Monday, January 04, 2010

There is a new blog logo. Discuss.

And don't forget, as always, that you can check this post for links to, and explanations for, all the old logos.


  1. Is Jeeves & Wooster any good? I love Fry & Laurie, but have never seen it. It's on sale at the moment, so it might be worth getting.

  2. I could use some more Benson in my life

  3. Manservants!!

    My thought exactly -- though I had to pause to think if William Safire would insist we say "menservant" instead.

  4. Is Jeeves & Wooster any good?

    Opinions vary wildly.

    I assumed I'd love it -- I like both of them individually, and I'm a big fan of the more absurd British comedies (Blackadder, Python, Young Ones, etc.) -- but it was the single worst thing I've ever seen. I made it through parts of three episodes and couldn't finish any of them. Just godawful.

    That said, I know a couple people who really like it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Manservants!!

    Then where's Manservant Neville?

  7. paulf- If you enjoy Wodehouse I highly recommend, well, the first two seasons of Jeeves and Wooster anyway. But the series definitely takes liberties with the source material. On the other hand, I can't read one of the books now without hearing Stephen Fry in my head, which is fine by me.

  8. Manservants!!

    Then where's Manservant Hecubus?

    There's not nearly enough Kids in the Hall in your banners, Alan. ;)

  9. There's not nearly enough Kids in the Hall in your banners, Alan.

    If I ever do a sequel to the gender-benders one, I'm sure Dave Foley in a dress will be involved.

  10. How has House been on for six seasons without an appearance by Stephen Fry playing House's smarter older brother Mycroft?

  11. @Eric: My thoughts exactly!!! I spent way too much time this weekend with the Middleman DVD, which I finally bought recently. My most humorous discovery on it? The IDs they used are printed on the back... and the Hebrew on the Mossad IDs is backwards!

  12. Hellfire, Hellfire! HELLFIRE!!

    "But Hecubus, I haven't seen that movie yet, so please don't tell me the ending."

    It's always great to see Brocktoon.

  13. Until now, I never realized how underappreciated Mr. Belvedere's 'stache has been in the TV world. It's glorious.

  14. I see men who ran the household.

    Belvedere, Tony and Benson ran the house. AKA: The Boss. But I have no idea who the last man may be.

    But really, Benson did it best on "Soap". He lost that snide edge to his personality when he changed shows.

  15. Are reruns of Mr. Belvidere available anywhere? Would love to see the show again.

  16. Oh, that's Mr Belvedere. I got the theme from the other three, but couldn't remember who the first guy was.

    Regarding Jeeves and Wooster - I really enjoy the show. There's quite a bit of sameness to a lot of the show's plots, but to be honest, that's just Wodehouse. But I find the show to just be fun, and Fry and Laurie are perfect in their roles. And it prompted me to discover Wodehouse, and that's never a bad thing.

  17. Fry sometimes guests on "Bones" as "quirky but brilliant (head) doctor," so having him on "House" would be superfluous.

  18. Then where's Manservant Neville?

    I read this and the "Manservants" line and my immediate line of thought went to Mark Sheppard and Manservant Neville. Hmm, jonesin' for some Middleman DVD love now (I've been saving seeing the entire series for bad days or boredom or whatnot)...

  19. Belvedere, Tony and Benson ran the house. AKA: The Boss. But I have no idea who the last man may be.

    In case you haven't picked it up from the rest of the comments, that's a much younger Stephen Fry as Jeeves, from Jeeves and Wooster.

    I could use some more Benson in my life
    Everyone could use a little more Benson in their lives. Or a chance to work for Isaac Jaffee, whichever you prefer.

  20. @paulf, ringing endorsement here for Jeeves & Wooster.

  21. That's Stephen Fry in the last picture?! I've only seen him on Bones, so color me surprised.

  22. To my embarrassment, I just now realized that I earlier confused "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" with "Jeeves and Wooster."

    "A Bit..." is abysmal. Never actually seen "J&W."

  23. "But Hecubus, I haven't seen that movie yet, so please don't tell me the ending."


  24. There's finally a logo I got right off the bat, but I'm way too late to be first. Buggerall.

  25. Early in House's run, Hugh Laurie said, if I recall correctly, that if Fry came on House, he'd have to play the only doctor in the world smarter than Gregory House -- the only question being if he would be meaner than House, or the nicest doctor alive.

    I personally believe the only reason he hasn't had Fry on the show is that he would resent Fry getting to use his own accent too much!

    And yes, the J&W series isn't a touch on the originals, but it's got some brilliant moments.

  26. The logo just doesn't feel complete without Ian Abercrombie.
