Saturday, January 16, 2010

Introducing: The Firewall & Iceberg Podcast (or whatever we call it)

Fienberg and I have been talking forever about doing a podcast, and given that we're both in the same city, at the same hotel, we decided to experiment with one. The first (and potentially last) podcast episode has now been posted over at for streaming and/or as an MP3 download. Give us time to settle on a name, a permanent hosting site, putting it on iTunes, a theme song(*), etc., etc., etc. Right now, it's just 40+ minutes of us free-associating about things we've seen and heard at press tour (including a whole lot about that Conan fellow).

Hope you like it.

(*) How much do you think Mike Post would charge to compose and record a 20-second podcast theme? We'd love to just slap the "Magnum, P.I." theme at the start, but I suspect we'd be sued. A lot.


  1. Yes please! Keep it up! I don't know of any good TV podcasts. We need one badly.


  2. I wholeheartedly approve of the idea of using the Magnum P.I. theme as your theme song, rights issues or no.

  3. Alyson, if you're willing to provide pro bono legal service, we can give it a shot.

  4. Awesome! On my way to listen right now.

  5. Alan, I know many lawyers, unfortunately none of them specialize in contract law. So I guess no Magnum theme song. :( Maybe you could hire Jan Hammer?

  6. @anonymous

    Todd Vanderwerff of the Av Club does a pretty good podcast called TV on the Internet which you can find on iTunes.

  7. Quick thought while listening: it's interesting that we discuss Idol in terms of ensuring the judges are able to dominate the show enough to keep viewers interested, but during the actual seasons we complain about the way the show is more about the judges than the contestants.

    It's logical, since FOX is obviously more concerned about maintaining viewership as opposed to improving the show itself, but this actually seems like a great opportunity to redefine the show's judging to create a better overall program, just one we know will never be taken advantage of.

  8. hhahaha! you guys have nice voices!
    and you crack me up!

  9. This is awesome! Thanks a lot. You should definitely make these a regular thing.

  10. if this becomes a trend you'll need to iTunes this bad boy

  11. Good podcast. Agree with Alan's comments about Simon and Ellen. Without his attitude, I'm not sure the show will be the same.

    Kare and Ellen can stay. Randy needs to go.

    DamnYankees, if you're looking for a TV podcast you have to check out The TV Talk Podcast.

  12. Carmichael Harold8:25 PM, January 16, 2010

    I'd like to cosign this being awesome, and hoping that it becomes a regular (and iTunes downloadable) thing.

    I also would double up on the praise for Todd Vanderwerff's TVOTI podcast, which is a bit intermittent, but consistently good.

  13. Oh yay, podcast! I hope it's not the last one, that's for sure. It's been a while since I've listened to a TV podcast (since everyone left tvguide), so this is exciting.

    Can't wait to listen to it (and the other ones others recommended, thanks). And a definite YES! on getting Mo Ryan on the podcast as well.

  14. Perhaps you can use Conan's or Jay's theme -- one of them should be available soon.

  15. We definitely want to do more, and syndicate them to iTunes. We just really don't know what we're doing yet. Once we figure out how to do it via Skype or whatever, how to syndicate it, etc., etc., I'm sure we'll get into stuff like a theme, guests, and all the rest.

  16. If you can't get Mike Post then Ronald Jenkees may work cheap. Ask Simmons.

    Can't wait to hear the podcast.

  17. About time! I love when you do a podcast with Simmons. A weekly one with you and whomever would be legen...wait for it...dary!

  18. Awesome podcast, Alan. Looking forward to future episodes.

  19. Alan, if you need advice on Skype, syndication, etc., drop me a line. It's all surprisingly easy.

    To all who like TVOTI: Thanks! We're doing another one tomorrow, and we've gotten some backing, so it should be more consistent. We'll make an announcement in that regard on the next show.

    And if you want some music, Alan, check out They have lots of good music that's rights cleared and free.

