Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New 'Chuck' poster: Kick it!

The first few "Chuck" season three episodes are supposed to arrive within the next day or two, and I'll do a quick, spoiler-free write-up as soon as I get through whatever they sent. In the meantime, enjoy a gander at the new key art for season 3.


  1. hmm thats what, a month early? LUCKY!
    however, not giving away any spoiler for the next month will take quite a bit of restraint, so maybe not.

    Great poster anyways, nice to NBC pulling for ole' Chuckie. wait a second... Wheres casey!?!

  2. SWEET. Thanks for that, Alan! Keeps my Chuck jones (oops--no pun intended) fed.

  3. That doesn't even look like Zach Levi to me!

    I hope it's good...it has so much potential with this new twist!

  4. Does anyone else feel like all of the promotion for this season is sidelining Adam Baldwin? I really hope that Casey's role isn't reduced as significantly as it looks.

  5. I'm a little sad that Casey isn't hovering somewhere in the background of the new poster, but otherwise, it ROCKS. Zachary Levi is sporting a nice haircut!

  6. Does anyone else feel like all of the promotion for this season is sidelining Adam Baldwin? I really hope that Casey's role isn't reduced as significantly as it looks.

    Don't worry, Eric. Everything I've heard says Casey is as prominent as ever.

  7. I watch and enjoy most of the shows discussed here on Alan's blog, but not Chuck. I gave the first couple of episodes a try, but they seemed ... conventially action show-y ... and didn't make much impression.

    The premise "regular guy gets superspy powers" doesn't appeal to me at all, nor do action sequences, fight scenes, chases, capers, etc. But neither did the premise "high school girl solves mysteries," and I loved, loved, loved Veronica Mars for its wit and heart and darkness.

    So: I am missing out, aren't I?

    Is it best to begin again at the beginning? Or is it OK to skip to Season 2?

  8. Does anyone else feel like Yvonne's head is really big in this poster and her neck is maybe a bit too long?

    Otherwise I love the poster :)

    ~signed a person who photoshops too much during the day

  9. @Kate

    To be honest Chuck season 1 was not something I payed a ton of attention to. It as something that played in the background and I sorta took in but for the most part it was background viewing, and I didn't even see every episode. I really started watching it in Season 2 because I had it on and the opening intrigued me. After the first few episodes of Season 2 I went back and got the Season 1 DVDs and watch that whole season. Honestly the Season 1 episodes are great, and even some are essential as far as backstory goes. Season 2 is far and away better though and if you watch it first you'll appreaciate Season 1 for what it is opposed to just not gaining interest. When I have tried introducing friends to this show I have tried showing episode 1-3 of both Season 1 and Season 2 and the ones I show Season 2 first are always interested while only like one of my friends stayed interested from the Season 1 episodes.

    Just my two cents.

  10. @Kate, try again with Season 2 (which hasn't been released yet on DVD). Hulu has a couple episodes online. Of Hulu's available eps, I'd recommend "Chuck vs. Santa Claus."

  11. Hey, thanks, Ryan and Stacey. S2 DVDs come out in January, but I'll check out "Chuck vs. Santa Claus" on Hulu this week. Seasonal!

    Hope to see you in the comments....

  12. Casey has always been sidelined when it comes to the promotional art for the show. He's not Chuck, and he's not a (sexy, blonde) chick. It sucks, but it's nothing new, so we shouldn't worry about what it might say about his role in the show.

  13. chuck looks kinda like what abe lincoln would've looked like today.

  14. Casey has always been sidelined when it comes to the promotional art for the show. He's not Chuck, and he's not a (sexy, blonde) chick.

    Indeed. You can see the previous seasons' poster art at http://www.impawards.com/tv/chuck_ver3.html - not a sign of Casey.

  15. Oh Kate I am so with you on that one. I hope that "Chuck" suffers the quick "Jericho" (and now, thank God, "Dollhouse) death so that its status stops polluting an otherwise fantastic blog. And with only 14 comments about it coming back (before mine) I'm certainly not the only one. Sorry to sound mean, but it doesn't warrant all the critical attention. Two weeks into its January run, we'll already be reading the "Save Chuck" stories. Again.

  16. bsangs,

    Chuck may not be your cup of tea, but to claim it's poorly maid is pretty foolish. I understand 80s references and action sequences don't satisfy every television show, but Chuck is well plotted and is blessed with good acting.

    Besides this is ALAN'S blog and he can write about any show he wants.

  17. @bsangs - Did you take classes on being the turd in the punch bowl?

    Seriously, check the comment count for the Chuck episode posts - it might not be Mad Men or Sons of Anarchy, but Chuck averages a pretty solid response around here.

    If you don't like it, don't watch it. Don't read Alan's posts about it. He likes it, as do a pretty fair share of his readers. Unless, of course, you'd like your money back. Here.

