, in part, he was. But he was also staying for Julie, and just generally afraid to make such a life-changing move at that point in his life. Having some distance from high school, maturing a bit, and losing his father has changed Matt to the point where he's now ready to make the decision. Yes, he takes off without coming out and telling everyone what he's doing. Julie knows what he's doing without him saying a word. Just like she knew he stayed in Dillon for her even though he never said it. Matt knows Julie is aware of why he stayed, and he knows she understands that he's leaving now. Their relationship is such that they don't have to articulate everything in order to be understood. I think he chose not to go inside and face his Grandma and Shelby because he was afraid they would talk him out of it, or he would feel too guilty to go after facing them. He had worked up the courage, and it was now or never. Even if Shelby doesn't stay in Dillon, he knows Grandma has the money now to afford a nice retirement home, rather than that awful place Matt considered for her last season because it was all they could afford. I wasn't confused at all about where he was going, and the whole thing made sense to me. I loved the episode, and thought it was a worthy follow up to last week.

  33. I think the show has been very consistent on the Matt/Julie thing, although they haven't exactly spelled it out (which I thought was a good thing). I thought they did a great job - and an obvious job - of noting that while Matt said he was staying for his grandma, it was really just his excuse because he didn't want to leave Julie. So Matt's actions this season have seem pretty well lined up with that emotion.

  34. Not to get too nerdy, but there's no way East Dillon could play 14-point defense on McNulty or block their defensive lineman or play special teams the way the show makes us assume they did. I really like the building of Vince and Luke's relationship, but the East Dillon football scenes are totally unbelievable (like how a sophomore QB and FB could be featured players on a state championship team in Texas).

  35. I loved seeing the Riggins brothers taking the field, you just could see how much they enjoyed it.

    How many home games in a row will the Lions have ? 4 games so far and all 4 at home so far, right ? Or did i miss a road game ?

    Missed a nixe storyline here, showing how the other established teams react to the new (and at the start terrible) team on their own fan-filled turf rather than on the road.

    the gamefilm scene at Sears was awesome. I expected some weird situation, but going into an electronics store to watch game film on a big screen ? Awesome idea.

    As for the football :

    Big improvements obviously, then again at the HS level it doesn´t take much to improve vastly. Them having 2 legit talents at RB and running Option/Wildcat could definitely surprise even a good team.
    As usual we don´t have a character who is a defensive player (yeah, i realize they play both sides now at times) and thus get no inside on any improvements there.

    Overall i like it that they haven´t bothered in establishing a new QB.

    Hated Saracen´s exit (was it the end ?), didn´t do his character justice at all...

  36. As always, superb recap, I love being able to endulge my FNL geekdom between episodes. Wanted to comment on two things, one from this week's recap and one from last's-

    - Regarding 7's motivation for staying (Lorraine vs Julie): I think Matt stayed for both, and Grandma helped him, in his mind, justify giving up college for Julie, even though he knew she would be leaving for college soon herself. Although he didn't like his father, he desparately sought his approval so I think Matt didn't abandon his duty as protector of Lorraine for fear of disappointing his dad, not being the good soldier that stays and guards his post. Once his dad died there was no one left to guilt him into staying and he knew mom and grandma would be just fine together, so he left.

    - point 2- Lance v. Landry debate. Coach absolutely knows Landry's real name, he's been on his team for two years, he's one of the few familiar faces on the new team, and he's best friends with his daughter's boyfriend. I see the Lance nickname as a subtle way for a tough guy like Coach to say "I like you kid" without being soft. Its a friendly way to tease him. He's saying- look I know your name now, I used to get it wrong, but I tease you because I think you're an alright kid. I had a coach who didn't call any of us by our first names until we were seniors. I know he knew them before then but it was a subtle sign of respect, which I think "Lance" is for Coach when he speaks to Landry.

  37. @The Belle Herself

    They make a decision one day, change their minds the next, and much of it doesn't make sense to the adults around them.

    What are you talking about? I don't know where you're getting your data from--excessively realistic shows like Gossip Girl and 90210, perhaps?--but most teenagers would not make the decision to leave home forever lightly. Adults are not always the logical authority. Clearly.

  38. re:Mario, above: this last game (McNulty) was a road game.

  39. Anyone who knows Tim Riggins since season 1 knew he was going to tell Becky to "shut up". That was hilarious, you have got to love Riggins.
    As far as Lyla and Tim are concerned, yeah he said he didn't want to be that guy that held her back, but I really felt he realized how much he missed and wanted her when she was gone. Sometimes you try to do the right thing because you love someone and then sometimes your emotions get the best of you and you end up wanting what you want. I would really like to see these two together in the end somehow. Anyway, that is how they will be in my mind at the end, together.
