Sunday, January 31, 2010

There is a new blog logo. Discuss.

The latest logo should be largely self-explanatory, what with that show that's returning on Tuesday night. But I will say that I wrestled for a long time on which combination of four people to go with, and/or what theme to use (dead people? characters in flashbacks?) before setting on this grouping/theme.

A reminder, as always, that you can find links to, and explanations for, all the previous logos in this post. Also, since the first four minutes of the season have leaked on-line (and since there was a screening of the first hour of the premiere in Hawaii last night), let me remind you in no uncertain terms of the No Spoiler policy around here. Do not mention anything you've seen, or anything you've read. Do not even hint at it. Got me?


  1. People who didn't star in the 1st season of Lost?

  2. My four favorite LOST characters?

  3. People who weren't on the first season but became intregal characters and fan favorite

  4. Would Ben be more or less awesome if he had a beard?

  5. the first new character we meet from each new group on the island (Desmond - hatch, Ben - others, Dan - freighters, Eko - tailies)

  6. I was thrown because I thought the third picture was Charlie at first but now I realize it is Farrady so yeah, the theme must be important characters introduced after Season 1.

  7. Jared, that's good. but i think Ethan was our first intro with The Others.

  8. people not in the first season
    meant to be minor characters
    but they were awesome and fans loved them, so Lost writers made them integral.

  9. Would Ben be more or less awesome if he had a beard?

    The beard thing had not occurred to me, or else I could have dumped the planned theme and replaced Ben with Jack in "Through the Looking Glass."

  10. Was Eko an integral and/or fan favorite? Sure, I like the actor, but the character? Meh, pretty much like the rest of the tailies, who I still wonder as a group just how (un)necessary they were to the show. Maybe it's just me, but Eko was someone who had a promising premise, but the character never developed into something interesting for me.

    And if "people who weren't in S1 but became integral and fan favorite." is the theme of the logo, I would wonder why Juliet, who is arguably one of the strongest latecomer character, isn't in the logo. (Heck, I might even like Miles more than Eko.)

    But...I can't think of why these four characters are picked for the logo, other than them not being in S1. They've all seen the smoke monster? I don't know.

  11. Eko never got to develop because the actor wanted off the show, ASAP, but he pretty much carried season 2 for me.

    And I found Juliet a terribly frustrating character and writer's crutch for all of season 3 and parts of season 4, though I did come to quite like her by the end of last season.

  12. Huh, I didn't think of it that way. That is true - Eko did carry S2, but at the same time, S2 was the weakest season of the five seasons for me - like having interesting characters like Eko that went nowhere.

    Maybe that's why I wish Juliet was up there in the mix instead - since she ultimately became a larger and more influential role in the big scheme of things than Eko ever did.

    But either way, yay, can't wait for LOST to come back!

  13. People who need a shower?

  14. Who are four people who have never been in my kitchen?

  15. i like eko alot, though i felt they didn't do nearly enough w/ him and it never came close to my initial hope of 'omg adebisi is gonna be on lost' - adebisi's like omar level love for me, talk about carrying a show.

  16. People in "Lost" that died (or seemingly died).

  17. How many of those 4 appear in the LOST four-minute sneak-peak?

    I can feel myself geeking out in a way this middle-aged guy has not geeked in quite some time.

    - Mark

  18. People that Lived In/Built the Swan.

  19. I am going to go with people held prisoner. Benjamin Linus was held captive as Henry Gale. Faraday was captive by the Losties when he first landed on the island(biggest stretch). Desmond was a prisoner in the Southway Garrison military prison. The coolest prisoner was Mr. eko being held captive by the polar bear. I know you could really look at anyone from lost and say they were held captive, but i like the link that involves the polar bear.

  20. If we really wanted to go with a Lost Beards theme, Tom Friendly's fake one would have been a must.

  21. Alan Sepinwall said...
    Eko never got to develop because the actor wanted off the show, ASAP, but he pretty much carried season 2 for me.

    And I found Juliet a terribly frustrating character and writer's crutch for all of season 3 and parts of season 4, though I did come to quite like her by the end of last season.

    Yes!!! Totally agree with the above. And I'm guessing it has to do with *solid* characters introduced post-S1.

  22. Probably just awesome characters introduced after S1. But, I was thinking people who have issues/were wronged by Widmore, but Eko never had any involvement/connection with Widmore.

  23. Never hooked up on the actual island? (Or had a pinning for a lost love....except Echo. DANG!)

  24. Characters manipulated by the Island or its Protectors?

    Desmond: Eloise, Widmore and Faraday

    Ben: Jacob, Flocke (Fake Locke)

    Daniel: Eloise (this one still chokes me up)

    Eko: The Man in Black/Smokeyin the form of his brother

  25. People who came to the island in different ways.
    Desmond - Boat in a storm
    Ben - Submarine with Dad
    Faraday - Helicopter from freighter
    Eko - Flight 815

  26. All had relatives connected to the Island:

    Desmond - father-in-law - Charles Widmore
    Ben - daughter - Alex
    Farraday - mother - Eloise
    Eko - brother who crashed his plane on the island

  27. People who have gone on and off the island. Not sure abut Eko though.

  28. Who are the four faces to be carved into the toes of Taweret when the Island decides it needs to compete with South Dakota?

  29. Has anyone guessed correctly, Alan?

  30. Very early on: four awesome characters who weren't in the first season of the show.

  31. Maybe that's why I wish Juliet was up there in the mix instead - since she ultimately became a larger and more influential role in the big scheme of things than Eko ever did.
