Monday, December 28, 2009

Men of a Certain Age, "The New Guy": Big shirtless Ray

A quick review of tonight's "Men of a Certain Age" coming up just as soon as I look at all our sexy cabbage...

I'm on vacation this week, and a little under the weather, so I don't have a lot of time and energy to spend on "The New Guy." Once again, I think Ray Romano and Andre Braugher are really bringing it, here depicting Joe so adrift that spending a night hanging with his bookie seems like a good idea and Owen struggling with the revelation that Joe's marriage was over much sooner than he had thought.

This wasn't one of the stronger Scott Bakula episodes, though, but I imagine I could watch weekly installments of The Joe & Manfro Show, so it's all good overall.

What did everybody else think?


  1. just tell me that there *are* stronger Scott Bakula episodes? (I mean, in the future)

    Joe is my least favorite character. I liked him last week, which was new and different, but Owen usually has a story of his own that I really get into. And it's not that I'm taken by The Braugher Mystique, I've heard of him but hardly ever seen him before (one ep of the Practice, two eps of House) I just like his character.
    This week I was really liking his wife at the end.
    I really liked that Terry decided to take The Road Not Traveled by Engaged Teacher.
    The revelation of Joe's emotional affair was interesting as well. I think my ex did his in a parked car at the grocery store - I wondered why it took 4 hours to get a loaf of bread...
    The scenes with the bookie bored me, but at least I had nice eye candy when Scott was on camera.
    Always seems a little dark though. Maybe it's just my TV settings.

    No kids in this ep, no jobs, no hiking (I miss the hiking!) Terry's boss is such an idiot. Even Terry thinks so, doesn't he?
    I vaguely remember a somewhat good song. Nothing outstanding.
    Maybe those whose breakups are more current will be feeling it more.
    Lotsa people on Twitter seemed to like it.

    I've never seen Scott auction (and I still didn't, tonight, in the traditional sense) but I've seen him do a lot of charity benefits. So there was a bit of familiarity - and a difference, cause it was Terry, not Scott, and, to me, that was obvious.

    Feel better.

  2. I think the Bakula story just felt a little repetitive of the notes we've seen the character play already while the other two guys got to show new sides a bit, so his story felt less interesting.

    But I liked this one a lot. We learned a lot more about our characters, it had some funny, a lot of real, and ended on a hopeful note of sorts without that note feeling forced (like it often does on the otherwise great Modern Family.)

  3. not the best episode, but it was interesting and enjoyable...and that's fine by me...its all I expect from this show

  4. I thought this episode was the best yet. More subtle than the episodes at the car dealership or Joe dealing with his son. I don’t think it was a weak episode for Bakula at all. Terry is an actor who is playing Joe Cool in his “real life,” but was uncomfortable with that role while his boss was dissing his wife and decided to play against type when he bailed on the hook-up. Those middle-aged realizations aren’t in Terry’s script, so they’ll be subtle and occasional.

    Joe’s foray into drunken vandalism with the bookie was the least convincing story line. I don’t buy that he’s that helpless against the suggestions of a near-hoodlum. He’s not that desperate for camaraderie.

    I love Andre Braugher no matter what he’s in. “Homicide” was one of the first shows I ever lamented when it got cancelled and I really liked him in “Thief” a few years back. I’m thrilled he’s back! It’s interesting to see him play someone so weak since he typically plays more authoritative characters, but he always does indignation well. This episode was no exception.

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  5. Big Shirtless Ron from "Ya-Hoo!" reference?

  6. I enjoyed the "The New Guy." Once again, Braugher was excellent. His indignation at the realization that Joe's marriage was over long before he knew rang true in relation to real life examples that I have seen.
    Romano brought more depth to his character as he hung out with his bookie for the night. Joe doesn't strike me as the type of guy who would have done that but now that his life is changing (I sense a great loneliness), he grasps for human contact.
    I also thought Terry's story was not weak. His uncomfortableness with his boss and his comments, his decision to take a right and not follow her was step to maturity.
    This show has been an unexpected surprise for me. I've really enjoyed it thus far.
    Alan, feel better. I'm in my pajamas nursing whatever I caught. Take care of yourself.

