Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lie to Me, "Tractor Man": White lies

Last night gave us the last new "Lie to Me" before the show goes wandering in the wilderness, waiting for some other Fox show to fail so it can claim its timeslot. And if this is it for a while, "Tractor Man" was a pretty good episode to go out on, with both an effective thriller A-story and a surprisingly sweet B-story with the radically honest Loker and guest star Felicia Day(*) telling a lot of white lies to keep some kids from being scared, then making it all better with the very catchy "White Lie" song.

(*) Day is, unsurprisingly, trying to harness her social media might to get "White Lie" released on iTunes.

What did everybody else think?


  1. This was definitely an improvement over the poker-las vegas outing last time. Yay! I wish that Felicia Day had gotten a little more screentime (I had hoped for some little scene of Loker teaching her some tricks of how to lie well, so she could better hide her panic from the kids or something), but otherwise I have no complaints. I also don't have a whole lot to say about it either, though... I liked the scene of Lightman telling the little kid the truth, but I also liked the follow-up of how the kid was having a hard time handling the truth. I thought the White Lie song was really cute, and have been singing the two lines of it that I remember all morning. I'd download it if it were on iTunes...

  2. Compared to my favorite episodes this season, it was a little weak. Compared to the last episode and most of season one, it was excellent. All in all, I liked it and was really happy to finally see a sweet, pleasant Loker storyline. Felicia was adorable (that stupid song will be in my head for days), the kid storyline was actually *good* and it was nice to see him alone instead of paired off with one of the women, being cocky about something.

    I enjoyed the main story even if it was pretty obvious that Bridgers was being forced to sit on the fake bomb. But, I guess it wasn't about that, it was about getting him out of the situation and catching the people responsible and they did well with it. My favorite part of the entire episode was when they finally met face to face. Cal's great grimace/grin was fantastic.

    Also, good to see that it's not just Mekhi that gets the bad lines, it's everybody at the FBI. Love Ferrer, but most of his dialogue just sounded ridiculous.

  3. Available on the songwriter's website blog in mp3:
    (But personally I'd be okay with buying it on iTunes to show support)

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed the episode.

    When Cal made the peace sign after (while?) talking to the bomber? Awesome, awesome, awesome. Well...I guess not Cal making the peace sign, but what happened afterwords.

  5. @Melissa - yup, that was an awesome moment!!! That was a totally intense scene.

  6. If you are cheap like me, you can watch the White Lie song on YouTube for free. ;-)

  7. Whether you like the show or not. I thin it's good to have an episode like this in any show. To have something lighter for once. Sometimes there needs to be some balance.

    Also, I loved this song and I took the courtesy of writing out the lyrics for people. I also have it on my blog which is funny cause it's called "Truth Be Told Radio" http://truthbetoldradio.blogspot.com

    Background Info on the song:

    "White Lie," with words and music by Zachary Pincus-Roth,
    a writers' assistant on "Lie To Me," a show on Fox that features
    a man and a team who help police and FBI see the clues in people
    to tell if they are telling a Lie

    Lie to Me - "White Lie" Song Featuring Felicia Day

    I say I'm 10 when I'm 9 and half.
    My Uncle Tells a joke and I try to laugh
    In gym I fake a headache, but I want to quit
    I say I love the sweater that my Grandma knit.

    But that was...

    Chorus 1:

    A white lie
    (Sing as echo in "Lie To Me" epsisode the children sing this part) White Lie
    That's a white lie
    (Sing as echo) white lie
    That's the kind you want to tell
    (Children sing too) A white lie
    So your mom won't have to yell
    A white lie
    (sing echo) White Lie
    Everybody does it cause it feels alright and it's more polite
    But a lies still a lie, even when it's white

    I pretend I'm asleep when my dad walk's in
    I said I ate my chicken, but I just ate the skin
    You speak and say your lie and when your mouth says not
    Your pants are on fire, but their not too hot

    When it's a...

    Chorus 2

    White Lie
    (sing echo) White Lie
    It's the kind you want to tell
    A white lie
    So your dad won't have to yell
    A white lie
    (sing echo) white lie
    Everybody does it, cause it feels alright and it's more polite
    but a lie's still a lie, even when it's white

    While it might be hard, to say what's true,
    would you want a white lie told to you?

  8. he's not holding up a peace sign. i'm pretty sure if he held up one finger, it meant the guy was harmless; and two fingers, well, bang

  9. bondservant4jesuschrist, thanx a lot!!!!

  10. Corrected Lyrics @bondservant4jesuschrist:

    I say I'm 10 when I'm 9 and half.
    My Uncle tells a joke and I try to laugh
    In gym I fake a headache, when I want to quit
    I say I love the sweater that my Grandma knit.

    But that’s a white lie
    (white lie)
    That's the kind you wanna tell
    A white lie
    (white lie)
    So your mom won't have to yell
    A white lie
    (white lie)
    Everybody does it cause it feels alright
    and it's more polite
    But a lies still a lie,
    even when it's white

    I pretend I'm asleep when my dad walk's in
    I said I ate my chicken, but I just ate the skin
    Your face can say your lyin’ and when your mouth says your not
    Your pants are on fire, but their not too hot

    When it's a white lie
    (white lie)
    It's the kind you want to tell
    A white lie
    (white lie)
    So your dad won't have to yell
    A white lie
    (white lie)
    Everybody does it, cause it feels alright
    and it's more polite
    but a lie's still a lie,
    even when it's white

    While it might be hard, to say what's true,
    would you want a white lie told to you?

    But that’s a white lie
    (white lie)
    It's the kind you wanna tell
    A white lie
    (white lie)
    So your mom won't have to yell
    A white lie
    (white lie)
    Everybody does it cause it feels alright
    and it's more polite
    But a lie’s still a lie,
    even when it's white

    (Thanks for the lyrics though! I was looking for this to teach the After School Program I work for as soon I saw the episode on my DVR!! LOL. All I did was make some minor corrections)

  11. another corrction (I had a typo)
    "Your face can say your lyin’ and when your mouth says your not"
    Should be:
    "Your face can say your lyin' when your mouth says your not"