  18. Great poster. I've been pleased to see NBC plugging Chuck during Sunday night football. Don't watch much other NBC but hope Chuck promos are playing prominently in other timeslots too.

  19. NBC waited until 10 days after Christmas to release the DVD? What was their thought process behind that?
    Most of the promos have been accompanied with the tagline "No more Mr. Nice Spy." Do you think the fact that season comes with a major change to the show make it more likely for new viewers to try it (pegging it for a good jumping-on point) or less likely (thinking that they won't be able to appreciate the change since they haven't seen the buildup)?

  20. I understand that Chuck is not everyone's cup of tea. But what I don't get is why bother commenting and reading posts that relate to show you hate/don't like?

    Regarding the missing Casey: he was never a main character, IMO. You can remove and replace him with another grunting, gun-loving agent and you still get a show called Chuck. Having said that, I appreciate how much Baldwin has been contributing to the show, and I hope that we get as much (or more) of Casey as before.

  21. @bsangs:

    Although I don't watch as much TV as Alan (obviously), I watch quite a bit, and the second season of Chuck, from start to finish, was amazing. The last three episodes were particularly great, and the sequence with Jeffster singing "Mr. Roboto" may be the greatest five minutes of television I've ever seen.

    I don't eat lobster, but should I wish for all the lobsters on earth to die off so that I don't need to see others eating them? That seems to be your point which, obviously, is ridiculous.

  22. A month?!

    Damn, Sepinwall I want your job.

  23. Easy there everybody. Relax now. In three months, when "Chuck" is on its last legs and NBC releases the obligatory - "We tried, but still nobody is watching, so we're shutting it down" press release, we'll all share a good Chuckle about this...

    I've been reading Alan's work since before "blog" was even a word, so I know he dishes out just as well as he takes. And I'm pretty sure he wouldn't resort to childish name calling like "turd in the punch bowl" because I find a show he loves to be absolute trash. My description of "Chuck" was kind compared to some of the show he's sliced and diced in print.

    I gave "Chuck" my time for Season 1 and it sChucked. Watched the first couple episodes of Season 2 and felt the same way. Enjoy it while you can, because deep down inside, we all know it's getting Chucked from the lineup next season. (Although I will say this, the title is one of the most pun-worthy titles ever.)

  24. In case you haven't seen it, guys, I got my season 3 screeners and did a quick write-up.

    And bsangs, I don't care about anyone taking shots at me. But repeatedly complaining about the existence of a post or posts about a show you don't like strikes me as both petty and a waste of time - and, yes, to put it indelicately, very much like someone dumping a turd in a punchbowl in hopes of ruining everyone else's good time.

    If you want to complain, that's certainly your right. Just don't act surprised when people object to that. Should a heckler be surprised when the rest of the audience (who are enjoying the show) tell him to shut up?

  25. OK then, I stand corrected. Maybe Alan would call me that... :)

  26. I've been reading Alan's work since before "blog" was even a word, so I know he dishes out just as well as he takes. And I'm pretty sure he wouldn't resort to childish name calling like "turd in the punch bowl" because I find a show he loves to be absolute trash. My description of "Chuck" was kind compared to some of the show he's sliced and diced in print.

    There's a big difference between Alan doing his job and shredding a show he doesn't like and you doing it in the comments of a post on Alan's blog. You've set up a false equivalency, there, buster. You want to bitch about all the Chuck posts? Fine. But you'd better get your facts straight (like the one about comment count meaning no one cares without, you know, actually looking at the comment count for episode posts). Also, as Alan mentioned, if you want to do your bitching in what amounts to a forum full of Chuck fans (as all of these Chuck-related posts are), you should expect the responses you're getting. Otherwise, go do your bitching on your own blog.

    Finally, it is just as childish (more, really) to keep using the threat of impending cancellation to harangue the Chuck fans around here as it is for me to have referred to you, metaphorically, as the turd in the punch bowl. Schadenfreude in advance? Were this not a family-friendly blog, I'd call you exactly what you are for doing that here.

  27. Love it when "Anonymous" people have the stones to attack. Enjoy your three months. Sorry Alan.

  28. Because "bsangs," the 40 year old male Scorpio, is any less anonymous, from a substantive standpoint?

    Also, if argumentum ad hominem is all you've got, you really have no ground at all to call anyone childish.

  29. Sigh... two posts in one day where I have to do this.

    Everybody settle down, okay? Remember Rule #1 for commenting around here.

    Talk about the shows, not each other.

  30. Damn,
    Canadians Love Chuck!
    Give him his due, and if you have nothing nice to say about other posters, say nothing, as my mom would say. Oh and bring back Firefly too, Go Casey!