  7. I said last week that I found the episode inconsequential and that's how I felt about this week's episode too. Nothing that happened last week had any effect on this week's episode and, aside from learning Joe's wife was unfaithful before they split, it's unlikely anything that happened in this episode will matter in the future. Sure, Joe hanging out with his bookie or Terry deciding not to follow the woman home provided some interesting character moments, but character moments alone do not make a show. There is absolutely no forward momentum to any of the storytelling here and it seems like you could miss the show for several weeks without ever feeling lost.

  8. I just love this show and am joyously caught up in the Andre Braugher mystique. I just think he's wonderful in pretty much everything he does.

    I really wish they were doing more than 10 episodes, though. I'm going to miss this when it finishes.

  9. Maybe I'm reading things into this but I don't think so. This show is SO subtle -maybe too subtle for it's own good- that it's easy to miss some things.

    I thought the entire show was terrific, including the Terry storyline. I don't think his story was repetitive at all. Terry is a womanizer and it's very likely he's broken up - or at least caused serious trouble - in many a marriage. His justifying of Joe's wife behavior I thought was a clue ((that scene combined with Joe and Owen's scene about the emailing at the end of the show show as close as these men are there are still things they keep secret from one another). I also felt, on more than one occasion he was ogle-ing his boss's wife.

  10. Big Shirtless Ron from "Ya-Hoo!" reference?

    Might could.

  11. This is the first episode where I felt there were no missed notes. Every previous episode has had filler, but tonight was seamless without being predictable.

    Terry has gone from my least favorite character to someone who's actually captivating. Everything he did in this episode built on last week's desire to stop "playing house". And while his defense of "the interloper" showed us the man he was a couple years ago, he chose not to be that man again. What I love about the show is that we're not sure why he turned right when Teacher turned left. Did Owen's moralizing really change his mind? or did he realize he can never get what he wants with Teacher, and delay gratification for the first time possibly ever?

    Only ten episodes? That's short even by US cable standards. For me, this is appointment television on the same caliber as "Mad Men" or "The Sopranos". Hopefully TNT will realize what a sleeper hit they have on their hands and order another season (or three).

  12. As a man of a certain age, I welcome what Romano is trying to say in this series, but the subject matter is hard to watch at times. I am not sure this is entertainment, at least not on a weekly basis. I told my wife she has to watch this if I have to watch Brothers and Sisters

  13. LOVE LOVE LOVE this show.Each week it gets better to me.

    Maybe not for the folks who enjoy Gossip Girl and other 20 something angst that is for sure. But we folks of a certain age find it great TV. It's drama with some comedy. I enjoy each character. They all bring something to the table. This weeks episode to me was excellent.(sure less Scott but he was prominent last week)

    As my husband said, He can relate to them all at some point in his life. And I can as well. Owen, Andre, really brought it home this week to me. He was so touching when he realized that all was not what it seemed and how fragile it all is. The ending with he and his wife was spot on perfect.

    I know when I love a show it is never renewed so I am praying that is not the case here. It deserves so much more kudo's and talk. Maybe if it had been on HBO or someting I don't know.

    But then I love HBO's In Treatment and it's relatively ignored as well.

  14. They all bring something to the table.

    at Norm's? ;-)

    Kianna, thanks for that synopsis of the ep which flew over my head.

    I actually watch Brothers & Sisters. Finally, a way for men to retaliate! Any man can retaliate at me by forcing me to watch Scott Bakula any day (unless it's something Clive Barker wrote)

    Glad I'm reading these.

  15. I'm actually glad it's not on HBO as then I would have to get it elsewhere. I have enough friends already who have either dropped or downgraded their cable and can't get it. And one who had to throw out her TV.... Times are tough.

    I do hope someone takes notice.

  16. I have to leave a comment and state that Joe's bookie just killed it.

    So many great and strange one-liners!

  17. Kensington said...
    I just love this show and am joyously caught up in the Andre Braugher mystique. I just think he's wonderful in pretty much everything he does.

    I totally agree. I think I could watch him read the phonebook. But I am also enjoying everyone in the show so far.