  20. Editing. Editing! If there's one thing that will distinguish you on the internet, it's the ability to edit audio and video into bearable lengths. Editing. It's why almost everything on the internet is crap.

  21. I like to think some of my comments about X Factor/Idol has informed Alan's opinion ;) Both shows won't work if they exist and air in the same year - viewers will just get fatigued if they feel compelled to watch both, but it's more likely they'll follow Cowell to XF (which is a better format than AI) and AI will wither and die. It doesn't matter who they replace him with.

    Also, Nigel Lythgoe was mentioned as a possible replacement for Simon in the podcast. Funnily enough, Simon Cowell actually replaced Lythgoe on Pop Idol, so it would be poetic if that happened. But I doubt it. Lythgoe is now doing SYTYCD for British TV.

  22. First time posting on your blog Alan, I have been reading your reviews in the Star Ledger since you arrived, and found your blog over a year ago.

    For a first podcast, I don't think it could have been better, so yes, please do more.


  23. Love. It. I'd even volunteer my services as a podcast-wrangling intern if it meant making this happen more often. (Seriously.)

  24. That was fun. I hope you guys get the Skype situation figured out so you can do it regularly.

    I enjoyed the NBCgate commentary. Also, I completely agree with Alan on the Idol/X-Factor thing.

    Finally, I'm glad to know for certain how to pronounce Sepinwall.

  25. Very good for a first stab at it! You guys obviously know each other well and and it sounds like you have "good chemistry" together.

    Some constructive criticism: While I liked the informality, some of the bickering was a bit much. I think actually following your outline, plan or bullet points would help.

    Alan, surely YOU must have heard one the Chuck podcasts at

    Their casts are a good model to follow and given your mutual love of Chuck, I'd bet they would be willing to help you guys out with advice.

    I would definitely subscribe to you guys on I-Tunes. Looking forward to more.

  26. read most of what you write, but honestly got bored a few minutes in...I'll gladly subscribe to a podcast, but would love it to be focused on particular topics

    I enjoy bill simmons's podcast when I can choose the topic and listen to the guests I want to hear...when he's rambling with his friends, I skip it

  27. ZOMG! The Twilight references FTW. Go ahead and blame Twilight for everything. It's responsible for the decline of society. That and the snuggie.

  28. Is David Fienberg an alias for Ed Helms? They, to me, have a strikingly similar voice.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Great podcast Alan. I hope you and Dan keep it up. There hasn't been a good podcast about television since TV Guide Talk went into the grave a few years ago.

  31. Incredible! So glad ur giving it a shot. Cant wait for more..

  32. I enjoyed that a lot.

    Lythgoe would be a terrible judge on Idol. For many reasons.

    One thing I think is really important to Idol in terms of judging is unpredictability. Some nights, there's not much, granted.

    But the occasional lucid moment from Paula, or her more weird moments, or when Simon likes something I thought he'd hate or vice versa, etc -- that's makes it fun to watch, when it is fun.

    Take away those two and you've taken away about 96 percent of the show's unpredictability. And I do agree that no other substitute judge will be able to step in and be as critical and acerbic as Simon and not be ripped apart.

    So anyhoo, guess I'm trying to say that I see Idol having a double digit ratings decline next year. It'll be on the downward course it's been on, but somewhat more accelerated. Just my 2 cents.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Yes! Yes! Yes! Alan in podcast form could be the greatest thing to happen, well since ever.

    Too much hyperbole?

  35. That was a lot of fun. Even if I do follow you on Twitter & had already heard most of the news - a lot of the jokes were new.

  36. Excellent! I'm totally in for a weekly/bi-weekly/whatever podcast. Alan, given the sheer number of dimwits who manage to post these things, I have complete faith in your ability to figure out the necessary technical issues.

  37. I can also assist w/ any kind of podcasting issue if you guys need some help.

  38. Another good "tv" podcast is Tim Goodman's TV Talk Machine, Its about tv, well in theory and other random banter. Can be found from the bastard machine which Alan has a link to.

