Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Late shift videos

Over at, I have a collection of highlights from last night's talk shows as they dealt with the Jay/Conan fiasco. I think Jimmy Kimmel's approach was my favorite.


  1. I give Kimmel the highest marks for concept, but even though I haven't seen Kimmel's whole show from last night I have to give the highest overall score to Letterman, because there's nothing as much fun as pure, bitter, honest Dave coming out.

  2. Two thoughts:

    1) Doesn't this all seem too ridiculous to be true? I mean, all this NBC bashing would seem to be serving them well right now.

    2) When Jay's useless arse gets off the 10 PM timeslot, maybe Star network (Canada) will be able to put Conan back on at 10? Please? Can this please happen?

  3. Letterman was so great; reminiscent of his earliest days on Late Night.

    I just watched the Craig Ferguson clip. He was pretty damn funny, too.

  4. You know what? Screw them all. The Tonight Show with Tom f'ing Brokaw would be incredible.

  5. Oh dear. Where's Carson Daly in all this mess? Don't watch his show but he's being awfully quiet.

  6. Alan, did you catch that the girl who handed Conan the briefcase in the Deal or No Deal thing was the girl Jax picked up in the Sons of Anarchy episode "Patchover"?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. i give ABC and CBS the wins just for having the clips on youtube so that we canadians can watch them!

  9. Oh dear. Where's Carson Daly in all this mess? Don't watch his show but he's being awfully quiet.

    He showed up as an audience member on Jimmy Kimmel a couple of days ago. It was kind of funny.

  10. Is the link to Conan's whole show instead of the clip you mentioned intentional?

  11. Theresa, no. I had thought I successfully did the Hulu trick where you can embed only part of a video, but I guess the coding didn't work. It should be fixed now.

  12. It's remarkable how much Jimmy Kimmel, dressed as Jay Leno, looked like another nighttime host, Jon Stewart!

  13. Did you notice how Cleto from Jimmy Kimmel Live was parodying Kevin from Jay Leno, down to the inflection and the incessant laugh?

  14. PY,

    That was my favorite part too! While Kimmel was trying his hardest to keep up the Leno act you could hear Cleto off screen doing a perfect Eubanks right along with the music cues and everything! Too funny.

  15. there a chance both conan and jay walk, and seinfeld takes the tonight show?

  16. I wonder what the ratings are for Conan's show at this point. I would think this fiasco could give him the boost to if not beat Dave, then get really close.

    Even though the execs at NBC are idiots, at least this is making late night shows much sharper. Well except for Jay, but then again who is shocked by that.

  17. Have to go with Jimmy Kimmel if only for Cleto's Eubanks. Without the music cues, constant laughter and comments, and demeanor, I'd edge Craig over Kimmel.

  18. Seriously, Alan, how boring is the next TCA going to be by comparison?

  19. Agreed with others that Kimmel's Cleto / Eubanks was amazing.

    Honestly, this whole thing has made late night the most interesting I've ever seen it so no matter how it turns out it's a temporary win at least. Why couldn't this have happened when the rest of TV was on hiatus or something, rather than one of the busier TV times of year?

  20. I felt bad enjoying Kimmel's mockery of Jay Leno. Aren't they rumoured to be good friends?

    I'm all for CoCo taking the spot but damn was Kimmel harsh.

    I enjoyed Ferguson's take the best.

    I have never and still don't like letterman's conceitedness. His entire platform for his comedy is ego.

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  22. From Jan:

    I have to go with Ferguson and Kimmel. People have commented on the excessive laughter from Cleto on the Jimmy Kimmel live clip, and I have noticed the same thing with Letterman and Paul Schaffer on a regular basis. The laughter was SO overdone that it was just annoying. And whatever was being said really just wasn't that funny. Maybe it's just as well that Ferguson doesn't have a sidekick or a band; at least he avoids that trap.

  23. Ferguson was the best, by several miles.

    PY said: Did you notice how Cleto from Jimmy Kimmel Live was parodying Kevin from Jay Leno, down to the inflection and the incessant laugh?

    Now that I know Cleto was making fun of Kevin (and Paul Schaffer), I appreciate it more. I've never watched Kimmel's show, so I assumed it was just more of the same.