  18. What Kensington said. Also, this is one of my favorite new shows. I hope it comes back for another season.

  19. I'm enjoying the series, and thought this was the best episode yet. Hoping for renewel.

  20. I found the parts where Joe and the booker were hanging out to be, um, uncomfortable. Do men do that? I wanted them to move a little further apart.

    Andre Braugher is always fun to watch. For one things, he's so odd looking but strong and intelligent. Back in the Homocide days, I used to call him the burnt match-head guy because his head looked like a burnt match-head. Now it's a little wooly on top. And the actress playing his wife I loved in The Practice and she's pretty damn good here too. That couple kinda stands out on this show. They seem real.

    I liked that they showed how it usually takes two for couples to drift apart.

    As for Bakula. Can someone explain to me what's supposed to be so cute about him? Would I have to look in some archives to see how he used to look to fully appreciate his alleged cuteness? Because I'm not getting it. In his role, he is fine, I'm not saying he's not. I just don't get the "eye candy" remarks like At All. He's craggy.

    Yeah, I missed the kids a little and the hiking. But I'm hooked now.

  21. Look at his old pix. He's a fine specimen, and to me, the cragginess adds to his sexiness (just as it used to do for Clint Eastwood until he started looking like a cranky grandpa).

  22. I am also a Man Of A Certain Age...
    I'm glad to see Terry realize that he doesn't enjoy being a garbage dick as much as he used to. He seems to be understanding that he is lonely even when he isn't alone.
    The scenes with Owen are always the best. With his wife, you get to see the hope that relationships can last. With his father, you get to see the intimidated kid inside grow up little by little. In most scenes, you get to see the morality that I wish more people had, even if he is at least a little stubborn about it.
    Joe's scenes are are painful, not because they're not good, but because they're too good. To be at an age where you're supposed to have it all but you don't have much of anything anymore is a hurt that is hard to describe. They're able to show us what that feeling is.
    I looked forward to this series from the very first commercial I ever saw. It isn't exactly what I was hoping for, but it is very good. I wanted more humor, but what I got was a look into the mirror that is more than a little uncomfortable. But that is exactly the proof of how good this show is.

  23. Cathlene here. I'm glad you're reviewing this show and look forward to the after show conversation in the future. I haven't had a working TV for some months now, but I get this show on iTunes, so I'm happy. Lie to Me and the Daily show are on Hulu and Mad Men is on iTunes. Thanks to the WiFi of my next door neighbors, I'm saving money.

    I'm enjoying Men of a Certain Age so much that I worry. After all, I'm a female over 60 and clearly not in anybody's target demographic.

    When ep. 4 started I was feeling very uncomfortable because the guys were all getting into their individual addictions, but after a few minutes I was hooked on their human qualities and enjoyed this episode even more than those previous.

  24. Sometimes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm not saying Scott's not good looking; I'm saying that it's rare for me to notice a man's looks first. Usually they grab me emotionally in some way - in this case, by acting - and then I might notice. In this case I was subjected to tale after tale of what a nice guy he is, and then I heard him sing.
    I'm not totally insensitive to the way Scott looks, now that I like him. They were forever cutting his hair on Enterprise. Which, of course, made his nose far more visible. So anyway, I like it when his hair's about this length and a little mussy. I'm just one of a bunch of 50 year old women (who has been here since she was 34) who could look at him for a good long time (but also admits to having been sufficiently distracted by thoughts of which of my friends I only see about once a year, I might be having lunch with so as to sorta forget he was on stage 6 rows in front of me, singing)

  25. What I like about the show is that each man has SOMETHING that he can be proud of, and that the other guys are jealous of. Joe has a successful business; Terry still has women fawning all over him; Owen has a good marriage and kids. But they also all have at least one vice, one weakness, that is keeping them from a larger happiness that they thought they'd have by now. This seems very, very real to me, as a woman in my 40s.

    Also, how did Alan get that security cam shot in color? All the security cam shots I saw during the episode were in black and white.

  26. Also, how did Alan get that security cam shot in color?


    Well, that, or the collection of publicity stills on Turner's press website.

  27. I would never EVER turn down a shot with Jessica Lundy ... but that's just me.
