Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Human Target, "Rewind": Fakes on a plane

Still recovering from press tour, but I enjoyed the second episode of "Human Target," even as I wondered what sort of vehicle Chance's adventures will take place on by the end of the season. (A riverboat? A dirigible?) Good to see Chi McBride out in the field, good to see Courtney Ford in a much less annoying role than the one she played this season on "Dexter," and some big pieces of Chance backstory got dropped.

Just as soon as I pull a Crazy Eddie, please tell me what you all thought.


  1. really enjoyed this episode. Chi McBride is wonderful, snappy writing, loved the non-linear storytelling.

  2. The plane flew upside down!!! You have to be kidding me!

  3. I'm really enjoying the show. It's fun and it's good to see Mark Valley in that kind of role again and Chi is always fun. It doesn't look like something I'm going to make an appointment to sit down and watch every week, but it's definitely on the DVR season pass and it won't be ignored. I still miss "Keen Eddie", so I'll enjoy this one for as long as Fox will have it.

  4. I'm really liking this show. Love the theme music and the opening credits and the way they shoot the fight sequences (which in other shows tend to bore me to tears). I admit that I've always found Mark Valley very appealing. The only thing is I wish there was a woman on the team...but I guess that gives the Chance character an opportunity to flirt with the Babe of the Week (BotW). I even enjoyed the gun reveal when the timeline caught up to the in media res opening, even though that was really sort of clichéd and predictable. And yes, they flew the motherfrakkin plane upside down! One flaw: the constant use of Battlestar Galactica personnel is starting to get distracting.

  5. I missed the episode! What is it's regular time? I checked the FOX site out and it's horribly designed, so I couldn't figure it out.

    It looks like it aired Sunday, then Wednesday, and then Tuesday next week? Is that right?

    Someone explain it to me.

  6. I like that this show comes and goes rather quickly and I usually don't have to figure out what's what beyond who the mark is and who's making the threat.

    I personally liked that Chance looks perplexed by the spork he uses on one of the kidnappers.

    And Alessandro Juliani this episode, Tricia Helfer in the pilot. At this point, they'll get to Edddie Olmos by the end of the season. :)

  7. kevhines, its regular slot will be Wednesday @ 8:00. Only next week it's bumped back to Tuesday @ 9:00 because of the State of the Union address on Wednesday.

  8. Enjoying the show, enjoying the BSG alumni popping up, especially composer Bear McCreary -- his blog continues to be interesting as he lays out how he weaves and varies themes to meet the needs of various scenes --

    Youtube has (of course) clips from the 1992 attempt at a Human Target series -- starring Rick Springfield:

  9. Really enjoyed the Pilot and I think a cast of Valley, McBride, and Haley has alot of potential.

    That said, this episode was ridiculous, I thought the flash-back story telling, an over-used device to begin with, was completely unnecessary. Moreover, the whole "skeleton key" to the internet idea sounded like something that was written in an 8th grade creative writing class.

    Again- I see potential here but last night's episode was tough to sit through.

  10. The premise is completely ridiculous, and yet I'm getting some good laughs here! But what's with all the BSG love? #6, Doc Cottle, Gaeta... who's next? Starbuck's busy and Helo's in mourning, but might we expect Baltar? Lee? Roslin? etc... :p

  11. I'm going to assume that the use of all these BSG people is because the show films in Vancouver? Its the same reason that so many of the BSG gang has popped up on Smallville and Supernatural over the years.

  12. I expect the next episode to take place entirely in a car as it travels cross country, thus completing the John Hughes/Steve Martin/John Candy homage we've seen in the past two episodes.
    This show itself was to me a lot better than the pilot. Something about the confined, closeted action on an airplane worked more than the confined train. Liked the jumping in time bit, and liked the girl before it was revealed she was a baddie. (Though why Chance would offer an assassin a job is beyond me). They can't have Jackie Hailey always peripheral to the action; he needs something substantial to do, especially with that moustache.

    Alan, I hope you get a chance to catch last night's Leverage (if you haven't already; I haven't gone beyond the HT recap). It was a great episode compared to last week's dull one, with a real sense of humor and a good con. I like that everybody is basically superhuman like Weston on Burn Notice; Hardisan is apparently the greatest hacker who ever existed. Jeri Ryan is less grating than she was last time. This one also took place in a confined space: the Irish bar.

  13. It's a fun show, but it makes 24 look like a documentary.

  14. if you miss an episode

  15. this is a fun show. action adventure that harkens back to good clean fun like McGyver

  16. And David Nykl! It's like my Friday nights years ago when "Stargate: Atlantis" led into BSG. Embarassing to admit, but those were good times.

  17. Finally watched it on Hulu.
    Liked it.

    I wonder how much it helps shows to premiere them on bigger nights (like they did with Chuck. Like they do with 24, Human Target, and occasional other shows). I guess it gets eyes on them, but I worry that people are more likely to miss an episode doing that and people these days seem to stop watching a show and just wait for the DVD if they feel like they are missing something.

    I worry about this more with a show like Chuck, where if you missed Sunday you missed 2 episodes.

    But I am not that person. And I didn't miss any. So I am talking for no reason I guess.