  39. Hey Alan, out of curiosity, how device are you using to record? In-built mic or something external?

    I ask because I know something about sound mixing and could give you some tips.

  40. no mention of warren, the ape? shocking! (still, good stuff, needs editing though)

  41. Name suggestion: Your last names are an anagramm for: Beware Pen Fillings.

  42. Hey Alan, out of curiosity, how device are you using to record? In-built mic or something external?

    This time we used the mic. Not sure if we'll need to get special headsets going forward or what. Again, we know nothing.

  43. heading to the airport soon, I will download this and listen to it either on the train or plane.

    Thanks for sharing.

  44. Awesome Alan! Been hoping you'd do a podcast for a while now. Tim Goodman finally has some competition. lol.

  45. my first thought - does everything have to be on iTunes (exclusively?)
    Last time I wanted a podcast, I had to go and *install* iTunes, which is a stupid length to go to to download an mp3.

    Haven't listened yet, but will add to the pile. :-)
    (could somene tell me - what do people do with their eyes while listening to podcasts?)

  46. I loved the podcast as well, of course my favorite Simmon's shows are the rambly ones that someone else said he/she does not like, so who knows about my taste. I also like them really long. ;-)

    I've been desperately searching for another tv podcast that I love since the tv guide one shut down.

    I listen to them while doing housework or exercising, generally I have to take them away from the computer. So it is a must that I be able to download them to my iPod.
    As for the iTunes issue, it is not exclusive, you can upload your podcast on many different sites, but none of the alternatives can cover the same amount of people as iTunes.

    I've found it all to be very easy for my podcast, using Skype, Magix Audio editor, then hipcast to host it. Most of the sites then get it automatically.

  47. I'm not big on podcasts, but this was interesting enough to keep me listening through to the end, so I suppose that's a good sign. Someone else suggested Mo Ryan be added, and I'd like to second that idea if she's interested in it since I think you would benefit from having a third voice. It'd mean a broader range of opinions and less of the awkward moments found in the first edition.

    Also, if you put it on iTunes, please keep the option open for people who don't want to use that to just download the file from the website.

  48. Another vote for not making it exclusive to iTunes. I listen to podcasts on my Droid. I find iTunes to be a monumental PITA.

  49. I know it will never happen, but 2 Live Jews would be the greatest podcast name of all time.

  50. Good show. If you guys need a Cliff Gardener, I'd be happy to help. I don't know anything about podcasting but I'm willing to learn how to make glass tubes.

  51. Enjoyed the podcast. But agree with earlier comment that less bickering would enhance future casts. Your Bickersons act showed you two have a good relationship, but like Jack Black, a little goes a long way. :-)

  52. Scratch all other name ideas, go with 2 Live Jews.

  53. how about-- "Fein with Alan"?

  54. I liked the podcast a lot, but I think you were both trying too hard to be funny.

  55. Has the world already forgotten early 90's parody rap group 2 Live Jews?

    Your ideas are intriguing to me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter, er, listen to your podcast.

  56. I was thrilled to hear this podcast.
    I hope that you and Daniel will keep it up! I also like the suggestion of adding Maureen Ryan.
    I would definitely subscribe to this podcast on Itunes in hot minute.
    The only other related tv podcast that I subscribe to is Goodman's.

  57. I liked everything about it except when you guys played dumb or ignorant. You guys are funny and entertaining enough on your own without having to resort to that schtick. I know Cuse and Lindelof do something similar, but it's different when they do it because they are doing it in the service of withholding information from us and the playing dumb is so they can be sneaky. You guys aren't hiding or withholding info from us, (at least none that we're clamoring for), so the ignorant schtick just served to slow the whole thing down (in my opinion).

    To recap: I enjoyed the podcast immensely when you guys were just being yourselves and being knowledgeable (and snarky) about what you guys are the experts in.
